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Gorilla Girl and Crystal Candy, Bondage style in Jacuzzis

The Padawan

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@The PadawanThat Gorilla plant looks awesome especially with the manifold training you have done one, good work dude. The Crystal Candy really is an ugly duckling but I have had plants that look like that in veg bloom into beautiful swans once in flower. This diary is a nice tutorial for those wanting to try out the manifold technique so keep up the good work dude.

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Thanks very much @Smokebelch  

Last grow, first attempt at training I had little to no fluffy buds. All good solid nugs. Even the lower buds were like marbles. 

Nice to hear the ugly duckling still has a chance of becoming a beauty. She’s already starting to look a bit healthier. 

I supercropped the mains on the GG to try and stall her a bit an let candy catch up. 

I see your nearly ready for the chop. I’d love to get a sniff in your tent lol it must be divine :chef:

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8 hours ago, Resonance said:

Hi @The Padawan

You can't beat someone willing to put the time in training their gal's.

Looks great so far fella.


All the best


Cheers buddy. Thanks very much

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Hows it going everyone. Jesus its got wild cold!! We had our first few flakes of snow today. Not good for the loft lol Its bloody freezing up there. I stuck a 2ft 80 watt tube heater in the tent to try and help keep the temps up. Even during lights on they were dropping to as low as 16-18. I have the fan heater set on a timer as i don't like the thought of it running for long periods without a break. But they don't seem to be suffering. Their roots are being kept around 19/20.


Gorilla Girl 33 Days in the bubbler


I have to say I'm really impressed with this Gorilla Girl. I want to try and take some clones off her for a mum that'll be kept in my wee veg cab. My wife can't sleep at night and the sound of the fan running in the veg cab has her right off to sleep. She has it running every night and theres nothing in it at the moment so i may as well fill it!

I've been gently super cropping the mains to try and stall her a bit. Nothing to harsh, just gently crushing the stems. Not folding them down. She aint slowing!! The thought of the stretch has me worrying now :fear: 



I trimmed the fan leaves on her and gave the stems another gentle squeeze again tonight. Im gonna take some cuttings from the lower shoots tomorrow evening so I've left them for now. Theres a few in the middle that just might make it to the flower show.





Crystal Candy 23 days in the bubbler


Crystal Candy is a completely different plant. She's gonna stay small but hopefully fat!! Growth is still very compact but she's on the move. Hard to make out the 8 mains I made




She too got a bit of a hair cut. Big wide leaves on her. Still looking a bit twisty but getting there. She's tiny beside the GG




Family photo




Im gonna have to think about flipping very soon as I'm almost at my max veg height for the GG. Although I can always tie her down if she shoots for the stars. I want to give CC another few days at least. On my last grow I flipped at 28 days in the bubblers and they turned out lovely, so she has 5 days more till that.


Both being fed Ec 0.8 Ph set to 5.8 


Thats about it for now. Stay warm and happy gardening :chef:


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Looking good bud, as long as those roots are toasty you'll be sound...

I'm in the shed and have had the room in single figures in a really cold snap, not ideal but with the roots cosy at least they grew and produced...default_thumbsup.gif

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Your Gorilla girl looks amazing dude. Shame the Crystal Candy wasn't of a similar structure for your set up. Good luck with them, both looking nice and healthy :yep:

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I'm with you @The Padawan as we've had snow here as well, GG is certainly going for it though and yeah, you might have top be a bit more brutal on the bondage with the hope the CC catches up before flipping. Good luck controlling the temps bud :yep:

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@jadenugs thanks man. I had two gorillas to start with but fried one under a cfl. Dohh. Two of these would have filled the tent out lovely. 


@Serpent cheers for popping in dude. I’ve now experienced a heat wave and sub zero outside temps in an uninsulated loft. Not good lol  Planning for the loft conversion has been signed off by the missus. :headbang: need a few skips now to empty it. 


@stu914 how’s it going man. Thanks for popping in. It doesn’t seem to be affecting them. Not that Gorilla anyway. I’m gonna nip up shortly and try taking a few cuttings off her. Got some clone ex and those root it cubes you recommended a while back. I’ve started a few seeds straight in the cubes now and so far all have popped up. 

Great shout. :yep:

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Hows it going folks,


Things have been grand in the loft. The crystal Candy is still small and compact but I'm gonna flip her in the next day or two and see how she goes. Its like little and large in there lol 










Gorilla Girl day 39 in the bubbler


The Gorilla is my favourite plant from my very short growing adventure. Shes looking mighty and is exactly how i wanted her to be.




She was starting to get real bushy again and I'm getting ready to flower so i trimmed her up




I tried taking some clones from the cuts at the bottom, 




Its my first attempt so fingers crossed. Id like to keep one as a mum then flower the rest that make it after this grow. Theres 7 there for the minute



Crystal Candy Day 29 in the bubblers




They both got a good trim and I removed the ties from the Gorilla Girl




The gorilla is on Ec 1.0 Candy is on 0.8


Im gonna drill some holes in the side of the lid, then fit some chain so I can use it to anchor her down if needs be. The light had already come on this evening so ill let it run for tonight then they'll get 36hrs of darkness before I set the timer for 12/12.


I got one of those portable washing machines a few months back. I had some trim in the freezer and the wife took the kids away for an evening two weeks ago. I done 3 runs in the machine. Ive only ever made it once before but this looks much nicer. I even treated myself to a new bong for sampling it. Its so smooth. Super stoned after a hit lol 






That about all for now, thanks for looking :chef:

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8 hours ago, The Padawan said:

then they'll get 36hrs of darkness before I set the timer for 12/12.


Little and Large... I'm flipping Thursday.


Not convinced that doing this gets results, I've never done it.


Does it make a difference people?





Edited by Punts
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Thanks for stopping by fellas. I’ve not done enough grows to claim any findings. I tried it on my last run and one of the girls was ready for the chop at 7 weeks. But that could be for a number of reasons. 

I was advised to try it as it’s supposed to get them kick started into flowering??

36 hrs before flip to 12/12 then another 36 hrs 3 weeks into flower??

Id love to know if anyone else has tried and found any difference. 

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