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Calling Captain Ahab ! Moby #1 in RDWC


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Well this grow is filled with up and downs. More downs of late but I'm sure once you get your ballasts sorted out you'll be back on track :)


Living next door to a ex copper is not enough of a challenge now the ballasts failed. 


If they are new which by the sound of things they are I to would not be happy and they should replace with no questions asked :)


Tent looks set up well, extraction is set up and systems in :)


You'll have to run her to check sound as we don't want the ex-copper seeing or hearing anything :)


You certainly like a challenge my friend  :bong:


This sure is going to be interesting :bong:


Let me know if I can assist in any way my friend and as always thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



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  • 2 weeks later...

well its been a couple of weeks and I havnt forgot about this diary, .

there is nothing to post picture wise, because all 4 of them are stuck under one  600w Red spectrum HPS lamp, in my 2.4 by 1.2 tent,

so growth has been very slow, due to the lack of light, And of course the wronf spectrum of light (unavoidable after the Omegas took out 2 brand new metal halides - Grrrrr)

I am still waiting for the hydro shop to tell me what they are gonna do about the duff ballasts. I sent them an email today saying I want either a full refund or lumii digita replacements. 

Ive no confidence in the Omegas any more. After 3 out of 4 of them were faulty within 24 hours of delivery- pretty shit eh?

The grow shop  have been ignoring me for about a week, and have promised to reply to my email tomorrow.

If they don't I'm going thru paypal to get a refund.under the 150 day rule or whatever it is. Getting a bit pissed off with the lack of service, and they have shot themselves in the foot if they ever expect any more custom out of me.

The problem is that I bought them in November, even tho they weren't tried till a fortnight ago. 

Once I get some ballasts I will update with some pics.


Apologies for the lack of updates. 

Edited by badbillybob
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That’s a real pisser dude, shame about all the problems you are having, hopefully you will get it sorted soon and can crack on with them.

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lets hope so mucka. 

I'm gonna be pestering the grow shop tomorrow again. They have had the ballasts 2 weeks tomorrow, and it doesn't take 2 weeks to check to see if a ballast works. If there is nothing tomorrow, I'm going for the refund, and they can go f*ck themselves. Shite customer service, that's all, and I WiLL name and shame them if it doesn't get sorted. and soon


Anyway, I took a couple of pics, more just to show how a lack of light affect their growth rates. The first pic is the #1 which was closest to the light.

The 2nd pic is the moby which was further away from the light.

Its not the genetics, because the moby which was also close to the light is the same size as the #1, and the #1 which was further away was the size of the moby in the pic. 

Got that?

good, I think ive confused myself.....again



Anyway the ph has not moved a bit since they went in, which is good, and the ec has gone down marginally from 0.4, to flashing between 0.3 and 0.4, so virtually the same.

the roots are starting to hit the nutes, so I will leave the res at its current level, to encourage more of them down into the water of life.

will be back, hopefully with some good news soon about the ballasts.

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You are not having very good luck this grow my friend!


I would definitely get onto that grow shop as you said it should not take 2 weeks to test and replace. If you can take the refund and but from another store with better customer service. 


Now that the roots have hit the reservoir water things should improve but you need to get that hid lighting back in so you can get the best potential from the plants :yep:


Hope you get the ballast issue sorted mate. I don't know if I have a spare here I'll look. If I have I'll send your way :yep:


Until next time  :bong:


All the best 



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Thanks for the kind offer Mark mate, its very good of you.


but the Billy Smart grow shop have assured me they are sending out 3 ballasts tomorrow.

...i'll believe it when they land on my doorstep. 

in the meantime ive shelled out on another metal halide lamp, a chepo, but it should be fine .


on the plus side, the plants have had a growth spurt  in the last 2 days

Stuck another 40 litres in the system today to top it up.

No idea on the ec because my ec pen is  not working, so I settled on just over 1 ml per litre of grow, which should work out to be around 0.4/0.6.

a bluelab will be ordered once this ballast arrive, don't want to order it yet, in case I need the money for a ballast if the grow shop  pricks don't deliver on their promise.


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Good luck Mate, you've defo got balls of steel lol. 

Ive just done 3 years or so in my garage and I couldn't have done hydro at all because of the noise. 

If it ever comes on top with the noise, you could easily switch to coco and timer drip them or just flood the coco a few times a day. I always grew dwc back in the day and never thought coco could compare to the yields and growth rates. But it most definitely does and is of course silent. 

