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Velvet Octane & Chocolate Mint OG Auto | No-Till Gardening

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19/05/2020 (Day 2 from seed)

You can tell I have been bored right? daily updates?! Well I found the seedlings to a bit 'leggy' today so I have bumped the wattage up another 15 watts to 65 watts:


They are also getting around 3 hours a day 28c Spanish sun too, any longer dried the pots out too quickly or just is a bit intense anyway for seedlings. I use the watt meter mostly as I don't know the Highlight much so don't know it like my Scope or Atreums... Seems to be a bad ass little board though, more intense than the strips. Here they are at 2 days since rising above ground and only had a light spray of aloe water with fulvic acid mixed in at 1ml/l:

Inside Temps: 22-25c
Outside Temps: 28c
Room Humidity: 55-60%
Outside Humidity: 50%

Outside Wind: 8mph




CMOG Auto:


Velvet Octane:


Also I noticed my camera lens was pure utter filth, so I have given it a good wipe down with a cotton bud, alcohol and wiped off with a micro fiber cloth. Not sure if that is good or not but the pictures seems to look 10x better on the computer screen than prior! hahahaha! That should be things dialed in now for a few days, just thought I would drop a little update in as I do things.




Edited by InTheSystem
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This is when @tokenroll screams at me... YOU DID WHAT?! hahahahaha Worked a treat though cleaning it with alcohol... Like a new camera lol 

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@InTheSystem use two lent free cloths, but make sure all dust is of the lens then put lens cleaner fluid on one cloth to clean of the grime the other to polish it up, always use a circle motion and don't put any pressure on it and that's stops scratching the lens coatings etc. Never put fluid directly on the lens as it can seep into the optics.

I have a habit of cleaning my glasses first then lenses and then the screen on the tablet, its like everything comes to life in high def lol. Lecture over hehe.

Take it easy.



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@tokenroll - I know the feeling man... I had a fall off my chair moment importing the image in Lightroom thinking why did I not do this beforehand-before lollol Thanks for the tips on proper lens care - I will be sure to do that next time to avoid damaging it. Take care.. Eyes are peeled for the Velvet Octane Toke Diary now ;) 

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@InTheSystem as soon as the seeds arrive they will be in the swimming pool for a day and into the coco they go.  They will get two months veg while others flower out. Plan on packing this cab out all summer.

Take care.


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@tokenroll - Sounds like a solid plan to me Dude! I am in no hurry to get into flower also, especially in 170l Smart Pot of living soil :D

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@tokenroll I'm hoping they land this week, early next at the latest  ;)


I need some Forbidden Dream and Passion Fruit Punch in my rooms :headbang:


Kind regards :bong:



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@HSO-Mark - Ah Forbidden Dream was my second choice as looks very "evil cali" style (Mimosa, Wedding Crasher etc).. Velvet Octane was the clear winner though for me personally, so here we are. I hope to see a Forbidden Dream diary though soon to keep a sneaky eye on... Although these Sherb collaborations will jump the queue to be honest.. SO much fire from HSO this year it's easy to get confused being limited on plants.. 6 months ago I would of been like "fuck it" and popped the lot lollol 

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On 20/05/2020 at 7:16 PM, InTheSystem said:

SO much fire from HSO this year it's easy to get confused being limited on plants.. 6 months ago I would of been like "fuck it" and popped the lot lollol 


I think we've done 13 this year's as we did the 2 Fast Flowering strains, the 6 new HSO releases then the 5 Sherbinski strains  ;)


We would have been a good 8 weeks further into diaries if it was not for the "Rona" lol


It is what it is and were now back on track  :headbang:


Stay safe buddy :cheers:


Kind regards :bong:



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@HSO-Mark - That is a lot of new releases mate. Shame about the delays with things but at least things are rolling now strong. The weather has just flipped where I am too like 26c sunshine everyday now, so this CMOG auto is going to take off quick when she gets transplanted outside! Was she developed in Spain do you know mate or Cali? I ask just out of curiosity and tactics with how much sun I will expose her too... If she is made in Spain I will be just giving her as much sun as possible. I know Cali is a very similar climate but they have humidity and wind lol 

They are getting 24 hour light cycle at the moment as out in sun/shade during the day and under the Highlight 220w full spectrum during the night. Get as much light in as possible, while possible haha

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21/05/2020 (Day 4 from seed)

Cruising in with the next update as have been a busy bee today sweating my ass off.. Have been getting some companion planting for bio diversity in the soil. I took a cutting off my favoroute mint plant I use for the the Mojitos and we also have some Greek Basil grown from seed and Chrysanthemums grown from seed:





