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@Leafneck I agree they are defiantly heavy feeders which drippers are you using black or blue? I'm going to try the blue ones this time as I hear they don't block up as often ? 


Take care buddy 

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I bought blacks, but when I plumbed it all in they didn't work, I tried every way possible but no water was coming out so I'm using them as a stake to cable tie the 3mm hose to. I've had no leaking issue and I do 2 15 minute feeds every 24 hours so far bro. 

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@badbillybob I've gone with the blue ones and also bought a bottle of house and garden drip clean to try and keep on top of the problem, if I have any issues with the drippers al just take them off and use the the drip lines without drippers like @Leafneck dose


thanks lads as helpful as ever 

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Hi guys I've just been setting up my dripper system I've gone with the blue drippers. I placed 2 drippers in a 1 litre jug so I could time how long it takes per 1 litre. I was shocked it only took about 80-90 seconds so a 15 minute notch on my grasslin time would be far too much I was getting run off with the other 7 plants after about 3 minutes lol 


my thinking is that the pump I'm using isn't from this dripper kit and too powerful hence so much water coming though? Think I need t digital minute/second timer so I can have more control over the amount fed 


no photos sorry as my battery was flat on me phone will update some tomorrow or take some off my cctv


until next time peace out 

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17 hours ago, Budmaster66 said:

my thinking is that the pump I'm using isn't from this dripper kit and too powerful hence so much water coming though? Think I need t digital minute/second timer so I can have more control over the amount fed 


It does sound like your pump is pulling way to much water per/hr buddy. Could you not use a digital timer to get those watering bang on?


It's been quite sometime since I used Dripper system (probably my last was a Wilma)


If I recall the 


Blue dropper steaks had 30-40l/hour

Black were 10% of that at 2-4l/hour..


If your on a mechanical timer (15min intervals) I would opt for the black as you could run that and not flood the plants  :yep:


With that said I'd still go with the digital timer to nail those waterings to the minute  ;)


Progessing well buddy :cheers:


All the best :bong:



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