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The Idiot and the Critical+ 2.0

Idiot At Large

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3 minutes ago, beezee said:

Personally, I'd dry out those seeds and put 2 or 3 more straight into compost. Usually works for me.


Your choice tho. 


I'm growing in a bubbler mate... will give them a fair chance and try to send them positive vibes :toldya:

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Day 4 and still no sign of life...


Gunna soak the other 3 for 24 hours and stick them in some rootit sponges and start fucking praying!

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We have lift off!!



These are 2 of the 3 that I had soaking in a GU pot and this morning came in to find these babies!


Absolutely ecstatic to see some progress finally.


Will stick them in some rockwool cubes which have been soaking for days, nip the tops and plonk them in a normal prop and under a 20w CFL...


I am ok to just use pH'd water until they're in the bubbler aren't I?


Tent has been running for just under 48 hours now and so far highest is 24.5°C and low of 19.2° which dropped to 17.5° after I had been in and released any warm air that had been trapped. Bubbler internal temps sit at 25° and 24° with lights on (and one pot hole open) and 20° with lights off. Humidity had high of 50% and low of 44% will address this once plants are in.


On a side note here are the 2 from the paper towel and 1 from the soak... noticable size difference.




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Firstly my friend thank you for getting your Dinafem adventure up and running  :)


Secondly there does look like a lot of variance in the seeds but I assume that all were out of the same packet?(2/5 look very pale and under developed)


I'll drop you a pm regarding this  :yep:


And finally it is great to see you have lift off with 2 babies  :)


Needless to say I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest mate  :yep:


Again thank you for starting this diary and see you on the next update  :)


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Day 10


Its been rather quiet in the chateau... which is never good for an impatient idiot so I have been digging, luckily the seeds have a lid on their rockwool abode and as such can be spied upon without disturbing them and I am happy to report we have greenery making its way up on one seed, the other seed does not however so did a bit digging and discovered a 10mm long tap root heading down so will give the girls some peace and quiet and wait till they come to me!




Here they are in my prop cupboard, under a 20w CFL and a heated prop to increase temps... not sure I have it totally dialed in so room for improvement.


@Dinafem-Mark cheers for the encouragement bud, the seeds were bought from my local hydro shop so god knows how long they had been sat there or how they'd been stored.

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I'll drop you a line mate :yep: look out for a pm :)


Nice to see we have lift off :yep:


Thanks for the diary update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Will check back in on the next one  :bong:


All the best 



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On 07/02/2018 at 9:21 PM, Idiot At Large said:

not sure I have it totally dialed in so room for improvement



Even after many years of growing the best of us find we still can improve  :bong:


You'll get there mate :yep:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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I'll drop you a line mate :yep: look out for a pm :)


Nice to see we have lift off :yep:


Thanks for the diary update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Will check back in on the next one  :bong:


All the best 



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I have completely lost count of what day I am on lol




And here we have the lone survivor of the pair and she is coming along very slowly and I am really fighting the urge to help with them leaves that are still in the rockwool! Also not sure what the deal is with that brown mark on the leaf.


Since Ive lost a seed I will take a thermometer out of one of the bubblers and keep track of the temperatures in the prop as the only thing I can think is she isn't warm enough... any advice on prop set up would be greatly appreciated!


@Dinafem-Mark Hello mate I know its all a learning curve just wish it wasn't so slow at times haha, also havent had a PM bud.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so a long overdue update...


So of the original 2 that sprouted via the soaking method and went into the rockwool only 1 survived and then the final one by a cruel twist of fate got its neck snapped RIP.


Undetered I decided to take some advice from @stu914 and now I'm proud to say not only have I surpassed my original milestone of a sprout I have done so in half the time!




The second plant was the first to sprout and with a massive 10mm tap root in just under 24 hours however the first plant has surpassed her and is rocketing up! 


And for a plant thats only a few inches high and located near the top of a 5 inch pot they are showing roots which if they keep going will be difficult to contain by next weekend I reckon.


Absolutely over the moon with how these seeds are progressing... its amazing to see what a difference the two techniques make @Dinafem-Mark

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Looking good bud, glad this system worked for you......as the roots have had no disturbance, once they hit the nutes they'll fly.....:yep:



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Cheers bud, it's the system I'll be using from now on.


Can't wait to get them in the nutes and watch them really grow!

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