I have been doing the garden terrace today as the straw finally arrived... Trying to find actual straw here is a right mission as all the stuff for rodents is seedy weedy hay stuff. Anyway had to order 5kg of the stuff so thought I would do my vegetable patches full on no-till too with cover crop and straw... You can see where the auto will 'blend in' too haha:



This may seem a little off subject... I grow everything in the same soil, same water etc I guess is the point I am trying to illustrate... Cannabis is no different. Even small containers it can work. Courgettes seem happy anyway:


So anyway back to the wonderful HSO seedlings after a bit of of No-Till background...  Here is the 50l Smart Pot for the Chocolate Mint OG Auto. It's had hairy vetch, daisy's, Greek Basil and Clover sowed:



And here are are lovely ladies at 4 days old:


This will diary will be a mix match of indoor (Velvet Octane) and outdoor (Chocolate Mint OG Auto) so I hope the contrast of environments can keep photos and the diary interesting. I am having a hard time anyway with getting lighting correct inside now anyway haha I am just about to get the Rove beetles project going with some help from Mr @FarmerPalmersNT ... Legend.

That's all for now. Beer and spliff O'Clock.

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Great to see you back in the mix @InTheSystem !! Great news for you and wishing you good fortune for the grow!! Im currently reading the seedling potting mix section....great to see you posting such detailed tid-bits...crucial ones at that! It’s what i love so much about your threads and the whole uk420 community!! Sending blessed vibes your way bro! 

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@*BANG* - Cheers for the kind words mate. If you have any questions about the mix and where to source the ingredients don't hesitate to ask... Was my biggest battle entering no-till was sourcing everything cheaply. It's easy and cheap when you know though :) 

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25/05/2020 (Day 8 from seed)
Happy Monday everyone.. Cruising in with the next update!! The weather has been really hot on the weekend (high 20's/low 30's) but the pad has stayed pretty cool which is definitely giving me a lot of confidence doing the Velvet Octane indoor. It's been another busy day today on the terrace though mixing up 200l of soil for the Indoor Smart Pot. Had to stock up on amendments, but all ready to go and will leave a few days to 'cook' even though the barley was applied like a week ago which in my experience; is the 'hot' sauce lol 




I have been top dressing basalt and kelp on my Veg patch the last week along with a big sprinkle of ground barley, tap water straight out the hose... It's that simple:



Looks like I will be harvesting Radish in the next few days so bring on the Radish Fritters!!! NOM NOM!!!! Back to the HSO Seedlings anyway... They have only received mist spray drenches of plain tap water (straight out the tap, not been organised to get resevoir sorted and one irrigation of water/fulvic/aloe powder shaken, not stirred.. Temps have cooled off a lot today which is excellent and will give them a breather after some brutally hot sun:



Indoor temperate: 26c
Indoor humidity: 52%
Outdoor temperature: 27c
Outdoor humidity: 51%
Outdoor wind: 12 mph




The CMOG Auto has got roots down and looking great for 8 days old, so I have decided to transplant her into the final 50l Smart Pot and switching her to a full time outside environment. Currently we are getting around 14.5h hours of daylight which should be absolutely fine after a strong start indoor:





Velvet Octane are looking great: I will probably look at moving them up a pot size in the next couple of days to around 5l I think they are. During each transplant; I will be putting some mycorrhiza powder to aid with root development. Here
is a couple of shots of each girl. Remember, one will be culled and mulched and the most favorable one will be the keeper:



I have also decided to bump the watts on the Highlight up to 90 watts this evening, so a 25 watt increase from before. Maintaining the same hanging distance of around 24 inches as keeping these LED's nice and high from the tops seems to be the ticket for me with healthy plants... I am just waiting on my 'worm farm geezer' to get 30kg of top quality castings and you will see the 170l bed build for in the tent also. The tent is supposed to arrive tomorrow so it will be a nice Indoor vs Outdoor split as it all feels a bit outdoor at the moment haha.  I need to give @tokenroll's white balance tutorial another read and get on Amazon I think for a greycard... I do struggle with this LED to get that right as there pretty red in spectrum compared to say my Atreum lights.... With the soil mix cooking now: I have charged the biochar with an airstone and worm castings for 48 hours and left it sat in a raised bed with the peat, some compost, rock dust and the amendments pictured above in this post.


I just need to order 50-100 worms and split them across the beds too, will probably do that next week. Worm guy said he is fully operative so should only take a couple of days to have them with me at 100 for a tenner.. Lovely jubbly. I may update tomorrow if I the tent arrives and I can build the No-Till bed and get companion plants/cover crop in.



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@InTheSystem looking well on point and love the fact your growing companion plants along with the herbs, best way to go when your able to do outside grows without worries from the local pig market. Myself and the wife have been busy in the back yard with sorting the raised beds out and getting some veg on the go. Must take some pics of the yard and stick them online.

Take care and keep it green.




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