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The best thing about growing your own


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Funny tale today regards someone i know.He bought a military laser pen thing off ebay from Russia.Got a letter saying he had a package needing signed for and to be picked up at local post office depot.Two coppers turned up at his door and his lass let them in,they found his small grow of 4 plants and he thought he was busted.They simply advised dont go to collect package as he would be committing an offence and he might want to get rid of his plants over the next few days lol.

DURHAM POLICE best in the country.

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On 24/10/2019 at 8:12 PM, Socksnsandals said:

I was introduced to cannabis as a teenager decades ago - when my school holiday jobs on the switchboard at an insurance broker, at a garage cleaning the new cars and crappy trade-ins after August, or as a hospital porter earned me £32/week.  We schoolboys smoked hash; Moroccan Gold - which was, by coincidence £32/oz, occasionally Red Leb, and, memorably one of the boys at school had an older brother at uni who scored (as we used to say - is that still a current term?) for us half a block of what in those un-PC days we called Paki black - it weighed about half a pound, was like a thick slab of chocolate, very dark green-black and almost rubbery, with a design rather like a US Eagle stamped into it.  A "special", the retail cost once split amongst us was £80/oz and it was phenomenally potent, almost psychedelic.  I wonder if it had some opium mixed in.  I didn't smoke after my first year at uni (stopped enjoying it and the people I was friends with were not into drugs other than alcohol) and only started again recently, having grown some autos in the garden and appreciating, for a non-smoker, the less lung-busting effects of a dry leaf vapouriser, though I've learned to treat edibles with some caution, having woken one morning totally smashed from a curry the previous evening into which I'd put the residual bud from which I thought I'd extracted nearly all of the THC into cannabutter! 


I digress; for me, the growing is just as important as having a supply of weed; like several others earlier in the thread, I enjoy the daily progress of my handful of plants in the garden, watching them grow and develop, fretting about whether to feed etc. keeping an eye out for pests and hermies.  From perusing the site it seems that there is a significant minority of members who have perhaps got even more into horticulture than growing weed.  The inspirational thread from Ratdog, cataloguing his 7 year project with his allotment in the gardening thread for example. I have invested in a greenhouse for next year, in which I plan a few plants - not sure whether to have a couple of autos and perhaps one espaliered photoperiod plant with the potential for large size for interest (one or two 1m high automatics will provide me with enough smoke for the rest of the year)... although the terrible humidity and potential mould problems this year (greenhouse is 83% humidity as I write) are rather offputting but of course last year was fantastic.  Also some unusual tomatoes etc. and the opportunity to think of some other unusual plants to grow in the summer when the subtropical plants I used to move in and out of the house with the seasons, but which now have gone into the GH for the winter, are back out in the garden in the late Spring. 


When, last year I took up growing weed again my young adult children were shocked (!).  Although I know that at least one and their partner enjoy some weed from time to time, and have certainly appreciated my efforts, they are all scarred by the death of a school friend at ~15yrs old from taking a few tabs of what was said to be Ecstasy so are generally more conservative about drugs than I am.  One, coming home to the smell as I was decarboxylating some bud in the oven prior to making cannabutter, gave me a bollocking about the drugs trade, murders (cocaine, not relevant to me), exploitation and the modern slavery involved in indoor commercial grows in the UK... I pointed out that buying seeds legally and growing them in the garden means that apart from my (illegal) cultivation there is none of that involved... still, funny to be told off by your children about drugs!   


In conclusion - for me the best thing about growing your own is involvement with the plants, trying to master a new skill, researching on sites like this - seeing the amazing grows by others (Asha605 for garden photoperiod, the Aliens for GG... and many others) and, perhaps of lesser import, the final product...

Nice post. Resonates well with me. Made me smile. Big thanks

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Howdy doodles my dudes! 

For me it's knowing it hasn't been grown by a slave (usually teenage Vietnamese in uk). 

It's knowing exactly what strain and how it was grown. 

It's not having to hunt and get shite. 

It's the unique satisfaction of creating something beautiful and enjoying it's consumption. 


Thanky doodles to youdles

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On 25/10/2019 at 10:55 PM, blackbob said:

Another good thing is you open your top wardrobe cupboard to get a thick jumper out and 5 vac pacs fall out you forgot you had lol.



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We down to 0c here tonight in tunnel,knew it was coming and will get colder overnight.chopped 10 decent colas this afternoon just to be on safe side.They all milky but not enough ambers for me yet.


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Got enough to last me and me best mate at least 3 year now,all is good been a good year.even with the rot and moulds.



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On 10/25/2019 at 11:24 PM, blackbob said:

Funny tale today regards someone i know.He bought a military laser pen thing off ebay from Russia.Got a letter saying he had a package needing signed for and to be picked up at local post office depot.Two coppers turned up at his door and his lass let them in,they found his small grow of 4 plants and he thought he was busted.They simply advised dont go to collect package as he would be committing an offence and he might want to get rid of his plants over the next few days lol.

DURHAM POLICE best in the country.



County Durham is my region, there's talks of a Durham cannabis club opening like the one in Teeside. 

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5 hours ago, Redrum3 said:



County Durham is my region, there's talks of a Durham cannabis club opening like the one in Teeside. 

There already is one.mate i know has been a few times to gatherings.said they were pretty crap unless you were in the click so to speak.no beer allowed and the cops were at the junction.


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Best thing is final cut and trim then in to the drying room.Deep breath chill and let folk back into the garden non the wiser.


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  • 1 month later...

I Stopped Smoking It Long Ago...

but Damn! Stop Growing IT?

Never!!!!!!!!! :D 

I could spend all day thinking about my Lush Green Ladies! In fact that is what I spend all day thinking about! 

I'm Team Green! ... all the way.... :);) 


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  • 3 months later...

Best thing about growing your own is a hard question as everything about it is the best thing

No meeting dealers

Best buds

Grow what you like

Save loads of money

Learning how it really works I love going from seed to taking cuttings to breeding your own just an amazing experience.

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