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Greenhouse Autos 2019


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Hey guys and gals! 


Well to start, I had been doing some light reading over the winter on this forum and I have to say its a delight to see such a welcoming and friendly place for info and tips! 


I decided to have a go at this 'grow your own' business. Ive got a south easterly facing garden with a greenhouse so it gets the sun for most of the day til about 8pm high summer. 

Ive even used foil insulation to increase the ray trap. Looks like a bit of a grow house! Ive got a full spectrum of veg and flowers on the go for the neighbours curiosity to be satisfied its not a dodgy grow house lol. 


Anyways, Ive bought Dinafem seeds, all Autos, I germinated the quick kush a few weeks ago, its doing well I think - a nice rich green. My main worry is that its had a bit of a stretch and purhaps the pot its in is a little small? I think its in a 3L pot and Ive read in a lot of threads that 5L is a good size. 

So my first question is do I stick with the pot or size up? 

My worry is I should probably size up very soon.. so its a decision that I need to make asap. 

Whats your thoughts?  The pot has a false bottom so the roots arent soaked and a drainage hole. 


For Soil I used Biobizz light mix. 

And Ive used a little fishmix and root juice with its 2nd watering yesterday, maybe 1ml/L of rainwater. 

Im only watering when the pot feels light and the soil under the top starts to dry. 

This quick kush germinated when there was no real sun for a week so I bought a little full spec LED lamp to nurse it indoors. At the minute its still sleeping indoors with some LED before bed and spending its days in the greenhouse.

Too eager to wait! 


Ive got a Bubba Kush and a Critical 2.0 seed ready to germinate. Those will deffo be going in bigger pots! And by the time they pop out the soil we should have lovely May sunshine, so wont be getting the LED treatment unless we have a month of rain! 





P.S. i have photos but as yet unable to upload due to file size? 



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I screenshot the pics and then it let's me upload the screenshots most of the time.   People have being saying they just resizing apps but that's to technical for me.  Your greenhouse seems lovely and I am also doing the same this year.   I am a beginner but from what I have read on here most people only pot up once or straight into final pots with autos.  I potted up an auto last week to final pot and it seems happy but much more experienced people than me herr to give better advice 

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Welcome to the forum. 


First up is like to point out that quick kush is not an auto. It'll also be fine in a 3l pot for at least 4 weeks.


Also bubba kush and critical+ 2.0 come in both auto and photo versions, please check which you have, it makes a big difference.


Pics have to be under 750kb to upload, there's plenty of image resizers about ;)

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Well how embarrassing, I must've looked at the genetics bit of the webpage as its crossed with an auto.. and just assumed. 

Anyhoo it was only the one seed so not a big deal. Not sure how that'll pan out now. But I'll keep it in the 3L thanks! 


All the others are definitely Auto seeds! 





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Picture resizer app done the trick! 

So Ive got my bubba kush auto (deffo Auto! Lol) in a big blue tub which is sitting off the ground between two tomato planters at the minute.  Seed popped a little root yesterday after 18hrs in moist paper. 

Critical hasnt popped yet. If its a dud (was a free seed anyways) I'll do another bubba kush. 


So just a waiting game and trying to keep the quick kush happy :)

Might not be a bad thing for it to be a photo. Thanks for the heads up! Hehe






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3 hours ago, lattitudepirate1 said:

Good luck @Redrum3 & welcome to the dance! :punk: What lat are you growing at bud? 








Im living near the 55 but Im from near the 56 ;)


Its like talking in code. 




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Just bought my greenhouse a 10w solar panel 10" fan. 

Hopefully that'll help keep some air movement going when there's no wind. 


I was looking at automatic window openers, you can set what temp they activate and open a window to let heat out... and also close when under a minimum level! 


Anyone got those? 

Im tempted to get it.


Any other useful greenhouse tech? 

Solar panel carbon filters? lol




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@redrum3 - The gas powered window vents are great. I have recently replaced the old ones on my greenhouse. One tip if you do grab them - dont go crazy to start with, it will open too wide and rip your window off the frame & or bend and mash. Slow and steady when adjusting or it goes tits up! 


Ive not got a solar fan though! To fleabay I run! 



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3 minutes ago, lattitudepirate1 said:

@redrum3 - The gas powered window vents are great. I have recently replaced the old ones on my greenhouse. One tip if you do grab them - dont go crazy to start with, it will open too wide and rip your window off the frame & or bend and mash. Slow and steady when adjusting or it goes tits up! 


Ive not got a solar fan though! To fleabay I run! 





How much did those set you back? - if you dont mind me asking. 


The solar panel is a USB port one so I guess it could be multi functional to a degree ... its not going to be powerful enough at 10w to do loads.  Good old amazon and fleabay huh?! 

Aldi were selling a good solar panel for £24.99 but then its designed for leisure battery charging, which is a bit OTT for our needs?   Well, maybe not if its for something like a carbon filter type set up? 

Ooh the possibilities... 



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So the Critical 2.0 grew a leg (see 1st pic) so its now in the left hand blue tub with yellow marker. 

I germinated it in the Dinafem tin, I found that much easier than kitchen roll in a bag or tub. I suppose it depends on how many seeds you want to germinate at once. I was able to keep it moist, dark and protected in the tin. 


Everytime Ive germinated a seed the weather has gone back to winter... sorry dudes... my bad! 


So thats 1 bubba kush and 1 critical 2.0  planted.  

I do have more bubba kush seeds but since this is my first grow in uncharted greenhouse waters Im reluctant to push my luck - dont wanna get busted! (Touch wood!)   Will probably move to indoor grow set up over winter if I feel I need to. Suppose it depends on the summer crop.


My little quick kush bush is getting potted up tomorrow or Saturday in the same size blue pot - dont know why I bought only blue.... this could get confusing! 

FYI... I thought those big blue pots were 5L but I think they're a little bigger - maybe 10L? would be helpful if the label said the volume,  but its just the diameter of the rim. 


Once Ive potted up the quick kush (little secret... I cant help but sniff her. I rubbed her stalk and sniffed it and it took me back to my teenage years!  Plant Perv? Hahaha) she's moving to the GH. Im going away next week so hopefully they'll be too busy growing to notice. 

I think I'll move them down to the floor just incase... dont wanna cook them! 


Although the weather forecast looks mild. 




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3 hours ago, Redrum3 said:Aldi were selling a good solar panel for £24.99 but then its designed for leisure battery charging, which is a bit OTT for our needs?   Well, maybe not if its for something like a carbon filter type set up? 


Ooh the possibities




Well there's some interesting chat.  I love the idea of solar power carbon filters and think it's brilliant you've settled on clay pots...not cheap plastic pot rubbish for your plant babies.  

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19 minutes ago, Happyeccentric said:

...not cheap plastic pot rubbish for your plant babies.  


Sorry to spoil the illusion but they are cheap plastic pot rubbish.... admittedly from poundstretchers no less! Hahaha! 

They look good tho right?  I got them last year.... maybe £6 each or something. I do have some clay pots around but they're small in comparison.





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