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First Coco Grow - which pots and Coco Coir?


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Just pot them up straight into the coco and then water them in with your nutrient solution from the top slowly until you get run off coming from the bottom of the pots. I would only use 2ml per litre not 4ml that’s max strength way to much for a cutting, oh yeah and make sure your ph between 5.6-6.2 ...I tend to go for the higher end but everyone has their own preference and as long as it within that range you’ll be fine...just remembered your using AN Ph perfect so don’t worry about that lol


Also I’d recommend top feeding with run off and not to leave the pot sitting in that run off either :yep:

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17 hours ago, Notorious B.U.D said:

Just pot them up straight into the coco and then water them in with your nutrient solution from the top slowly until you get run off coming from the bottom of the pots. I would only use 2ml per litre not 4ml that’s max strength way to much for a cutting, oh yeah and make sure your ph between 5.6-6.2 ...I tend to go for the higher end but everyone has their own preference and as long as it within that range you’ll be fine...just remembered your using AN Ph perfect so don’t worry about that lol


Also I’d recommend top feeding with run off and not to leave the pot sitting in that run off either :yep:


Thanks so much mate. :yep:


Unfortunately, I didn't transplant any of them last night, as I ran into a problem as one of the OZKs started drooping very badly. It was the temps. I was confused by the hygrometer, which read 19C. I thought that was too low so tried to get temps up 24C. They hit 27C at one point and she really didn't like that at all, so I've lowered the temperature back down to 19C and they all seem to like that so that's where it's staying. The OZK has sustained some damage too her leaves but she's been saved and is looking so much better, thankfully. :) I reckon I'd have lost her in DWC. 




I turned the LED right down to 25w at one point last night to try to aid her recovery. I've now got it back up to just over 50w. Will increase it when lights come back on at 4. The temps at lights off are reading 17C.


I also sprayed all 3 smaller ones in their root cubes with some AN Revive and gave all 4 some nutrients and beneficials. Yep, I thought 4ml per 1L is way too much. And AN's stuff is really strong so I went with 1.5ml per 1L of Sensi Grow. I also added 0.25ml Sensi Cal-mag Xtra and 1g of Biosys Instant Microbe Tea (it said 1g for stress relief). They seemed to be very happy with that.  I watered from the top and measured the inflow and outflow EC. I also disgarded the run off immediately. The Critical was fine, but as expected, the 3 smaller ones wer slightly higher because one of the OZK's was very stressed.


Since they're all looking much happier, I'll put them all into their 2L AirRap Pruning pots tonight. I made them all up last night, it was pretty easy, so they're ready to go. 


I know it's very, very early days but am really enjoying coco so far. Much easier than DWC, which I hated :( and will never ever go back to and I don't give a damn about how big the yields are. Am not knocking it, as obviously many growers can make it work brilliantlly for them. It's just not the method for me. It was far too stressful and part of the reason why I love growing :wub:is because it's fun, :yes: or it should be to me anyway. Coco very much reminds me of soil and feels much more natural. :)

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Things have been going quite well and they've all had plenty of new growth but have hit a problem. The big plant's EC has increased quite a bit over the last couple of waterings, so am a bit concerned. I've had them for about 9 days and this is my first time growing in coco and have also had a break for 5 years. I transplanted them into 2L pots the day after I got them and watered them all. I overwatered and the coco didn't dry out for 4 days, when I watered them again. I think the big plant was more hungry than the others and needed watering sooner; and tonight I topped her before watering, 2 days after her last, as the coco was quite dry. Could waiting too long before waterings and topping cause rising EC? levels Should I flush her? She looks lovely but was starting to show a little cal-mag deficiency so I topped that up in her water tonight.

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I find it a little slow at the start in coco. But when they get going its explosive growth. That's just my opinion. I grew in soil for a few years and gave coco a try. I love the stuff. 


You have control of what you give the plants. Not one bit of yellowing during my grows in coco compared to soil. You wont look back on it.


All the best!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening VapeHead,

I was just enjoying reading through your thread,  and was wondering how things are going with your grow?9


It made me smile how similar our set ups are.

I tried growing in soil first, but wasn't getting great results so tried DWC (2 Modified Waterfarm's) and absolutely loved it, the results were just amazing.


I grow in a tent, in a big closet in the bedroom and the noise was just too much, it sounded like the Willy Wonka Factory, blurp, blurp, whuz.

I loved the noises but my wife wasn't having it.

so I'm just at the end of my first coco grow. 

90 x 90 Tent, 4 x 12.5 L Airpots, Canna Coco, Adv Nutrients Sensi Bloom, Big Bud and No Mercy Bat Extract.


Not the same explosive growth but the plants (3 Dinafem Blue Cheese and a ChocoBang) are looking fantastic, a lot frostier plants  than I've seen before. Yield is smaller but the quality looks fantastic.


My water is Zero EC from the tap, and I can't go above 1.2 or I get slight tip burn, which is slightly less than 2ml per litre of the Sensi at full flower, even less at the start.


Do you have an EC Meter? As I would say its essential for Coco/Hydro and takes all the guesswork out, you can confirm what your tapwater is at, and then your mixed feed.


I'm going to stick with the coco, some of the folks on here get outstanding results, so I'm learning from them and dialing it in.

I'm just waiting with baited breath for the first test buds to dry for a wee sample...

Cheers, oh and 

Happy Valentines Everyone,  lol... 

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