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Anyone still growing psychosis?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll be lucky if mine finish before dying.. I've got leaves with black spots that are curling up and dying.. I know my roots have been a bit cool in previous weeks but they should be warm enough now... Can this black spot crap be caused by the roots being too wet? As 1 or 2 may not have rooted enough if that's the case.. 

If i don't get an oz off each plant then I'm just packing growing weed in and just buy it... It'll be fkin cheeper! 

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This is one pic of 1 poorly bx2.. Gonna sort another few in a bitski! :crybaby:

I'll remember how to post the pic on me post soon, probably.. :yep:


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5 hours ago, Shumroom said:

Do you have a diary we can peek at @Hashcity?







I haven't mate, no sorry.. I've managed to upload a pic in my gallery though.. 

A couple of weeks ago my room temps were down to 18c lights off.. I put my rad in the room around 7-8 days ago and apart from one occasion of 19c lights off, it's usually around 22.5 - 23.5 lights off.. 

Daytime temps are ok at 24-26 

Soil, a mix up of canna terra Pro plus and biobiz light mix (kept getting flies from ripped canna soil bags) so 

sacked the canna soil, for now anyway (it's pretty good stuff mind) 

Feeding up until Wednesday. 75mlb, then upped it to 1mlb (canna terra bloom)   3wks 5 days flwr.. 

600 sod 

Have i missed owt arrt? :smokin:


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@Hashcity Does look like you’ve overdone it with the watering man, you really don’t want the roots to be sitting in saturated compost/soil for too long especially this time of year when its cold. I’d give them a good chance to dry out, you really need a fan blowing over the surface of the pots if you can.

When the pots are almost dry try giving them just a little water, 1L every few days and see how it goes.

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Thanks @Smokey McBongface

You are right there mate.. I struggle to pinpoint problems with my flowers.. I know we are supposed to read our plants to know what's up with them, and i do try to read them but, i have autism and i can't read people's faces, so i don't know if they are being serious or not, so reading the plants is hard and turns into an episode of Vera with me (trying) to whittle down the problems.. Nice one pal:hippy:

I feel a bit more positive now and hopefully I'll be Or8 now! 

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I'd definitely recommend that you start a detailed grow diary in the relevant section :thumsup: @hashcity 


There are loads of folk who are willing and able to help you out with things like how much and how often etc. 







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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone got pics of the bx3?


i know they weren’t released on sale but a few packs have gone out and I was lucky to get one 

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