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Dinafem Seeds are currently under judicial investigation


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3 hours ago, Phoenix said:

Or perhaps it was a hundred packs of the next sherinski offering......

You bet they definitely estimated that at the highest single seed price aswell not per pack lol

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Grabbed a couple packs of dinafem gorilla off attitude the other day, got home from work today and there they are. I think these ones will be keepers. Defo gonna keep a mum, I’d be a fool not to, what with these uncertain times.

Positive thoughts for mark and the dinafem/hso family.

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1 hour ago, Tegridy Farms said:

Grabbed a couple packs of dinafem gorilla off attitude the other day, got home from work today and there they are. I think these ones will be keepers. Defo gonna keep a mum, I’d be a fool not to, what with these uncertain times.

Positive thoughts for mark and the dinafem/hso family.

Critical, industrial plant and cmog would be the seeds I'd be scooping up if I could.


Positive vibes to mark & co.



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On 24/09/2020 at 4:07 PM, tokenroll said:

Went to order some seeds and here is a notice thats displayed. Not sure if anyone noticed or knows whats happening. Im not asking Mark whats up as he has enough on his plate atm.


Dear customers,

We are very sorry to inform you that Dinafem Seeds are currently under judicial investigation. As a result, and against our will, we are now unable to engage in any commercial activity. We are working round the clock to clarify this situation in order to resume normal activity as soon as possible, but we still don't know when we'll be able to operate normally in the way we've done for the last 21 years.

We'll keep you informed of any developments.

Thank you very much for your trust.


So I checked this morning, and the notice on both hso & dinafem's website has now been updated to the below.  Maybe things are getting dealt with



Dear customers,

We are very sorry to inform you that, against our will, we are now unable to engage in any commercial activity. We are working round the clock to resume normal activity as soon as possible, but we still don't know when we'll be able to operate normally.

We'll keep you informed of any developments.

Thank you very much for your trust.


Hopefully we'll get an update here from someone in the near future.

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Strange. It  all 404s here (from google) 



I've been checking daily to see which ones go out of stock first

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Reading through here I can see some of you guys are understandably concerned for Mark, I have had contact with him today and I can tell you that thankfully he is not mixed up in any of this stuff going on in Spain. 

Edited by Smokebelch
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@Smokebelch i am really happy to hear that.


actually am pretty sad about what is happening of course with Mark and two of my favourite companies.

in case they wont be around soon or never again(i hope thats not gonna happen) i have picked up a few things from attitude which i have not used for a long time as i always got my seeds from Mark or directly from hso and dinafem website.

i dont even know what other breeders i would choose?i was thinking but i have no idea.perhaps karma or dna army...

the seeds i ordered are all single seed pack as i believe that breeders give away for their best stash seeds in a single pack just like freebies to hook careful customers with them.not like a pack of 10 seeds is shite no no its just what i believe.

so for the future these are the ones for now hehe...might be more who knows.its just a tribute to these guys if i don't see them around again and of course i will keep these genetics around as long as i can.

unfortunately i can not buy the expansive new ones as all my saving are going for buying a new house but if i had more money than the New and the sunrise and the san bacio would be on the list too.

so my next year and so on obviously again will be  full of dinafem and hso.saved some 3bluekings fv green crack and c+2.0 clones too.

am just in a stupid mood since this is happening.

fingers crossed everything is gonna be all right again.




Edited by ANTHONY13
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Can honestly say I’ve never had a shit bean from dinafem, all their gear is solid same with HSO. Be a shame to see these disappear or have their mums go unwatered. Grabbed some gorilla, blue widow, quick dinamed, oG Kush and the backbone critical 

Edited by crticalcontent
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4 hours ago, Smokebelch said:

Reading through here I can see some of you guys are understandably concerned for Mark, I have had contact with him today and I can tell you that thankfully he is not mixed up in any of this stuff going on in Spain. 

Cheers smoke, if possible send best wishes to him please


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Wasnt gonna get any Dinafem beans this time round but glad I picked up a 3 pack of Dinamex and got a free Dinafem Gorilla and a free Dinafem Purple Afghan Kush.


I also got a freebie HSO Blue Dream Auto wich I just popped into come Coco if I had realised HSO where also involed maybe I would have saved it !


Lets hope Attitude have plenty of stock and hopefully Dinafem and HSO will pull through.

Edited by DeepSmoke420
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Ah knew summat like this would happen eventually - but ah always thought it would be our govt that would kill seed sales. That's why ah moved tae regs an started chuckin pollen. Still, gonnae stock up a bit even so.


Will be interestin tae see who struggles wae stock availability the next few months. There's been plenty rumours of companies just hackin then outsourcin - guess we'll see the truth soon...

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