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The Sweet Seeds Express - stops at - Ice Cool - Crystal Candy - Sweet Cheese.


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Hey Grow Geneii,


Here we are again.


This weeks been like living in a b rated horror movie. Which has come as a shock to some who thought those things only actually happen in movies, surprise!


Sometimes, civilisations need these situations to generate and force efforts of goodwill across all nations and continent's in support of us as humans, not just as nations. 






The virus is just Mother natures way of saying "dont take the piss out of me or you'll get it 70's style across both cheeks so stop mugging me of alright!"


Gods generally suck, and rule from a supposed un-seen dimension we have to earn our way into. 


Mother nature welcomes us to her home from the moment we're born. She is 100% real, you can see her in our grow tents, see her all around you every time you look out the window, or walk out the door. 


She is always aware, and she always likes things her way. Respect her, or mother nature wont respect you when the time comes for her to display her real, genuine and undeniably destructive powers.






That was quite a deep introduction for a Saturday. Let's have some actual growing now.  Heres my update, numbers first -


Date - Saturday 14th March.


Time of day - 9.32am


Grow day - 64


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.9c
                        Lights off - 21.3c


Humidity - 58%


The plants had 500ml each of Intense Nutrients Organix feeds. Doses per litre -





Supportive feeds - 


Plant Aid - Organic Growth Enhancer 1ml per litre.


Epsom Salt mist - flat tea spoon per litre.






Update details -


We're still on the long road to maximum length. 


The good thing with my rail growing is theres an exact measurement of when they go into flower and that is when the plants get to 1 meter in total length.


I ran the Sweet Seeds plants with two branches to speed that up, sharing it between two branches that need to be 50cm each.






For the rest of my plants it will be 1 long branch. The reason for doing that, is so I can get 8 strains in together to create variety and use it perpetually. So I can also do plenty of diaries to keep me busy.


Having been feeding the Plant Aid Organic Growth Enhancer for a few weeks now I can't argue with the general pick up in health and condition of all my plants. If the Enhancer helps me carry the health a cross into flowering I should be in for a good crop at last. Thanks again @Gro-zone Hydro 


I have nothing else to report, alls good.

Images, Cheese first - 











Crystal Candy - 











Ice Cool - 















Training -


As you've seen above, the plants are progressing. They've grown 10cm length  wise in a week, and had gained alot centrally.


I've started to top some of the central growth along the middle of the plants to keep height low and to provide more flower sites to pick from when the time comes to select the sites I will keep. I'm also hoping it will help to encourage growth laterally.


A rare Blue Green Eyed Dank Weevil, you dont want them in your tent that's for sure - 





I just hope that for all my confusing methods and weird techniques I can pull of a good show of flowers, mother nature knows I need that,  both for my health and my confidence.

There we are then, another week without much really happening. That is a good sign for me judging by my latest attempts at growing. It was never going to be quick being the first onto rails. Since I started these, I've been germinating two new plants every two weeks. So the perpetual part of my rail system is also well underway.


Have a good weekend, stay safe and healthy out there.

The best way to get those mites from between your trichomes and pistils - 



Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Phewww.... for a minute at the start of the update I thought you'd had a grow room disaster, but just the rest of the world burning lol all looking fantastic in here :yep: 


Your rails are coming along very well, looks like a possible style to handle some lengthy Sats.


Artwork is Uber-cool mate really appreciate you sharing it with us :) love the fish, takes me back to early morning vapes and swimming around in the Red Sea.


Thanks for the update, stay safe and happy growing :oldtoker: 













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Hey people,


Here we are again.


In the last week we've all been thrown into some crazy M Night Shyamalan movie.

I am one of the "people with underlying health conditions" so am taking this seriously. I'm lucky to live rurally, and I cant work so have been isolated for years.


We all have to do our best for the people that look up to, or, at us to protect them the best we can. We also have to take care of those who cannot look after themselves. 


We are all living through a massive moment in human history. A moment that will go down in our books, our hard drives these days, and live long with all of us even if were lucky to escape personal loss.






Sharing a global traumatic experience such as this can have unexpected consequences in society. These events force communication between nations more used to forcing conflict. They force populations to build a new community spirit within themselves that has long been ignored and eroded, especially here in the UK.


That spirit can then be turned to other nationalities who have suffered the same dark journey, maybe losing more than we have along the way.


I'd like to give my support and thoughts to@Sweet Seeds-tommy

@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp

@Sweet Seeds Apolo

I hope you and yours stay safe, strong and healthy.


Take care out there people.






Growing now, numbers first.


Date - Monday 21st March


Grow day - 71


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.1c
                        Lights off - 20.7c


Humidity - 56%


Intense Nutrients Organix-

Foundation root stim - 3ml

Grow - 3ml 


Plant Aid Organic Growth Enhancer 2ml per litre.






