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Sweet Skunk & Cream Caramel Fast Versions


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Well folks what a weekend I have had, I have been making edibles from the sugar leaf trim and air buds from my last grow and I turned 30g of good quality airbuds and 79g of very crystal laden sugar leaf trim into 350g of potent cannabutter. I decarbed it first and the resulting butter appears to be potent, its gonna be fun Christmas for me and my friends. I made cookies and ate a whole one and I am quit frankly off my tits, woo hoo. Apologies if I talk shit, I am struggling to type so not sure where I will end up this evening, I am have a ton of fun of though and got loads of photos.


Quality Evening, Purps#1 + Vape + Edibles.


Edited by Smokebelch
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The plants are in full flower and are frosting up all over the place so I have been messing about with the camera. I am getting right into it now and instead of using the built in flash I fixed my 8 LED light to the hot shoe, set the camera on a tripod with a remote shutter release and a macro lens and took a load of photos. I hope you don't mind if I post a few up as I go along this evening, I want to see what they look like on line as I edit them. 


The camera is on manual and this first shot is taken at Iso 200, f8, Ss 1/13, I am quite frankly astonished at what my fixed lens bridge camera is capable of as I have had to do hardly any post photo processing, I have cropped the photo and sharpend it and added some noise reduction to counteract the grain from sharpening. I upped the exposure a bit and that's it really. 


Here is the cropped and the original photos.large.P1140265.jpg



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You Canne put a better bit o butter on yer knife I tell thee.


Various Dinafem trim and air bud from my last grow, 109g, 2 sticks of anchore butter yeiled 350 grams of canna butter. I am going to make some butter out s0ome of my Sweet Seeds flowers so I will go into detail on how I make it then at the end of the diary.


I am off to have a play with my photos but will be back in a bit with some more macros.

Edited by Smokebelch
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Lets see how far I can crop down that photo, the little square box in the pic below is the area being cropped for the macro below it. It looks ok but is a bit grainy at that much magnification. I still think its awesome detail for a bridge camera though.




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@Punta Roja Yeah its the plants were moving very slightly, its hard to keep them dead still when I am focused right in like that. I am really just experimenting at the moment and I am wasted on edibles so that's don't help with precision. Its all good fun though.


Here are both edges of the same leaf.




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@Punta RojaCheers dude, a couple more trich shots from Sweet Skunk 1. I have taken a ton of photos but I am wasted and I have to goto work tomorrow so I will have to look at the rest tomorrow.




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Just one more shot this evening before I go to bed, This is the Sweet Skunk 1 cola I used for the Macro shots above, as you can see some of the pistils are the top are turning orange.large.P1140235.jpg

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