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Hey Oldbear, looking forward to watching your healthy ladies develop. 


Animal pics are better than great too, :smokin:

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8 minutes ago, shire said:

Hey Oldbear, looking forward to watching your healthy ladies develop. 


Animal pics are better than great too, :smokin:

Thank you mate, make yourself comfy 


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On 29/07/2020 at 9:50 PM, Dov1 said:

Is there a supplier to UK for them that youre allowed to say on here? 


You can buy direct from HSO mate ;)


If it's UK shipping that's not a problem  :yep:


If that's not an option


1- Attitude 

2- Seedsman 

3- PM me :yep:


We will get you sorted mate ;)


Kind regards :bong:



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Hello again all, I hope everyone is still healthy and sane. 


The girls have been moved to the veg tent. It's a 1.2m greencube with 6in phresh hyper shite extract (soon to be upgraded to an EC vector for noise purposes as the phresh now sounds like an airbus at take off) 


Temps (on/off)  26c/23c

Hunidity  45%/70%

Light  400w Metal Halide


The girls are still on water, aloe and foundation only. I will be adding some velokelp now I have it lol. Anyway... 


Finally arrived at topping time so apologies but here's a pic blitz (SBG then PM) 




Runty is going to catch up I think, I'm hopeful that the next update will include pot up into final 6.5's and then finish training and rock on to the flip. 



Pandometer update : (the main pandaman is clear and back on the job) 



Happy to be here I think 






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  • 2 weeks later...



Hello again, apologies for the delay but between the NHS and power cuts its been a challenging week or so. That being said, the girls are bobbing along nicely having recovered from their initial beheading and are laying down roots nicely. They are all drinking 500ml of the propagation level feed according to the Intense schedule. I have introduced Velokelp at 2ml / litre once a week to add some sugars and seaweed extract .


Temps (on/0ff)  31c / 24c ( chuffing hot!)

Humidity           47% / 77% (power cut lost fans for 9 hours) :sweaty:

Lights       18 / 6 400w MH

I will be potting up into finals for the next update, here's a look at how they are doing post decapitation ( SBG 1 & 2 then PM 1 & 2 in that order...I hope lol)




As you will see (below) Stumpy is getting her grow on now and I hope will catch up in no time




Spliff and drink in the last pic lol , thirsty work this diary writing :)






Finally I will include a last Pandometer as I think we are getting closer to the business end of this so will keep it clean going forward.




Be more panda ;)





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Alright there @Oldbear


Just found the time to catch up with your latest escapades, looking spot on so far even the runty one.


Great diary so far, great detail and easy to read without over complicating it :yep: 


Loving the Pandometer and the living soil dog grow :rofl:


Sure you’ll do a smashing job with these new Sherbinski beans, good luck with the rest of the grow, no doubt I’ll be chilling in the corner for the foreseeable.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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16 minutes ago, McHazy said:

Lookin good Obi panda seems happy too aye :yep:



Cheers my friend, panda is having a blast it seems lol


@Jibba jabba

Thank you for the kind words mate, given these are launch diaries wanted to keep it easy to follow (KISS). 


Pleasure having you guys along for the grow. 


All the best


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Lovely work @Oldbear 


Plants are looking really happy and seem to be taking well to the training. Always nice when the runt starts getting a wiggle on :) 


Tall glass of OJ and a bifter while you work... I like the cut of your jib ;) 


All the best with the rest brother 



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@Oldbear loving the early training work  ;)


Considering the outdoor temps lately your girls look un-phased  ;)


Thanks for finding the time to do an update :yep:


Greatly appreciated  :)


Kind regards :bong:



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Thank you @SYZYGY, need the vitamins to keep going lol


Cheers @HSO-Mark these girls do seem to like it a bit rough lol





Well between the heat, lightning, power cuts and general world fuckwittery this has been an unusual week lol

That said, the girls did get their final new boots on. I endeavoured to get root pics but, after a near disaster taking the first pic (hand spasms suck) I decided on discretion being the better part of valour and just took pics in their pots. 


Purple Matcha has definitely got legs, much more open and elongated branching. San Bacio has a more stout structure based on the expression of these girls. All are good rooters, they respond very well to training and thus far have been an ease to grow. 


Temps (on/off) -   29c - 23c

Humidity                 37% - 66%


Temps are being a bit more amenable now. I did install another clip fan in the veg tent to try to minimize stress, seems to be doing its job. Anyway, here's the newly booted babes (SBG 1&2 - PM 1&2)




The rest are just pre and post pot up shots 






They are now back on 2ml foundation and a little aloe. I will be doing a biosys tea for them at the weekend otherwise just letting them get on with things. They've got about 17 days before flipping if everyone gets a wiggle on. Even Runty has begun to catch up so all is good. 


Thanks for looking in, I hope all is groovy in your bubble(s) 




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  • 2 weeks later...



With just over a week to go before the flip the girls are starting to get their height on. I've deliberately kept the number of tops low ( 4 _ 6 each) on these as I usually top several times but, I find I need to use a lot of support on some strains so I'm hoping this leads to generally more robust structure. All that being said, let's get on with the vitals:


Temps (on / off)   28 / 23c

Humidity                 42% - 61%


Feed  3ml Foundation, 1ml Grow, 1ml Seaweed


And the girls, I deleted one of the side on shots (purple matcha #1) sorry about that 




PM 1 & 2 & SBG 1 & 2 


They are now drinking 800ml every 2-3 days and I expect that to pick up over the next week or so. I'm aiming to flip them a week on Saturday if they get a wiggle on now I've stopped torturing them lol


I hope everyone is doing well in what must be the oddest year of my life. 




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The girls have had a reasonable veg period and are nearly ready for the flip. The San Bacio Gelatos are a little tighter in their structure, looks like they should stach buds nicely, the PM looks more spaced, my two look quite cookie leaning with lovely long  purpling petioles. Theyve all been about as hassle free to grow as any strains I've run recently. The Intense Nutrients have also been a welcome addition. Simple and looking like a well balanced feed thus far in the grow, nothing additional needed and all look quite healthy and happy. 


Temps  28 - 23c

Humidity 41% - 63%


Feed - as per week 2 schedule (3ml Foundation, 2ml Grow) with 1ml velokelp





PM 1 and Stumpy



So, probably no more than a week to flip, I can't wait to see how these ladies develop. 

Thanks for looking


Edited by Oldbear
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