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Velvet Octane & Chocolate Mint OG Auto | No-Till Gardening

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@tokenroll - Thanks fella! I am planting a 170l Smart Pot in a 1 x 1m tent and the 50l autoflower is just outside. I am just milking the sun whilst I can by putting them all outside in the day and under DiyLedUK Highlight 220w at night. In Spain your allowed to grow some plants (I have heard it's 5 a person) for percy so long as the pigs don't get called about smells or disturbance.. So I have to keep it with one surrounded by vegetables, lavendar, jasmine plants etc. I have never had a smell complaint when I have been vaping but due to the lockdown and moving house situation - I did start smoking blunts and the issue is it smells for miles, so I have gone back to my trusty Hans Solo 2 vape Mr@Smokebelch recommended to me a while back. SO much nicer vaping, I am more high again and not twitching to smoke or skin up a blunt every few hours. Also when I empty the vape it all goes back into the No-Till beds.... We don't waste nothing in this game lollollol 

Companion planting is so vital for biodiversity in the soil and rhizosphere. The exchange in the soil between plants aiding each other to thrive is a wonderful thing. The yield and quality has stunned me on indoor no-till growing, I have been doing it outside for years and coco/nutes indoors but I have dropped all that now. Do less, smoke more lol 

Would love to see some shots of your garden mate.... I watch Charles Dowding a lot on the Smart TV despite the mrs being a bit bored of his channel now i think lol I would love to have a garden or allotment one day all no dig like him... Best keep working hard.

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@InTheSystem cool looking veg plot and even cooler now you've added the babies  ;)


On 26/05/2020 at 9:13 AM, InTheSystem said:

. I am just milking the sun whilst I can by putting them all outside in the day and under DiyLedUK Highlight 220w at night


Best of both worlds :hippy:


Keep the updates coming buddy  :cheers:


Kind regards :bong:



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@HSO-Mark Yes mate, garden is looking much sexier now with the HSO girls hangout out there. It's going to be really really exciting now the weather is so on point for growing seeing the CMOG Auto blow the fuck up?! lollollol

I am just about to transplant the Velvet Octane today, still waiting on some sprout/soapnut/aloe/everythinggoodness tonics from Mountain Organics in the post so I brewed a Kelp/Neem/Aloe/Fulvic tea the last 24 hours. No air pumps or any of that needed, just agitate it a few times during the 24 hours and it's good to go. Will get a tinnie open, vape loaded and the camera out shortly.

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28/05/2020 (Day 11 from seed)

Rolling into the next update. Today has been a great day in the garden... I am still waiting on DHL to drop my grow tent off the bastards, said expected delivery 11am and now just "out for delivery" still at 18.25 so probably going back to the depot.. Got to love couriers. Anyway, on a bright note - I decided to harvest a the radish:


Which I then grated up, drained and made into Fritters along with some Lettuce from the veg patch and some chunks of cheddar, cos well that's just a necessary in my life:



God I missed non-supermarket food, lot of it's shite... Anyway, my radish victory aside - let's get back to business with the HSO babies. As mentioned on the previous post, I brewed up a neem/kelp tea as I find it helps with transplants giving them a little kick, it isn't necessary by any means but it's not going to hurt is it? Environment is as follows:


Indoor temperate: 24c
Indoor humidity: 46%
Outdoor temperature: 27c
Outdoor humidity: 54%
Outdoor wind: 20 mph


The Velvet Octane have been potted up and some straw laid down to start a mulch process. I have sowed some clover, they won't stay in these pots too long but ultimately; I am missing the Smart Pot still!! (Coming with the bloody tent), but it just brought me more time to get prepared. Don't like rushing things anyway and want to get a good cover crop down in the Smart Pot done prior anyway:



The CMOG Auto is doing great despite it being bloody windy today, she is loving life in the No-Till bed now. Cover crop and companions starting to shoot through too including: clover, vetch, basil and broad beans:




I also mulched the radish leaves into this pot. I believe radish is pretty high in beneficial minerals (cal, mag, mang, phosphorus, potassium etc). Also as mentioned in a previous post too, one new thing I am doing this time as I have started vaping full time again - is emptying my vape in the No-Till pot, this is something I saw done by our resident guru @FarmerPalmersNT (cheers bro)..


Edited by InTheSystem
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Mate this diary is rocking already. Hope your tent arrives soon mate so you can get fully set up. Those radishes and dinner looked the goods too. All the best. 

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@ROCKSTEADY6 - thanks mate for the kind words and glad your enjoying the show so far. Will get very cool soon especially with the indoor and outdoor combined. Hopefully the tent arrives and then I need to keep an eye out for @diyleduk to get his fans in from states to sort the ventilation out. Should all be doable though... used to wing'in it anyway lol

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Looks good this, organised and on point with all this no tilling business. I'm in for the run so I'll park my arse over there in the corner :yep:   


Grow them well bud :lucky: 

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Your radishes look lovely must feel good to be eating what you've grown not got a garden and I've been trying to get an allotment plot for a while can't wait to have a go might even go make a gg spot just for veg lmao.

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Fantastic diary already bud, got something in me stirring. Inspiring on a few counts. 

