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The Sweet Seeds Express - stops at - Ice Cool - Crystal Candy - Sweet Cheese.


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@delagdo I think your confusing creativity with insanity my friend lol


Jokes aside,thank you. Being medically discharged from normal life,it's the only place I can let my mind roam free. I seem to be completely unable to do anything "normal" with growing,I've tried but I get bored watching things just grow.


That has made me suffer some demoralising losses, but in my head it's never a bad idea, just bad execution.


I have a good feeling about this one though,unless it's just that Chicken Madras from last-night lol




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Hey folks,


Here we are again.


One of the downfalls of living rurally is that when the jet stream gets on a roll and drives storm after storm in on its SW track, things get gnarly pretty quickly. We sit on one of the edges of Salisbury Plain, nothing extreme you'd think, but the ridge funnels wind right into us and when it's bad it's like living in a vortex.






I'm bringing it up because we have Storm Dennis coming in, followed by Storm Ellen next week. Although it'll be difficult here, I spare a thought for those of us in the UK who suffer from severe flooding, because Dennis in particular will deliver a tonne of rain being slower moving.






So to any growers here who live in areas badly affected by flooding. I hope you and yours escape the worst of it and that you all stay safe and sound.


Take care out there, don't take any risks.





Let's get on to the growing shall we, here's my update, numbers first people  - 

Date - Friday 14th February.


Time of day - 4.45pm


Grow day - 35


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.1c
                        Lights off - 22.1c


Humidity - 59%


Intense Nutrients Organix used per ltr -

Amount given - 300ml every 4 days.






Specific details -


All three plants are beginning to push on from potting up now. So I am expecting growth to build quickly from this point onwards. I've used a compost thats a mix of 3 peat types, lime and well broken down wood fibre. Its airy with a capital A. It's from a small online company and isnt even named.






The wood fibre is a UK version of coir, and it allows for fast root development.  Take Sweet Seeds virile genetics, some nice airy compost and Intense Nutrients Foundation root stim and you have a recipe for sweet and seedy intense root romance!

Images -


Dont worry about the damaged fans on the candy, there was an accident swapping pots round.


























Training progress -


Last update I said I'd topped the plants down to the first node. That's still where are this week,but, now the plants have settled in and the taproots sensing its surroundings growth should build quickly. 


From this point in, training is nothing but a little binding and bending to arrange flower sites into a tidy row. Some of you will probably think "ahh I see now" and get what I'm aiming for.






Once each bundle of branches has reached approximately 45cm -50cm in length it will be put in to flower, training job done.


Will I finish before the end of the competition?  I will try but I'm not 100%. If I get a really good crop of equal sized fat flowers It would be a personal win if nothing else and I'd be happy.






With that, I will say a good bye and hope you all survive the upcoming environmental onslaught without issue. 


If you have the time. I'll leave you with a tune. This ones from just before I discovered acid house was a thing lol


It's the Cult - Love Removal Machine. 


Rock on! :headbang:




Do I get any extra sweet seeds points for Mrs 2fat?! lol





I may be old and decrepit but she keeps me ticking over with cups of tea and biscuits when I'm miserable,Thanks Mrs 2Fat xx.

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Latest date to flip would be the 15th March potential harvest on the 10th May giving you nine days to dry, cure(ish) and finish the diary...I'm in the same boat.


But we should get there...I'm looking at flipping on the 8th March giving me an extra week.


Fotos hermosos por cierto...





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Just realised I missed out the detail of nutes, here it is -




And 300ml each plant every 4 days or so currently.




@Punta Roja thanks for the dates, that's a bit more serious than I take it usually lol


 I tend to let it roll and see how it goes but I'd love to finish in time and have a chance at winning something. I badly need some cash for new equipment. But even a nice bundle of seeds would put a big smile on my face as I use this humble plant for meds and having seed stocks is like money in the bank and I can breathe easy.


Best of luck with your grow my friend.

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Hey people,


Here we are again then.


It was meant to be a quiet half term. Were going to watch a few movies with the kids. Endless cups of tea, Tunnocks and popcorn. But what a week of shit it turned into.






Since last Friday it's gone like this -


Emergency Grandchild sitting twice.

I took my daughter to Dentist for a cracked tooth.

I needed emergency medication as I stupidly ran out of Oxycontin on a weekend, it took hours to sort out.

Had physio for my wife,not me for once!


Then our f*****g boiler broke down for two freezing days. I have a lot of health issues and by the first night I felt next level cold and shitty to the extreme.






The thing is I dont normally get out of the car as I freekin' hate my wheelchair, it sucks and I'd rather crawl through manure than roll around in it, unless I really have to. So I've basically sat in the car, in pain and discomfort for half a week, eating Tic Tacs and swearing, meh......rant over!!






Lets get down to hardcore grow business. Numbers first -


Date - Friday 21st February.


Time of day - 9.32am.


Grow day - 43.


