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seeds dying germination fails


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hi guys, i keep killing seeds, not all of them, but the trickier ones, i know seeds can deteriorate but the most recent to do its is mean beanz (all of this years im struggling with) and iots not the beanz as they start to pop, tails creep out then they justs top, idk what im doing wrong as my last batch of seeds from sweet seeds they all popped fine it must be down to some seeds being harder then others?

has anyone got a surte fire way to germinat even the oldest of seeds? Temperatures for heat matts (in this weather) any liquids or chems u use etc?

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Hello mate. I would suggest you just go back to basics. Everyone has got all kinds of ideas about how to do anything and everything with cannabis. To a beginner, it can be really confusing as you don't know who to believe. Over the years, I have tried all the methods of germination. However, now I have gone back to basics, and to germinate my seeds, I just get a tiny pot, fill it with good quality compost, make a hole about 1cm deep, put the seed in, water it, and guess what? - it grows.  Nothing complicated whatsoever.  I never have any failures.  The only time there is the potential for failure, is when the seed itself is dodgy. In the past, I have bought a pack of 10 seeds from one seedbank, and every single one of them were dead. As I've been growing for a long time, I knew that it was the seeds, and not me.  This is because the seedbank probably hadn't been storing them properly, and they were dead on arrival.  This is, however, a rare scenario, and the majority of seeds will be fine.  Store them in the fridge until you are ready to use them, sow in soil/compost, keep them somewhere warm indoors, and they will come up in a few days. (I germinate mine in the lounge.) You then don't have to touch them or do anything to disturb. Once they germinate and can be seen, put them under a grow light to minimise their stretching.  If they do stretch, repot them so they are lower down in the pot and can support themselves. Lotions & potions aren't necessary. Just give them plain water or rain water if you can get some, and you'll be fine.  Good luck mate!

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heres how i do it, 

step 1- soak seeds i a shot glass of water. they will generally float for the first 12-24 hrs.

step 2, poke them under the water surface, til they sink to the bottom.leave them there for another 24 hours

step 3. get takeaway plastic carton, and some kitchen roll (2 sheets). fold kitchen roll till it fits in carton, and soak it. 

step 4 , tilt carton till excess water drains out, place seeds in middle of kitchen roll and fold kitchen roll to cover them.

step 5, place in heated cupboard, on top of playstaion, fish tank, x box, dvd player or something which gives off a little bit of heat, constantly. cover the carton to keep it dark.

step 6. In another 48 hrs the tap roots will be out by about 5-10mm and it can be transplanted into moist soil, or moist coco or starter cube for NFT etc


step 7. grow into large weed tree and get stoned

Edited by badbillybob
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Hey dude.. I think you are asking 1 of those questions that will get you many a diff reply.. as you can already see.. I think as said go back to basics and try that... you will need to be a lil more patient if your not soaking or using kitchen towel mind but this way there will be minimal risk once the germination takes place. Best of luck buddy :yep:

Edited by Revive
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thats true, there are dozens of ways of doing it, i just listed mine, because its what works for me, after years of dicking about trying loads of different ways, its fool proof.

the easiest option is just to stick it straight into the medium, but i preffer the kitchen towels etc because at least then you will know if the seed is viable (sprouts a tap root)  or not.

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i put mine straight into compost, set the temps for 26oc and cover with bubble wrap to stop drying out too soon, usually see action 48-72 hours later, keep strong lights high.

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2 hours ago, stu914 said:

Straight into rootit cube, place somewhere warm...:yep:

4 squirts of water with a squirty bottle directly onto seed hole is the winner is all ill add. That and have them in a prop so the cubes don't dry out 



Repeatable reliable and perfect.

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23 minutes ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

4 squirts of water with a squirty bottle directly onto seed hole is the winner is all ill add. That and have them in a prop so the cubes don't dry out 



Repeatable reliable and perfect.


I third this from stu and BPB. I soak jiffys/propagation cubes/blocks in a small amount of root stimulant, stick the seeds straight in and bang them under a light. No propagators or anything like that as I have had damping off in the past, once bitten twice shy etc.

For noobs it would be advisable to use a 1L or 700ml plant pot half filled for germinating seeds, and then top the pot up as they grow if they start getting leggy. But for those not in the know, leggy plants at this early stage tends to be due to lack of light as growers tend to think seedlings are more fragile than they are.


Never understood this soaking seeds, sticking them in paper towel business etc. Always felt like complicating beans on toast.


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I've always just placed them in between a couple of sheets of damp kitchen towel, then pop it in a closed tupaware (one of the cheapo ones that don't form a particularly air tight seal)  that goes on top of the computer. Never had any germination issues so have stuck with the method, although I am leaning  towards just planting them straight into compost this time. Can't quite make my mind up. 

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I pre soak in a seaweed solution for the purposes of not wasting any medium in case of a duff seed but isn't essential by any means.  Main thing I've found is the necessity for constant temperature whilst germinating :yep:   Keep it constant at 24 C and they do lovely in the main but you'll always get the odd duffer and is nature.

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As you can see it really seems to be down to what method has been the most successful for each  individual. Once this has been established folk seem to stick with that tried and tested method and presume it to be the best way.. tbh they will all work as far as I'm concerned its just what works best for you :yinyang:

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hey @Danksalop had a similar proble myself... check out the thread i started a while back : @blackpoolbouncer replied wityh a slighty more indepth explination on my thread (lol i was being tedious with the continuous/over thinking questions) trust me.IT WORKS (and a piece of piss) ;):yep:


 e2a: forgot the link

Edited by *BANG*
forgot link
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I use Root Riot cubes but cheaper Jiffy plugs work as well. Get a heated propagator or a propagator & heating mat. What @Lancaster8 said is sound advice. IMO.

Edited by Lux_Interior
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