I'd like to try No-Till; if I was certain of being where I am in a year's time I'd get cracking. For now I'll stick with the coir, follow along and take notes :yep: 





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@botanics - Eaaasy mate, I hope your well. Thanks for the good vibes and good to see you checking in.. Enjoy!

@UKsFinest - Thanks Dude. Radish is very quick and easy to grow so can usually get several runs in... Advise to anyone who wants a quick satisfying grow. I will pack a good 5 or 6 per square foot though next time as I loaded up on seeds and they don't need much room. I thought about doing a Guerrilla veg plot actually too mate lollollol I have 3 veg beds on the terrace now as I got a bit carried away pallet hunting post lock down. Issue I have now is getting hold of sphagnum peat moss at the moment and I really want all 3 beds to be the same soil mix (same as my cannabis soil mixes). Hopefully Canada or Ireland get things shipped to Spain pronto hahaha 


@SYZYGY - Ello mate, good to see you in here and thanks for the kind words. I love growing in coir, clean, simple and practically impossible to over water... I think the hardest thing with No-Till once you have done the graft making your soil, is just to LITFA (leave it the fuck alone) and trusting the whole process. If I see a nutrient deficiency - I let it correct itself, focus on the soil and not the plant. It's a strange one, but it works and how it was intended to be at the end of the day. I have started adding some coir in my No-till mixes like in this diary. I think coir buffers to around 6.3/6.4 naturally (from memory) and is aerated, fluffy goodness. It don't hurt to throw it in the mix.... Got the idea from Mountain Organics or possibly @icki. No lack of sulphur mixed heavily with peat and the addition of gypsum :) 


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Hi @InTheSystem, nice to see you back up and running.  Next time I do autos I will be using your cut pot method for easy stress free pot up. Looking forward to the rest of your diary.


atb shire

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@shire - Hey mate, hope your well.. Thanks for the good vibes for this grow and absolutely give the cut pot method a bash on auto's - works a treat :) 



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The Eagle has landed... I repeat; The Eagle has landed:


Yup.... That's a monopoly set also, never want to play again after 2 months in the house.. 



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01/06/2020 (Day 15 from seed)
Time for the next update.. They seem to be surprisingly on form written on Monday's. I have had another busy weekend, it's nice to have to write myself todo lists instead of just pondering over a Netflix list or household monopoly fall outs! I think I will start with the outside garden as it's been the vibe until this point... Don't worry the indoor side of the diary is coming as well now haha Temps are fucking roasting here and I got bolloxed on the weekend drinking and dining with the mrs too so was really a mission on the roof terrace. I am going to start the perpetual leaf harvests and my sphagnum peat moss dealer said he's got the bales back in, so I will get the other 2 raised beds fill this week too:


Need to pop more seeds, way too many tomato's but will just mean have a good selection to pick and transplant from... Padron peppers don't seem to be germinating though which has baffled me, easiest thing to grow for me last year.... Duff pack of seeds I reckon, will buy more tomorrow:


I went to a nursery on the weekend to buy a a 73cm saucer for my Smart Pot, ended up dropping at least 100 euro popping in.... Places are fucking dangerous. Did grab a couple of nice Aloe plants I will use the gel in foliar and for cuttings gel, bit reddy towards the tips so will probably keep them on the window sill or inside until bigger:


Now let's get the best bit outside... Our lovely Chocolate Mint OG Auto loving life in the No-Till bed.. Cover crop coming through now and the broad bean plant has some legs on it.. She will explode in another week from my experience growing autos. Only received tap water straight out the tap, will ground some barley tomorrow and water that in:





OK so that's the outdoor update done... Lovely growing outdoors and indoors. I do have a couple of smelly plants like lavender and jasmine I have purchased to block the sight and smells of her to neighboring terrace. As suggested on my last post, the tent arrived so I have also spent the weekend getting that setup nicely and of course the no-till bed build. I managed to actually take photos through the steps of creating it (fuck me I am organised this time eh?!) which might be helpful to some folks.. First up was filling it with the soil mix... Tempted to order another Highlight board for flower too, how's stock looking these days @diyleduk? lollol 


Then I added some companions including Marigold, Basil and Mint all from cuts from household faves.. Cover crop also sowed, mostly Crimson Clover but will be some odd vetch seeds in there too: 


Then it was time to get the HSO Velvet Octane young madams in soil. Roots are down and looking healthy, so a load of mycorhiza will get them stuck into the soil quickly:






Next step which is a new one for me is Blumats watering system.... I was a bit skeptical of using these but all my no-till mates really rate them and I have seen other peeps/diaries I am following like @blackpoolbouncer using them too, so I decided to take the plunge. Many thanks to @FarmerPalmersNT for the advice getting these installed correctly and confidently. I just need to go get a load of breeze blocks to put the 25l water container on nice and high so it works gravity based, don't think my wardrobe could handle the weight lollol The layout of them is like so (4 small cones around the outer and a long one down the middle):


Lastly straw laid down to start the mulch process:


I will add worms, rove beetles, swirksi and hypoaspis miles next week... We just entered phase 2 de-esclation. Inside of bars, restaurants are open again and most importantly the beach... Fuck yes. Mojito will be beckoning once I start working again.. Got these bad boys been doing during lockdown too on the second run which should provide some entertainment when the moment arrives:



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