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Dinafem - Blue Cheese - Diary -


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large_634.jpglarge_633.jpg1.2 x 2.4 Tent 

eurolux mag/balast 2 x 600w hid

generic 1 x 135w led

7 litre pot

organic gen purpose compost (amended)


1oz per 7 litre pot - Bat Guano

1/2 oz - fish blood and bone 

10g epsom salts

mixed thoroughly in a black bin bag with a handful of sieved,recycled compost.

Blue Cheese Is bottom left

they are just about 3 weeks total from seed so 4ish nodes so far


Germinated on a paper towel at  26c  tap root seen in 24 hrs left for 3 days until i had a good length root. then they were inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi and potted into plain potting compost which i flush thoroughly to reduce the NPK ..so they were in good old pot noodle pots for 11 days under a 135w led hung at a distance of 6-8 inches which i try to maintain until i switch them to bud.

And once i had roots peeping out the bottom of the pot noodle pots i  more fungi and into the 7 litre pots which i initially only water with around a pint of weak kelp and bio humus with a miserly drop or two of pk boost solution.

They have been in the 7 litre pots for ten days and The blue cheese is now 10 inches tall with 5 internodes and large wide foliage.

really vigorous growth so far so i'm assuming she's going to be quite a hungry girl

i realised a while ago that if the soil is too wet it means the plant isn't pushed into looking for moisture and hence slow to grow roots.

I only began regular watering once the compost has significantly dried which is normally around 5 days then i began watering on the trusted "wet dry" cycle 

Edited by NeoGeo_uk
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Firstly thank you for documenting your Dinafem adventure on the UK420 platform  :)


Secondly nice strain selection :yep:


And finally you look to be off to a flying start :) Nice healthy looking plants for just 3 weeks into veg showing some nice growth and look very healthy which is always a great start  :)


Your environment and plan is solid so this should be a very successful grow which I'll be watching with interest  :)


Again thank you for documenting your Dinafem adventure on UK420 and I'll drop back in on the next update to check progress out  :)


Best of luck with this grow my friend and I'll see you on the next update  :bong:


All the best 



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Dinafem Blue cheese feminised from seed

I have been really busy for the last few days so all i have been giving the plant is some half strength kelp concentrate and a couple of drops of pk boost diluted into a gallon of tap water.
We are on the south downs so the water's hard & has a ph of 6.4.
i'm holding off with any mineral fertilizers because i ammended the potting mix with guano.
I was surprised at how much the plant had grown, it's around 45cm height and really robust with around 6 internodes.
Roots are now protruding from the bottom of the pot and she's drinking nearly a pint every other day

she has had two days of being in the tent for a few hours & she loved it ...so did the bang and the blueberry og 
I was going to veg for a little longer but in view of the size of her already i have moved her into the tent, she is now under an 13hrs lights off and 11hrs lights on lighting regimen.
RH today was 49 to 75 so i have turned up the air intake a notch and put anther fan directly above the lights. i'll check and adjust over the next 4-5 days.
middle of the night and i have just checked The temperature in the tent, it normally ranges from 23c to 29c but after turning up the intake i have a minimum of 19 to a maximum of 25 which suits you sir.

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You've got a nice size plant my friend and now flower has started let's see what this strain can really do  :)


A very healthy looking lady. Maybe she could have done with a bit more time in the vegative stage but needs must :)


She's going to do great in bloom and I'll be watching this flower show with interest :yep:


Thank you for the diary update mate I'll drop back in on the next one to check progress out :)


So far looking on point :yep:


All the best 



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Beautiful structure my friend. Ready to put on a flower show  :)


Super healthy looking plant. Zero signs of deficiency and as said a terrific structure ;)


All the best 



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Just 1 comment :)


Have you thought about doing any slight lst  (low stress training) on those lower branches to pull then more into the light? Which would help maximise light distribution which inturn should increase end yield  :)


Just a thought mate :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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I have started giving bloom nutes at half strength every other irrigation , to the irrigation with no nutrientsi add a pinch of epsom and 0.5ml per litre kelp and 1ml per litre of bcuzz soil booster, i hate root burn, it used to hit my yields big time so i avoid it when poss.

in a couple of days i'm hoping to see some buds starting to form 

Mark i think you're probably right regarding the lst, The lights are off right now so i'll poke some holes in the rim of my pots in the morning and give it a go.

Its a shame i don't have a reasonable camera, i went in the tent last night with my green light and the blue cheese was clearly sleeping with all her fan leaves tucked in tight, such a striking contrast to the way she "prays" to my 600w hid.

