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The best thing about growing your own


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Has to be the moment you drop ya nugget and it rolls under the welsh dresser.Shit you automatically think! then you look up at the 2l jar full of it's siblings right in front of ya.RIP little bud.

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lol I hoovered a nugg up yesterday I must admit. Couldn't be arsed to bend and pick it up, much like the younguns Lego,  even on boxing day that bricks gone.  

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1gram or more of pure weed joints every time you skin up lol 


never having to hunt (hated that)


have any strain you want


growing something really cool and learning loads about stuff


totally normalising weed in your life


being able to see through the worlds/life’s shite 


not wanting anything else really apart from good healthy plants (when your plants are good and happy so are you!)


feeling like your in the right place in your head (cannabis has deep historical roots)


being a bit more self sufficient


loads really :stoned:  


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I hated scoring, there's nothing worse than being handed a crushed bag of damp sticks and seeds, still warm after the dealer pulled it out from his underpants after he's ridden a bike.

Even then, you always say 'thanks mate' as if he's done you a massive favour. That was UK style.


Over here in Aus, scoring meant a 3 hour round trip into the countryside, with the added risk of getting stopped and drug tested. The town of Nimbin has Cops parked just out of town waiting to pull anyone driving off after scoring. During the Annual Harvest festival, 'Mardi Grass', they draft in extra cops from other states to cope with the increase in busts.


Yup, growing my own is better risk wise and quality wise, plus no pubes in my weed anymore.



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Best parts of growing your own...


When I grind my last bud in the grip bag, I Would usually grab 50€ to buy 5 more grams of weed in the coffeeshop, grown by criminals riding their 100k cars. 


Now when I grind my last Bud, I walk to my bedroom, open up the 3rd drawer of my closet and look at a bunch of curing jars filled with bio weed. 


I think of the Guy in his 100k car, i think about the beautifull experience ive had and i smile :)

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4 hours ago, teehee said:

there's nothing worse than being handed a crushed bag of damp sticks and seeds, still warm after the dealer pulled it out from his underpants after he's ridden a bike.

Even then, you always say 'thanks mate' as if he's done you a massive favour. That was UK style.


Hilarious, you've just made my morning mate :D

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For me its consuming cannabis thats been shown some love.

Cannabis that hasn't been dried for 2 days in front of a radiator and stuck straight in to 20 bags and devoid of any terpenes.

I love the process from start to finish, choosing strains and watching the seeds emerge and develop in to chunky potent buds and dryed slowly to retain its quality.

Fuck street weed and the chavs who stick it down their underpants !

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Occasionally, back in the 80s someone would have some Charas.... it always smelled a bit funny, then I realised a lot of folk brought it back from India hidden up their arses. Might have been wrapped, but even then....... 

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For me, it's knowing that you have invested your time and energy from start to finish. It's so rewarding when you come to smoke or make it into an edibles. Psychologically, I know it's my creation.  I cannot express it in words, but it’s like a deep connection and bond with the plant, I become One with it.  I always talk to her and just before chopping it down, I say a few words of gratitude.  :)

I don’t abuse her, I only smoke her on the weekends and in moderation. 

As for street weed, no more for me ever again, who knows how it was cultivated or what shit they fed her.

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5 minutes ago, teehee said:

Occasionally, back in the 80s someone would have some Charas.... it always smelled a bit funny, then I realised a lot of folk brought it back from India hidden up their arses. Might have been wrapped, but even then....... 

A study in spain has just found similar results, 93% of hash tested was contaminated with faecal matter and faecal bacteria, Sweet !



Another good reason to grow your own !

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8 hours ago, Naz007 said:

For me, it's knowing that you have invested your time and energy from start to finish. It's so rewarding when you come to smoke or make it into an edibles. Psychologically, I know it's my creation.  I cannot express it in words, but it’s like a deep connection and bond with the plant



Exactly. In this empty soulless modern corporate world it's so satisfying to actually create something that money can't buy, in this country at least.


Making your own rosin takes it to another level.


I've been brewing beer, wine and cider for the last year and a half and the satisfaction is the same.


Few things can best a home grown joint washed down with a home brewed IPA.


Next step is making my own brandy!

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11 hours ago, Naz007 said:

For me, it's knowing that you have invested your time and energy from start to finish. It's so rewarding when you come to smoke or make it into an edibles. Psychologically, I know it's my creation.  I cannot express it in words, but it’s like a deep connection and bond with the plant, I become One with it.  I always talk to her and just before chopping it down, I say a few words of gratitude.  :)

I don’t abuse her, I only smoke her on the weekends and in moderation. 

As for street weed, no more for me ever again, who knows how it was cultivated or what shit they fed her.


You nailed it lol.


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the best part for me is i can produce an ounce of dry good quality dope for under ruffly £10  per ounce,also im not spending 200 quid a week on trash. now sling me a  :beer:

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