Update details -


All plants are pushing on well. I upped the dose of Grow by a ml last week to give them a kick.I also upped the growth enhancer by 1 ml and that especially has put some fire in their bellies, as you can see by the colour, and health of them.


Thanks @Intense Nutrients Matt the products are doing a great job here. I'd like to to keep using them if I can.


Thanks @Gro-zone Hydro again, the Organic Growth Enhancer has really boosted the health and vitality of my plants. 

Images, Crystal Candy -

















Ice Cool - 


















Sweet Cheese - 



















Training -


Between both sides of each plant, im getting about 10cm linearly a week,but mid plant I'm getting that per branch. That's not great for my plans but growth is growth so I'm not complaining.


I'm still topping branches that get to high and will have to prune out come flowering time.






To end -

In 2nd year of senior school I said goodbye to my friend Keith Seviour on a Friday afternoon, and by Monday Morning he was dead from Meningitis.


Now that may not be similar to our current lives, but, my other friend Nigel ended up accidentally giving it to his dad and his dad died 3 days later. A couple of girls ended up with life long disabilities and one girl died a few years later.


Everyone caught it and shared it by being in our local cafe together and sharing cigarettes around. It taught me a lesson that's for sure. My friend Nigel ended up as an alcoholic for 25 years but is settling down now. The death of his father has haunted him his whole life.

 I hope we all make it out of this shit intact and with everyone we love around us by taking precautions and being sensible. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and stay safe. Risks are not worth gambling on when it could cost a life close to you.


If your not sure if you should go out and do something then dont, it's not worth it.


Peace and love to you all.


Man life can be tough, but we can be tougher.





Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Hey folks,


Here we are again.


What a mind blowing week since my last update,scenes none of us thought or hoped we'd ever see.


Again, my thoughts are with all the guys at Sweet Seeds, their families and their whole country. Hang in there Spain, we're thinking of you all. 


My regards to you and yours  @Sweet Seeds-tommy @Sweet Seeds -Jaypp @Sweet Seeds Apolo


To my own countrymen, stay home, stay safe and look after one another, we can ride it out.





Let's get on with this update, although it feels unimportant now.

Date - Monday 30th March


Time of day - 10.45


Grow day - 80


Flower day - 6


Light schedule - 12/12


Light timings - 8am on/8am off


Temperature Lights on - 26.1c
                        Lights off - 21.4c


Humidity - 51%


Nutrition, they've recieved 750ml every two to three days since flip, with these doses -





Update details -


I've decided that what I really want and need at the moment, and the next few months, is weed. I grow for meds and without it life is tough, both mentally and physically, even with it I struggle every day.


The extreme pressures of our current lives have been a factor that I'm beginning to struggle with mentally and with that in mind I decided to put my 3 plants in to flower. The reassurance in that decision has already helped me.


So they're now enjoying some quality light from my Blackdogled Phytomax2 200w. Within a few days of going under it, all plants pick up in health and vigor - 












Early flowering means they will remain fixed to their training rails, not using the full set up this time. Here's an image of Crystal Candy to show the structure under the canopy and clipped to the training cane, plenty of strong flowering branches -






They're at flower day 6 so the fun is only just beginning. I have seen a real burst in growth and development in that time which is really encouraging. Im hoping to hold stretch down to a minimum with careful light control. They've had their first dose of flower nutes from Intense Nutrients and that's really encouraging them onwards.


Although not fully adopted, these plants have proven my rail plan will work and have given me the first positive growing experience I've had since my return last year, and I'm very grateful for it.


Thank you sweet seeds.


One of my simple but pretty creations - 





The nutrition of these plants has been courtesy of @Intense Nutrients Matt and they've performed brilliantly so far. I've not had a single issue, no burn, yellowing etc just perfect health. I hope I keep the balance right all through flowering, Thanks Matt.


Images now - 















































































There you are then, all up to date and with lots of fun to come. I'm not going to finish in time obviously, but I hope to finish this grow in the manor I've done so far. If I can do that I will have regained some pride in myself and done justice, both to Sweet Seeds genetics, and the products I've been using along the way.


I hope you've enjoyed, at least a little, my art and the retro Spanish poster. They're hard to find in good resolutions.

To finish, I again would like to offer my thoughts to all at Sweet Seeds, their families, friends and countrymen. 


Stay home, stay safe and take care out there.




One of my "dank bug" creations. I find all sorts hidden inside a humble cannabis flower.


Take care of each other.

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Looking great In here brother

the pics are quality love the dank bug at the end lol seen your fractals on the insta :yep: 

All the best mate

Matt :skin_up:

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Nice growing and pictures @2Fat2EatThat. It looks like you have plenty of shoots to so let the flowering commence!


Thanks for your very interesting diary updates. Take care and stay safe! :yep:

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Looking great mate, artwork is super :yep: 


(your blue snippers caught me out, kept thinking I'd found another Ganesh :))


Stay safe and happy growing :oldtoker:



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Alright there @2Fat2EatThat


Really looking sweet in here mate,


Your doing a excellent job,


I am loving all your funky art, keep it coming.