I haven't really paid an awful lot of attention to my previous couple of grows and i came to the conclusion it was because i was bored of seeing the same old strains go through the usual life cycle.

most of my faves i have grown again and again and so the quality of those strains has improved over time as they taught me their little quirks and revealed their hidden deficiencies (which i believe all genetics harbour).

i have a large sativa to remove from my space tomorrow freeing up some extra space and leaving me with 7 plants in my 2.4 x 1.2 which i think is the magic number for broad indicas.

min max temps are 19c min 25 max with RH min 42 max 77

So far i am enjoying this immensely 

new images to come tomorrow !


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On 27/03/2018 at 11:04 PM, NeoGeo_uk said:

Mark i think you're probably right regarding the lst, The lights are off right now so i'll poke some holes in the rim of my pots in the morning and give it a go.



It will definitely help mate :)


Will bring those side branches into the light which should help with your end yield  :bong:


Let us know how you get on mate :yep:


All the best 



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friday 30th march.

I have given her another feed today with dutch pro bloom 2 part @ 1.5ml per litre Atami soil booster@1ml per litre and wormcasting extract plus molasses and multimite kelp extract a pinch of epsom, the critical and the blueberry og have had the same but with canna pk13/14
next feed the bang and the blue cheese will also get the canna, i did a ph check of the solution and corrected it from 7.4 to 6.6ish. my logic is i'm only in 7 litre pots so my soil may only buffer so much for so long....on this i could be way off, i'm not sure.

Tuesday 3rd April
with the blue cheese and the blueberry og i have LST'd the side branches to exploit my light source to better effect, i'm hoping to drop the lights an inch or two now that most of the stretch is out of the way, i have done some stem twisting/crushing on the mainline tbh 

wednesday 4 april.
I have decided the light is fine where it is, i'd rather not burn em...not just yet anywaylarge.5ac5963a25036_30thmarchdinafembluecheese.jpglarge.5ac5965e72861_4thaprildinafembluecheese.jpg
stretch has now stopped in the blue cheese< buds can now be seen and she's roughly 90cm - 1m tall. (need to think about gradually changing lighting regimen to reduce stretch next time)
i have been feeding/watering only when the pots feel really light when hefted even to the point of the media shrinking away from the sides of the pots. 
i have been feeding all the plants the following (bearing in mind i ammended my soil)
1.5ml each a+B Dutch pro Bloom per TWO litres
Canna pk13/14 1.5ml per TWO liters (for 2 feed cycles)
molasses- 1 tablespoon per 1 gallon
Atami soil Boost Indica (in) - 4 ml per 2 litre
1 teaspoon epsom salts per 2 litres (for one feed only)
Bio humus 2ml per 2 litres
Kelp extract 1ml per 2 litres.
Ph of my solution i adjust down just a little to 6.6
Base tds is 366 
tds reads 1350    
today i adjusted the Lst on both the blue cheese and the bbog.
there's a little yellowing at the lowest exremes on the plant so i have sprinkled about a teaspoon of fish blood and bone as a top dressing.
Treated them all to some guano/molasses 3 day old bubbled compost tea.
I'm giving the bang a light flush next week then dry them out ready to push on.
going to continue with the above nutes regimen other than the canna and a pinch or two epsom until week 5-6
pictures attached- 

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Nice job with the lst mate this will allow lot more light to hit those valuable budsites  :yep:


Now that the stretch phase is over. The focus will now shift into big fat bud production  :yep:


The real fun is about to begin my friend  :bong:


Your giving a nice range of nutrients and I must say you have a very healthy looking plant :)


Environment must be bang on as all I can see is a very happy plant :)


Nice work mate and thank you for the diary update  :bong:


Will drop back in on the next one to see how the flower show is developing  :yep:


All the best 



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Nice one mark thanks for the positives mate

i'm going to upload some current pics later on today, i've supercropped her now so that i can maintain my canopy height along with the other plants i am raising.

i have to say she's tolerating a reasonably robust feeding scheme and it's tempting to up the ante but i'm going to resist the urge.

i have some yellowing low down on the plant but all the new growth looks fine so i'm assuming it's normal.

The end of week three is tomorrow and all is well so far, i took some clones from her when i put her to bloom and they have rooted and are ready to go from party cups to big pots, i personally think that a plant that clones easily is generally a sign that you have good stable genetics.

i've removed a large sativa from my space now so i have 5 girls in my 1.2m x 2.4m .

as i said thanks for the good feedback mate.

pics later today

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