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A Real Macganja Gorilla Grow


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19 hours ago, tsk said:



how did you say the weed was again? :D


bravo man, you made it all the way home with some! from seed to combustible intoxicant weed in less then 200 days!  can't beat the feeling...


those dfg give me the boi-oi-oing. really interesting how different they show them selves in various lats/conditions. 


yours look boi-oi-oing good :yep:



I was pretty gone when I wrote that.... But yeah cutting straight to... it is nice... 


Cheers.... Yeah the DFGs I have got show some interesting variation but with the one key aspect... Growth and early flowering.... I would love to do a whole field of these girls.... 

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2 hours ago, the lone deranger said:

Nice one @MacGanja :yep:


Some lovely looking frosty buds there mate. Good luck with the harvest.

Cheers mate.... Harvest day today.... :yep: was hoping for a nice sunny afternoon for some good shots... But I may have to skip this step... Crap weather... 

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3 hours ago, MacGanja said:


I was pretty gone when I wrote that.... But yeah cutting straight to... it is nice... 


DFG's .. I would love to do a whole field of these girls.... 


No reason why you couldn't,.. :yes:

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1 hour ago, panik said:


No reason why you couldn't,.. :yes:

Divorce.... I have been good so far and stuck with my 3 plant limit ...I have grown no more than 3 plants*.

*Terms and conditions apply:

by plants you mean a plant originating from one breeder...all plants (clones and different strains) are considered one plant as they originate from one source... So you may grow as many plants from that one breeder... as long as you don't exceed the 3 different breeders.... 


I am not sure she read the the T&C's ....  

I may of added the terms and conditions.. But you always need to read the fine print.... 


However... I am not sure I could swing a field... Whilst perfectly legal under the T&Cs it might be pushing it! 




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1 DFG down, another in my crosshairs... 

The other one as with the other one above( Pink pistel plant pheno) seems to be the earliest flowering... And very captivating... And lemon scented... 

I am really taken back by the growth and stacking availability of this strain... Its just monstrous... 

I know it doesn't look like much... But I came to site full expecting to harvest a certain amount... Then when you look at it in the flesh... Your like... 



For the plot (sun availability 1/2 day) ... And care (not the best care... This was meant more as a temp storage plot).. This plant is epic... 


The pink pistels are lovely... I took so many pics of this plant.. I am very impressed with DFG it just seems like a different breed of plant compared.... Its soul purpose seems to want you to spend more money on jars!  I am not complaining...  I am not complaining just going to struggle with drying... :yep:

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36 minutes ago, panik said:

Never complain with too much bud mate , the more the merrier it doesn’t last for ever.. 

Ohhh... I am not complaining... I am very happy...  Very impressed.... I am just getting to the stage... Where I just have to call in friends to help with my very limited drying and curing process. ...  Still... There is worse problems to have! 

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Fuckin brilliant innit? More weed than jars for it.. tough life!


Oan yersel MacG, happy harvest to ya.


It struck me the other day that pink DFG smells like Mr.Sheen! Had a total 90s suburban flashback... But that's it alright. 90s Mr.Sheen...


I calculated that I have at least quarter of a kilo of bud in my possession. It's way more as I've not weighed the last mighty gold, and that makes it all the more surreal... First time for me, hopefully not the last.


Smoke on bro! 

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Yeah it's great @tsk... No complaints from me... Just wish drying and curing process wasn't such a skill or something you could get horribly wrong... I am quite good at that...

Just about to jar one my first DFG and I get totally where your coming from with the Mr sheen.... Mine isnt quite there... But strong limonene for sure... 

Sounds like your sorted for a quite a while... Good job:yep:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Harvest time for the wonky donk DFG... 


Some sticky stuff... Lemon pledge smell..  Lost 2 mini popcorn buds to mold... What can you say? Amazing... 



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16 minutes ago, panik said:

Top job mate :yep: 

Cheers dude... 

2 more DFGs to go... Which will be harvested this Tues... If the Sheep gods grant me the pass..... :lookaround: last time I checked there was more sheep... If the plants are still there it will be a miracle.. :notworthy:


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