Stay safe mate. Jj :yinyang:

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Just caught up with this fantastic diary...


Looking forward to seeing the bloom and your amazing artwork.


Staying safe...



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@Intense Nutrients Matt thanks man,I'm just glad I actually grew something decent with your products and support. I'd like to carry on using them as I've got them nailed now.


@delagdo some say interesting, others say random and weird lol but that's the story of my life. I'm hoping to get some fat flowers at last after several hell grows (of my own making)Thanks for calling in buddy.


@Clumsy yeah, I left those clippers in there just to fool you man lol I started moving the ganesh a while before I realised I could make it "hunt the ganesh" Glad you like my art,its a bit marmite but I'm getting better at it. Cheers buddy.


@Lazy Dayz thanks for calling in. Ive never done anything normal, I find it guarantees good results way to much!! So I ignore common knowledge and fuck it up alot to give me something to do lol I've always been lucky with sweet seeds genetics (in a past grow life) and had great results. Take it easy man.


@Punta Roja nice to see you, sorry I didnt reply to your post a couple of weeks back. Ive been digging my head out of another black hole for a month or two now and when it's not great I never know what to reply and feel stupid so just post my update and run. You've called in regularly the whole way so thanks, I may not reply but I remember and am always grateful.


@Jibba jabba nice to see the king on a royal visit. All going good here this time dude thank god. Not sure if you remember but you asked for a blue fire image a while back. I now have the knowledge and software to do it properly so it'll turn up one day for you mate.


**To all of you guys above.


I never mean to be rude or a total hermit it's just I find social interaction really hard at any level now. I used to be fine but not anymore. The paranoia and self doubt gets bent out of shape real quick and it's not getting better, I'm just better at managing it than 6 months back when I hadn't figured out what was going on.


A full update is imminent with all the bells and whistles.


Thank you guys,made my Sunday.




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Hey people,


Here we are again,another week of Coronavirus done. How are you doing with it all? I hope your healthy and you stay like that.


There's no real improvement with it anywhere, but at least we're over the initial shock of it all and are settling into this new way of life for a while. Personally, this is what my lifes always like so if anyone wants any tips just shout, I got skills lol






Growing now, numbers first - 


 Date - Sunday 5th April


Time of day - 11.48am


Flower day - 12


Light schedule - 12/12


Light timings - 8am/8pm


Temperature Lights on - 27.2
                        Lights off - 21.4


Humidity - 49%


Doses of Intense Nutrients Organix and Plant Aid - 





Update details -


Twelve days into flower and stretch is underway. I've dropped the Blackdog down to 80cm from canopy to suppress that urge as much as possible. 


I've been releasing the clips holding each branch down so that it rises up, pulling the end bud up towards the light. Once set in flower, and developing nicely they will be tied back down to open the interior up again. This is what it looks like semi unclipped under Crystal Candy - 






Theres one experiment here that's a total unknown, and that is what to do at the end of either branch. Should they be left intact and allowed to flower? Or should the branch be topped? focusing "flower power" along the rail. I couldnt decide so I've done two untopped, Ice Cool and Sweet Cheese. Then topped at each end for my Crystal Candy.


I've lost the canopy a little bit but I know the mistake I made. It's a new set up for me and I'm learning its finer points.


Since flip, the feed intake has really ramped up, but especially so the last few days,which is very reassuring. Ice and Cheese will take 800 ml a day already, Crystal about 600ml.






Aromas are building along with a few sneaky trichomes, and we all know I love a trich.


This weeks images are taken in and out of my cabinet, and just to make it even weirder a few were taking it easy with the Sun beaming through our window. Here they are  - 





See how I've released the end clips to allow them better light early doors. All 3 have decent structures  -
























































































This week I have a surprise new entry! 


I have had a second Crystal Candy  having the same training to follow her sisters. That was until a few weeks ago when I accidentally snapped one branch off.


Heres where I accidentally broke it a few weeks ago - 





I've been chewing over what to do and to make it simple I decided to convert it to a standard upright plant. But a gnarly, beaten and haggard one. I removed anything real scraggly and put her in to flower 5 days ago.


Whatever happens from this point on I'm not going to touch her at all, let nature take its course. I have a feeling shes going to be real fat though. Here she is in her tortured state -  








A personal note. This week I've been in touch with Erik Christiansen. He does next level macro and normal cannabis photography for a living and is bloody good at it making his pictures perfect for mine. Hes kindly agreed to me using his images if I tag and credit him on instagram. So I now have endless quality shots to work from.


All the art here today is born of his images.


 He's @erik.nugshots on Instagram if you want to see what he's up to. and I'm @indicadreamer if you want more visual madness

I hope you all read my next update after having a boring but safe and healthy week.


Take care out there alright.



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