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Gorilla breath dwc, topping, lst and scrog

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Hi guys it's time to start up a new grow again, I have recently brought down a nice harvest of humboldt seeds mango sapphire which I am loving at the moment and as I have now grew out 2 different strains from humboldt seeds ( bubbas gift, mango sapphire) with good results and easy growing I am happy to say I am gaining a high level of trust in this company which is why I feel confident to try out this grow this particular way, this really will be an all eggs in one basket sort of grow but I am confident I have a good egg, some of you may know my set up as I have done a few diarys on here now but I will start fresh as always and describe as much as I can so others can see and learn from my mistakes lol, so my grow space is 1mx1m and about 1.5m high, I have 400w mh for veg and a choice between 400w and 600w hps for flower depending on temps, I use a 400w-660w digital dimmable ballast, parabolic reflector, 5" extraction and if needed a lower powered 5" intake but I shouldn't need that through the winter, a couple of fans for circulation, this time will be a little different as I am going for a single plant in an oversized dwc system, an 80l black storage box converted into a dwc system, I will have an aquarium heater and airstone in this and I plan on doing a few different training techniques to squeaze the most of her, I will top her at 3 nodes then top side branches as they grow aswell and possibly a few more toppings to create as many budsites as possible, I may use a scrog screen to control height aswell but will decide as it grows whether or not I really need it, my rock wool cube is soaking in a light solution of formulex and voodoo juice and I have started germinating the seed using the paper towel method, that's all for now but once it gets going I will update as any changes are made and post some pics, happy growing people, I hope your all nice and toasted on homegrown :smokin:

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@highlo Going to be interesting to see how our Gorilla Breath fairs in a DWC set-up  ;)


Good luck buddy :yep:


Bring it on  :headbang:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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@HSO-Mark I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes aswell mate, I've never really done dwc before so there will be a learning curve for me but I've grown in an aqua farm before with good results so I'm assuming it'll be manageable, the aqua farm I have only holds about 5-6l of water though so I think that would be a bit small to use for just one plant in my space so was thinking of converting a 80l black container with a tight lid into a dwc, I'm not sure if that is overkill but it'll be similar to the oxy pot xl, is it worth having that size of res for one plant or am I just wasting nutrients, I can buy a smaller 20-30l container if that would be a better idea? 

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I grew Gorilla Breath in DWC, it's in the diaries section if interested - she grows well and reacts to all training so you made a good selection. Best of luck with the grow!

Edited by InTheSystem
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the more nutrient the more stable it will be. 

less chance of ph wandering etc. 

You wont have 80 litres in it anyway because the net pot space will take up at least 20 litres worth of box. 

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Thanks guys, I will definitely have a look at your dwc gorilla breath diary, I'm glad to hear she responds well to training aswell, that's true I'd guess I'll have about 50 - 60 litres in there I just thought it may be a waste at the start of the grow, would it be a good idea to use say a 5-10l system for the first month then switch into the larger system for the end of veg through flower? 

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no, id start in the big one. you want the roots to develop as well as possible, and all that room will deffo help. 

plus the fact, in a month you will have probably flipped them.

WHat size of airpump are you using, out of interest?


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@badbillybob thanks mate I'll just stick to the large one then, tbh I'm not sure what power it is but is not very powerful so I did think I might need a bigger one, is there a power size you'd recommend for that size of res? 

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well its not really crucial to be honest, as long as its disturbing the surface.

I use big 60l/minute airpumps, but they feed 4 pots, 2 stones per pot, but I used to use a hailea aco 9610 before when I did a one pot  dwc. it was fine. they are about 26 quid on the big river.

I use the aco 9730 now, but they aren't cheap.these are about 75 quid. they are quiet tho. 

they do a 40l/min one too, its a aco 9720, and is about 60 quid ish.


the 9610 would be fine tho, and will save a few quid too. a couple of golf ball airstones, some airline and just loop the unused outlets to each other, and bobs your mothers brother.

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@badbillybob thanks man I'll definitely take a look at that 9610 one, nice thinking on joining all the outputs into one, I also have a spare water pump I used to have for an nft set up a while ago which would definitely agitated the water, is that something worth adding aswell

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you could use the water pump but it might raise the water temps too high, you would hve to try it and see. 

itoh, and the roots might get sucked into it

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I usually just use it to mix up nutrients but I did wonder if it suck in the roots, probably best just leaving it out, I had a look at some airpumps onlime and found the one you recommended, I also seen a hailea aco-208 for £22 its a 35lpm pond air pump, I was thinking this might be a good option? 

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its a compressor pump isnt it?

they are noisy as fuk, id avoid using these, unless you live in the woods...……...in Alaska lol

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lol it is a compressor pump yeah, I did think it would be louder than the other types but since it's up the loft I thought it wouldn't be too bad, maybe not then lol, thanks @Ranec welcome aboard I can do with all the help around lol

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