I'm willing you onwards brother to a safe , fat harvest 


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The noise isn't so bad now mate, I hugely over sized my fan - its 12 inch run off a controller, with passive intake, so its only running at about  30% (lowest setting). Unfortunately the temps are a bit low at 21, but its just because of the 1 light situation. I also have a silencer which I will fit when I get round to fitting some new 8 inch insulated ducting, so that should help too. 

Ive been round the garage stuffing insulation batt into the air vent bricks to help matters too.


I tried coco before but didn't like it to be honest, its messy stuff and seems to get everywhere, and I used to get hacked off with disposing of it after a few grows.

I also don't think it was half as good growth wise as water, altho ive seen people get good results from it. Each to their own I suppose, and coco would have been a quieter option - no air pump, no water pump etc.


anyway, here they are today, about 2 and a half days on from the last pics.

I dont remember them growing at this rate in coco.!

Top pic is the smaller moby, the bottom is the #1large_pmob.jpglarge.5ad7302cad351_p1.jpg

The #1 is fairly taking off now, I kinda wish it would stretch a little bit, same with the moby.

Maybe its the light spectrum keeping them down. 

these genetics are very uniform, which shows that the strain development and breeding programme  has been spot on

I don't want to raise the light any, as they are short of light as it is.. so will soldier on with the red hps.


thanks for popping in for a swatch

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Definitely some growth variance between the 2 plants :)


Do you have your ballast issue sorted mate?


All the best



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On 18/04/2018 at 0:59 PM, badbillybob said:

these genetics are very uniform, which shows that the strain development and breeding programme  has been spot on


It's the only way to be my friend. Our breeding team more specifically our head breeder will not let strains go with our name on until perfect :)


Glad you are finding our strains consistent and strong  :)


All the best 



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31 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:

Definitely some growth variance between the 2 plants :)


Do you have your ballast issue sorted mate?


All the best



Hi Mark. 


No mate I don't have it sorted, but 10 minutes ago I just bit the bullet and ordered a new Lumii green digita. 600 w adjustable.

Ive had these before and know they are solid, unlike the omega crap. 

It should be here by Saturday or Monday, so that will help. I was hoping to keep the money for a bluelab ec pen, but it will just have to wait tilll paypal sort me a refund.

Ive got fed up with the sellers bullshit excuses and stalling so I just put a claim thru paypal. he wanted me to drop my paypal dispute before he would "send out the replacements" oh aye that wont leave me a leg to stand on will it, 

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but some don't deserve it, this shop are taking the piss big time, and once this is all over, I will have no hesitation in naming and shaming them, because they have acted like c*nts over a simple refund/ replacement of faulty goods.


The smaller moby is the smallest plant in the tent, but I think its just because it spent its early life in the shade, so to speak.

Its in the middle of the tent now, so should recover and come back.

the #1 are looking very vigeorous, and I think I could maybe do a tree from one, if I had the room. 


But this time I will probably be scrogging them out, once they get out of the pots a bit more. I'm gonna raise the light to encourage them upwards, until my new ballast arrives for 3 or 4 days. 

screen will depend on how my back is at the time lol.

Thanks for stopping by .

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Glad you've got an alternative coming mate :)


Never used lumii but not herd bad things always positive feedback :)


All the best 



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hello again. 

I thought id post up a few pics showing them all.

this is 6 days on from the pics at the top of the page, but only one light remember.

That problem will be sorted by Monday/Tuesday, and I expect great development once its in place.

I'm still at 0.4/0.6 ec ph is stable at 5.8.

ph hasn't moved since they went into the system

temps are a bit low at 21 ish, but I'm not wasting 2kw on a heater, 

so pics, first up are the purps1s, they look very indica dominant. squat fat leaved beauties. I have great hopes with themlarge_p12.jpglarge_pm2.jpg

the close up is the same plant from theearlier pics.

next up are the mobys, with what looks like 2 phenos, one a fat leafed indi dom, and the other looking more like a hybrid.

but its early days, they can develop and change as they get biggerlarge_pm1.jpglarge_p1.jpg


moby close up looks like the#1, but definitely isn't, I always mark myseeds, when in paper towels and also in cubes, so its a definite moby.

I'm pleased with them all so far,, had 100% germ rate and decent growth.

stay tuned for more excitement next week

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Considering the issues you've had and then the ballast/light problem they are still growing at a nice pace mate :yep:


Stating very short and squat with very heavy indica looking leaves being produced. That typical fat leaf structure and a perfect deep dark green showing the heath of the plants :yep:


Glad your lighting issue is going to be sorted over the coming days then these plants will really show us what they can do :)


So far some beautiful looking plants and a picture of health  :bong:


Thanks for the diary update brother :yep:


All the best 



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