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Magnetic Water Treatment?


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I am not sure where to post this really but there has been a lot of discussion in this sub-forum around water filtration, treatment and dechlorination. I am wondering what people's thoughts are on magnetic water treatment? I believe this is patented, which is why I am posting about this filter in particular: as it reveals the science behind it for discussion (I would be surprised if anyone owns one to be a product spotlight! lol). The filter is called the “Super Imploder” - which is designed and developed by Dan Winter - who has an extremely interesting background in physics, negentropy and fractal field research. The “Super Imploder” is essentially a 2 part water filter combining a magnetic array with a directional nozzle. The device facilitates the bringing of required nutrients into plants by causing a “de-clustering” effect on water. This claims to increase plant growth and biomass density considerably.


The technology is based on phase conjugate hydrodynamics (liquid implosion) combined with phase conjugate magnetics where the similar poles of the Magnets attract each other. The extreme converging magnetic flux lines create the centripetal inertia at the liquid molecular level sorting by mass, resulting in the increased molecular order and spin density:



This “charged” water claims the following:

  • In agriculture growth benefits often range between 15 and 40 percent or more.
  • Significantly less water is needed with 'wetter water'. A 30% saving in the amount of water needed for irrigation is common.
  • For the same reason that solubility helps 'clean the pipes' for people in circulation, magnetic water treatment for solubility like the "Super Imploder" is famous for eliminating calcium and mineral build up inside the pipe.
  • Eliminate the need for water softeners.
  • 2 laboratory tests proved the "Super Imploder" is very effective at eliminating chlorine in water for drinking and for showering.


Research Links:


There is plenty of published material and Youtube videos about all the science behind it if you want to dive deeper than the above references... I myself am very skeptical when it comes to agricultural information and products, especially when creeping into the Cannabis market, if only via a shady study page from Canada! lol This technology was recommended to me by a couple of mates in California and Oregon running professional setups and they swear by it - which has made me ponder on the subject and watch a few videos to learn more.

That said, it would be interesting to get peoples thoughts on the science/theory as there's more smarter and experienced folk than myself posting in here - who could claim it BS or not lol:)  



Edited by InTheSystem
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And how much do these sell for ? Yeah I'm skeptical


Don't similar poles of magnets repel each other than attract each other ?

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lollollol I enjoyed reading all that. I have not the foggiest whether its complete mumbo jumbo or some really clever shit. My hunch its its a lot of shit, but without some degrees I dont have I couldnt say. 


What I will say is I like the idea that someone is peddling a device that apparently and i quote, makes water "properly sorted". 

 No amount of big words I dont understand are gonna convince me that glass A in front of me is "proerly sorted" water and glass B is full of unsorted, presumably all we know type, unsorted water.

I just find it funny as fuck, theres far too much bafflement going on. Its tickled me anywho. 



Super imploder lol still laughing. 

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I'm also boggled. I haven't got a clue about physics. My brain did clench its arse cheeks when it read "arranging water molecules into the proper order" which either means my ex is near by or this is a science boo boo. 

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@Degsy - Likewise, why I thought some discussion could be interesting and go 2 ways, theoretical or amusement. I think that's how the phase conjugating magnetic part works to create the implosion in reference to the magnetic force?

@blackpoolbouncer - My spider senses were tingling you would be hot in on this one, I agree with you completely. As you know I don't treat my water but some mates were banging on about this filter and technology "breakthrough" I had to bring it to surface to people who actually know their shit as I was under the impression it was stoner science in full force. After watching some of his theories though - he seems to be well clued up on frequencies and it's effects, they could well be right that it re-aligns the water molecules to enable better cell penetration (giggles again) but to any benefit, I find it highly questionable, especially on the figures they are stating... Glad to have brightened your day anyhow mate :Dlol     

@GSZZ - No idea, but on a quick Google - quite possibly mate.

@Nervous - lollollol 

Edited by InTheSystem
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I just really wanna try drinking a glass or sorted water, look at it, experience water that is organised like its never been organised before

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I work in the energy sector and we now do water desalination plants consulting.  I shall ask the top guy tomorrow if he has come across this.

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1 minute ago, Inspiration101 said:

I work in the energy sector and we now do water desalination plants consulting.  I shall ask the top guy tomorrow if he has come across this.

You are the man. Tag me upon the response please. 

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@Inspiration101 - That would be cool mate, genuinely intrigued whether this is complete BS... I found it interesting how highly the Cali/Oregon guys were rating it... Then again you could sell shit to a racehorse in the states lol 

@blackpoolbouncer - lollol you just made my day with that quote.. Touche!  

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This is definitely intriguing and an amusing thread. 
Got me interested like some other’s, who knows really, could be the one. 
As I’m not up in all this science physics malarkey. 
Does this then effectively leave it like spring water ?


Asking as I have a source off spring water not so far away. An never really thought off the advantage’s off using it. 

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Apparently you can have a go at magnetically structuring your water yourself, diy ghetto stylee. 


From my passing look into it, magnetically organised isn't the only way to organise water either!

Mind boggled lol

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You can make your own mind up from this:



Dan Winter is most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His invention's HeartTuner and BlissTuner have earned him literary credit (book:'Instinct to Heal') for inventing the term Heart Coherence. Discovering the harmonic content of compassion in EKG and bliss - even enlightenment in EEG - lead him to a radical new physics: that IMPLOSION - the electrical -geometry of fractality- is the cause BLISS - as it is the cause of gravity in general - and the destiny of DNA in particular. He teaches that the hygiene for bliss - creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites and matures DNA into BLISS. He has dedicated his life to teaching - and is personally known around the entire Earth - with web presence (5 languages), 3 books, films and DVD's. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field - generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Egypt- is what creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail - and the essential good news at a time when the solar wind can only be steered by Sun God's. It is not so hard to see thru the Sun like an eye. The physics is embedding, the psychology is discovering that- like the birth canal-and what happens in DNA during successful death, what emerges from perfect compression (implosion) is only the SHAREABLE wave. Redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measureable and teachable - but actually a loving gentle story of the Sun inviting us home.

I'd love to try what he's smoking. When in doubt, check out the author.

Edited by catweazle1
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