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EC run off is lower


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I've had crops ruined by not checking run off. I had been following a regime that had worked time and time again and out of the blue my plants starting showing signs of nute burn and lock out. Tested my run off to find an EC of over 4 which could've been easily avoided had I been checking. I managed to flush several times and finish the crop but I was still never able to get the run off EC down below 2 for the rest of the crop which had detrimental effects on the health, yield and ultimately taste and smoke.


Let's not forget that coir cultivation is a hydroponic method. The pH and EC levels of the solution suspended in the root zone are incredibly important. A simple weekly check goes a long way and only takes a minute.

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I'm lazy.  Prevention is way less effort than cure.  I keep an eye on run-off.  If you repeatedly grow the same way, with the same cut, in the same place etc.  you probably don't need to. But fuck me that would be boring as. 

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