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.1c
                        Lights off - 21.9c


Humidity - 58%


Intense Nutrients Organix,amounts in 400ml each every 4 days -






From this week, feeds include Plant Aid - Organic Growth Enhancer. Dose per litre -






Foliar feeds - Epsom Salts @1tsp a litre.

Update details -


This week the new growth is obvious as you'll see in the photo's. The pots I've used are only 5.5ltrs, but they're tall, increasing time it took for the tap roots to find pot bottom. Im happy they've gained quite a bit in a week though.






They're receiving Intense Nutrients Foundation, and Grow at the scheduled amounts. I know from previous grows that Foundation works really well in stimulating root growth.


This week, through the generosity of @Gro-zone Hydro. I became the proud tester of a bottle of rather expensive Plant-Aid Organic Growth Enhancer to trial. I opened it up and used it first here at Sweet Seeds.


If you want to check it out take a peek -








This weeks slice of graphic based history is from Valencia in 1947. I love the atmosphere in it and the air of celebration. It's a commemoration of Saint Joseph, and is still going strong today 73 years later.






Training - 


Im hoping that the quality nutrition, supplements, and the super airy compost, together with Sweet Seeds powerful genetics, can supercharge growth and get those branches out to the right length in time for me to finish this diary on time.





Most branches are now around 11cm in length. As soon as each branch gets near to 50cm, I can tie the plants to a rail and flower. What happens between now and then is just bundling all growth up together, and organising flower sites along the bundle the best I can.


Images, Crystal Candy -












Sweet Cheese - 












Ice Cool - 











To finish, this weeks tune is by The Doors. Taken from the album Morrisons Hotel and is one of the best true blues tracks they did.


Take it away Jim -




A splash of colour.....





Until next week that's it for now. Take care and stay safe people.

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Hey grow brothers,


Here we are again.


This update is the first into which I've introduced some of my new "art" pieces that I've been working on as my instagram alter ego "2PHAT" @indicadreamer.


Theres to much beauty held in a cannabis flower, just to let it just pass you by, be dried, chopped, heated up and inhaled. So I decided to work on the beauty within each flower and mash it into how I view them. I do put together a few none grow pieces but with the same viewpoint, new ways of looking at things we've looked at our whole lifes.


Sometimes there's a dark edge to them -


'Silence of the Trichs - 





Some times it's just twisted and goofy -


'Slugs on Mars' straight out of the MIB 





It's a window into my mind. A mind, that I freely admit, I regularly lose all control of. As growing is the only hobby I can physically do, it can drive me insane, especially if things go wrong. By doing this, its freed me from the confines of my diaries and has given me a space to let my imagination escape, so I can focus on growing as a relaxing, fun side hobby again. Ive really enjoyed taking a break from my images to do this update, and I think it shows.


So I hope you like what I do, feel free to jump on instagram if you want to see more of what I'm up to.






Following my rail theme. This weeks retro Valencia poster is advertising a football match in 1935. It's mad what you can find online. This is a great piece of art in itself. I love the fluidity and power built into, what is essentially, just a simple block colour print -





Proper growing now.


Here's my update,numbers first -


Date -  Friday 28th February.


Grow day - 49


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.4c
                        Lights off - 21.9c


Humidity - 59%


Intense Nutrients Organix doses amount given - 400ml/4days





Supportive feeds -


Epsom Salt mist. A flat teaspoon per litre of water.


Plant Aid - Organic Growth Enhancer at 1ml per litre.


Monthly top dress - Organic BatGuano.
                                   Intense Nutrients OGgranules.
                                   Rock Phosphate.


Its just a small pinch of each finely sprinkled over the compost that is slowly watered in at feed times.






Update details -


Growth across all 3 strains is picking up properly now. Crystal candy is pushing the hardest, but as we all know eventually they will level up in time.


I'm having no issues with feeding and all plants are a nice healthy, vibrant colour.






Training progress - 


I've bent/super cropped each main branch to be trained flat. The super cropping creates a hormone response to the 'damage' giving a stronger "knee" but it also increases growth in return. Each of the flowering branches will also be s'cropped to maximise growth rates there, and in flower.


Once the true flowering branches have lengthened out the second, and last, stage of training will begin, where I bundle it all up together and organising flower sites along each bundle.


For the plants to fill my rails I need each side bundle of branches to be 50cm+ long before I flower. Were currently at 25cm on average and growth rate is increasing,so I'm gradually becoming more confident that I may pull this of in the timeframe.


Images now. I managed to catch some winter sun streaming through my bedroom window to take some images with a hint of a Spanish summer about them. 


Crystal Candy -
























Sweet Cheese - 
























Ice Cool -
























To finish, I'd just like to say that I hope that you and yours stay safe during the current, and ongoing, storm cycle and the horrendous flooding weve seen across our country.


For a moments peace and solace, I'll leave you with this track from one of the best vocalists on the planet. Its Ray LaMontagne and Shelter.


Take care of you and yours my friends.


Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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@Exhale thanks for calling in man, im not much of a chatter these days. I've really put myself through the ringer trying not to make stupid decisions over and over while I get my head straight.


The art helps time to fly by and forces you to use parts of your brain that would lie dormant sat in a recliner or wheelchair all day trying not to eat,so all good, im not "knock down my wall" fat btw lollol 

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Oooooooh a new sweet strain! I did ask on Instagram before I pinched it and tagged it.


Hey Sweet Lovers,


Here we are again.


This week I've seen the Sun twice and I think that's a record so far this year. 


I hope everyone has managed to dodge Covid19 so far and for good. I'm still on immunosuppression medication (have it for life) after being f****d over by the Swine Flu a while back, so I have a genuine concern.


With Swine Flu, I lost about 10 days in a fever induced delirium, and was just picking up eight weeks later when my immune system went haywire attacking the body it's meant to help.


It messed up my Heart, Kidneys and Lungs causing swollen Lymph Nodes all over, but so big in my chest they also restricted my Hearts function.


Suffice to say that for once I'm really happy I cant ever get out lol and I will gladly be letting my wheelchair gather dust!!





Enough doom and gloom,heres my update, numbers first.....


Date - Friday 6th March


Time of day - 11.28am


Grow day - 53


Light schedule - 18/6


Temperature Lights on - 27.9c
                        Lights off - 21.3c


Humidity - 61%




Doses of Intense Nutrients Organix and amount given - 500ml every 3 days.


Supportive feeds - 


Plant Aid Organic Growth Enhancer 1ml per litre.


Epsom Salts mist every 7 days.



Update details -


All is good in veg still, but I've been fighting a burst of Fungus Gnats. After trialling a few methods in my time. I now deal with them like this -


I have an industrial wet/dry hoover that I get plugged in and ready before I rip out all the pots from my space real quick. It's to catch them unawares, dragging them out before they fly. I then close the door to stop any getting back in.


I then switch on the hoover and place the tube on the edge of each pot whilst I shake and disturb it to get them flying, sucking up any that fly. Gnats seem to love hiding under the rim of pots so I go round those and the drain holes to.


Then I remove the first couple of inches of compost with the hoover, it was £50 and could empty the English Channel without issue *do not use a dyson* lol






 As long as you dont get to close the suction will only pull up the loose compost and stop as soon as it gets to damp root level that ties the compost in. I then replace it with nice fresh, bug free compost. The hoover then gets busy in the grow space taking care to get into all the corners, before returning the plants.


Then once or twice a day, I hold the hoover hose in above the plants, whilst disturbing and shaking the pots to suck up any flyers.I also have the hoover to hand when I water as that always wakes up a few.


A Gnats life cycle can be up to 20-30 days, environment depending. So replacing loose compost once a week really helps. Doing it systematically like this, removes the mature flying gnats stopping as many as possible reaching breeding age, whilst sucking up any new pups to.






Granted, it is a time rich method, and I have endless amounts of time on my hands. The wife does the pot moving, but it only takes 10mins a day to do and without any chemicals or extra costs. 


I'm now a bug destroying hoover ninja. But if you give it a go use some womens tights over the nozzle or you will destroy a few fan leaves. It will also inhale a whole seedling in a second,so be careful what you suck lol

Training -


This week I've fitted the plants with training rails (canes) in preparation for the real thing. The cane is tied to the pot, then the plant is clipped down to it with diy small wire clips allowing movement,flex and space to grow.


I've pruned some fans away to open up the central area. You'll notice the plants have really compact node spacing,and are packed with future flower sites, maybe to many but will prune away those I dont need.

Images , Ice Cool -














Sweet Cheese -

















Crystal Candy -














To finish - 


Some of you may wonder why I decided on such a long term grow method in a relatively short term competition.The reason is that my rail set up was designed and planned out timewise before this competition came up.


I wanted to design, build and get to know a set up long term to fight my recently impulsive growing that's cost me dearly in a few grows. I planned this out in detail over a couple of months, so I really didnt want to mess around and delay it with other plants in veg.


I will run this diary out to its end, competition ending or not. I want to grow 3.5mtrs+ of fat stinky, hard hitting, Sweet Seeds flowers to prove to myself I can do it just as well as I could before my total breakdown and diagnosis that ripped my head apart.


It's been a long old road but am seeing some light at the end of the poly tunnel lol





I hope you liked my images, being high resolution they lose a little quality uploaded to here but are glossy on Instagram.


Until next we meet my friends.

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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As Punta says great diary, always enjoy your stylish pics.  Am enjoying playing spot the Ganesh as well :)

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Hi M8.

Looks like going to be a cracking diary.This is what i call "the snake training".Done it many times in the past outdoor and this is my plan to fill the tent with 2 plants next winter.It takes a lot of effort but is rewarding and fun,i will say.

This contest is about fun also,so even if you don t catch the timeline,i wish you to have your jars full,anytime you ll finish.


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