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Calling Captain Ahab ! Moby #1 in RDWC


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I added a shot of cal mag yesterday, because they will show cal def shortly, so I figure its better to treat the problem , before it arises.

its my water you see, it always shows cal def arounf 3 weeks in.


I will be changing out the res at the end of this week, which will be 4 weeks odd.

I usually change it after 3 for the first res change, but they have been held back by the lack of light, so 4 it is..


ballast should be here either today or tomorrow, so I will set it up and change out the lamps for metal halides, at 600w a piece.


if these don't start stretching a bit once the other light is in, I don't know if I will bother with a screen, because they are nice short bushy plants as it is.  if I do decide to use it its ready.  I made up my screens yesterday from some steel  grid which I have. it has 2 inch square holes and ive used it before so its perfect for scrogging.

I will definitely top them, maybe 2 or 3 times, depending on how fast they recover, then the game begins.

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5 hours ago, badbillybob said:

I added a shot of cal mag yesterday, because they will show cal def shortly, so I figure its better to treat the problem , before it arises.



Always best to be pro active and treat any potential problems before they start  :yep:


Hopefully your ballasts will land then the girls will be back on full power  :bong:


Nice update my friend  :)


All the best 



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hello again fellow green dreamers, 

I did a night time res change, getting all ninja to drain out 200 odd litres into the lawn under cover of darkness, and filling up again with fresh water.

the new res into which went about 100ml of cal mag (0.5ml per litre)

about 300ml of ionic grow (1.5ml per litre)

about 100ml silicone(0.5ml/l)

a splash of ph down

which should give around 0.4/0.6 EC ( i need to get a bluelab, this copy is crap) I'm guessing really, and the ph is sitting around 5.4 but it still needs to circulate the res and pots, soit will go up, and when it hits 5.8/6.0 ill be happy.  the res temps were 20before I changed it out,which is fine, aquarium heater is doing its job.


this res change  will do for a fortnight or so all being well

plants look ok, but I should have changed the res last week. they have had this one for 5 weeks which is really too long..


temps are still low around 22 rh is mid 50s which isn't bad. I might punt another light in there to get the temps up,


will post a pic or two thru the week

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:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:


I do love a stealth water.....I had to do it today as well lollol 


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Yes ken mate, got a refund thru paypal for them and ordered a lumii digita, which eventually arrived on Friday.

Treated myself to a bluelab ec truncheon today as well,fed up with my knock off reading out.

would like a bluelab ph pen too but not made  of money.

couple of pics, I thought id posted these but hey ho


first one shows how wide these leaves are on the purps moby, fat assed so she is, 2nd pic is the purps #1 and third is the moby again. large_fat2.jpglarge.purp1.jpglarge.purpm1.jpg


they look a bit crap today, not sure if its the low night time temps (14 degrees) or the res change with cold water (aquarium heater is doing its stuff to bring up temps), but they look a bit off, I thought. 

I'm gonna raise the light a bit tonight as temps are back to  26 in the tent now, and RH is around 50%, so its better tthan it was. I added my electric burning oil filled radiator toheat them up. I will leave it in for a few days and see if they perk up.

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5 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

would like a bluelab ph pen too but not made  of money



I know there bloody expensive but i have yet to use a better PH pen for the money.......kept it in 4 ph buffer and it went on for years.


Got a new one and checked it against my 6 year old version....the old one was showing 0.1 variance no matter how many times I calibrated it...not bad considering it sat in storage in 40+ degrees for two years.


Ruined my killerskunk keeper and grow with a cheap Ph pen....was saying it was 6 when in fact it was more like 5.....curled the roots up a treat :wallbash: :wallbash:


I had some great killerskunk pheno's......I had one that finished in 7 weeks and the bog brush bud one......till babylon came one day and took them all away.


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The bastards took away my last bluelab stuff, ec truncheon, ph pen and a guardian, (less than a month old)  which was still in the box.

saying that they took away everything, and I mean everything. 

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They left me with some stuff and one obviously toked as he left me a box with an ounce in it....in my drying space.... my plants,my lights and all my nutes however......i nearly cried when the po po took a knife to my brand new carbon filter.....the mrs at the time wouldn't let me get the big one ....so as soon as we split I went straight out and brought it.

The killer skunk was so huge I had to get a saw to cut it down (the other pheno's had finished early) ......they also removed a large amount of drying herb as they put it (10oz ish)
They tried bad cop good cop....they tried to say I couldn't smoke it all....Its too complicated to be your first grow etc etc
What was the charge for such a horrendous crime you ask ?  A f@cking street caution.
Went to the cop shop to sign to receive it and miraculously the charge sheet only mentioned one plant.....nothing dry
Few days later a bro in another town tells me about this great weed he got from a dodgy copper.....I went and had a look...........MY F@CKIN WEED!
I was stopped a few years later....the po po  asked if i was known to them....yes I am unfortunately said I
I see you grew a plant on your window sill........F@cking window sill?????? I was deep into my ebb and flood stage at this time and it was no plant on a window sill....I reckon she had best part of 15 oggles on her...the buds were as long and thick as my arm.
So I ask...is that all it says....yes says he.... nothing about the 'dry herb' that mysteriously vanished from police evidence. 
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ive topped them this morning, and raised the lights. getting different temp readings from my ecotechnics controller (26) and a digi thermometer (30), so gonne err on the side of caution.

They don't look great, I'm not convinced on the ph readings, will check again today

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well they are looking shite today, don't know why.

Ph is 6.1

ec is 0.6,

temps of water 20 degrees.

It looks like a ph problem, but the ph meter was calibrated. res ph is 5.7/5.8, moby bucket reads 6.1.

the centre of the plants is looking yellowish like they neeed fed, but they don't, and the leaves are puffing up between the veins, and the leaves are starting to curl under themselves at the sides of the leaves.

what do you think? too cold?


I'm getting so pissed off with this adventure I'm seriously considering pulling the plug and starting again, later in the year. I just seem to be wasting electric on them. I think I will give it till Friday, that will be a week under the two metal halides, to see if they are gonna grow, or improve


Has anyone got any idea why this might be happening? 


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I would agree with you......they look like they got cold bro....cold roots at first res change and cold lights out temps equals danger danger.


Was reading this the other day.


'Temperature becomes a factor when your plant needs to send those sugars to the places they’re needed. Sugar doesn’t move as well when it’s less than 68ºF (20ºC). In fact, the sugars will get stuck, and your plant will suffer.

When this happens in mature plants and only lasts a few days, it’s not that big of a problem. Once the temperature is resolved, the backed-up sugars will go where they should be. However, in immature plants, this situation will stunt the plant’s growth.'

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checked again today- they still look bad. leaves curling under , red stems on one moby (classic sign of low temps) 

ec at 0.6

ph at 6.1

lowered the lamp,to 18 inches from canopy, and stuck on oil rad  a bit to heat them up as temps only at 22.

Both ballasts are set to 600w.


They have got till  Sunday to perk up or they are coming out, and I will start over again. 

Beginning to feel that ive been wasting electricity for the past month.

Its nothing to do with the genetics I will add, more my failure to keep on top of the environment ,res changes, temps, lighting requirements and so on.


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