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HSO Sheep DOG Trials

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Welcome to my HSO seeds4diary and many thanks firstly to @HSO-Mark and HSO themselves for the chance to try some of their genetics. I've titled it Sheep DOG trials since I'll be running EWE-2 and Black DOG. As I explained to Mark I will be doing mostly a pictorial diary with the odd bit of commentary but it will (after this initial monster update) be mainly pics.
Firstly the scene setting as it were; A quick run down of the environment etc so everyone knows whats what. 
Environment :
Nursery Cupboard with 125CFL and small fan
! veg tent and 1 flower tent (1.2m*2 each) (400w MH and 400w HPS respectively)
2 x 5" RVK extraction fans (passsive intake)
1 12" floor fan
1 35" tower fan
1 x 6 litre capacity humidifier in veg tent
Nursery Stats - 23 -25 c temps  50 - 60 RH (125 CFL lighting) used for slow veg
Veg stats - 21 -25 c temps - 40 - 70 RH
I'll be using rainwater and some Biobizz bottled Grow and Bloom but otherwise I'm trying to reduce the bottles to a bare minimum. 
My soil is All Mix until final pot up. I am using TNC Mycorrmax for the first time with this grow as well.  I have also taken to a regime of regular foliar sprays weekly to add seaweed and clean water I am also trialling a trace micro-nutrient solution with amino acids as a once weekly foliar as they progress. Aside from that I will only be adding molasses and Aloe occasionally along with Biosys for micro herd. With the potting up regime and a good soil mix especially final pot up I am hoping to keep the NPK additions from bottles to an absolute minimum or at least that is the idea 
 Right thats all the science mumbojumbo out of the way now on with the most intense initial update of a diary I will likely ever do....
Picture diary from seedling to 2 weeks before flipping, I'll start with the obligatory soak shot and things will develop in rapid fire style since the veg period is critical if rather uneventful. I will highlight as I go any training etc but for the most part I top and create 6 head bushes in a manifold type style. I have in fact intended to do that very thing with these 2 girls. So for your viewing pleasure (soundtrack not supplied) the HSO Sheep DOG trials are underway!
Space and time issues combined with my need to identify some strains for my daughter means I could only run 1 of each but that should not detract from the fun . As you can see we are off to a great start with both up and loving life inside 5 days!
moving on to the first pot up which took place at day 17...
EWE-2 is off to a flier and I thought Black DOG would be the faster developing but, that is not the case straight out of the shell. 
As you can see BD is a little behind her neighbour but there is always time for that to change...
Now on to the following week...
So, first topping for both and they are very similar in structure thus far and they are loving the Aloe feed too :cowboy: EWE-2 (above) is a real beauty and BD is too to be fair...
Its all a bit sever at first but I need the extra veg time and I want them to have some nice airy space to develop. Now on to the next week.....
Black DOG loved the topping and is really having some spurt...
I could not be happier with how well they have taken to their training ... next week up...
Well I was a little early with this pic update but I thought what the hell lol
Well, That brings us up to nearly the end of November and I will be updating from here to current day this coming week. The flip is planned for just around Xmas so I'll do 1 more BIG update before the holidays then back after New Year for hopefully a very frosty finish. To anyone that made it this far and is still awake I suggest a big fat one cos that's what I'm going to do now lol 
Peace All
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Cracking start !!!


Plants look lush green and shinny so very happy!!


all the best with the rest .




lil d.

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@Breezus looks like they have had a superb start and they are looking really lush now!:guitar: Sounds like you have a solid plan of how this grow is gonna go, have you moved onto using rain water?


Gonna take a pew for this run mate and cheer from the sidelines :yahoo:


ATB with them mate :oldtoker:

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Hey mate, cheers for popping in my friend. Yeah, finally got tired of battling the water Co. and their need to toxify my tap water so I installed a rain butt a few weeks back and haven't looked back since. I'm finding the tricky thing was how to balance what I need from bottles and what I can amend in the soil up front. Unfortunately in this grow I will have to top dress with dolomite lime because I didn't source it before final pot up . I hope you are comfy as this is going to be an all or nothing diary with most updates being of a similar basket full style :yinyang:



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Firstly thank you so much for getting your HSO diary up and running  :)


Secondly love the 1st post and the initial write up so much detail and the environment sounds perfect  :yep:


Thirdly love the thread title 


And finally you look to be off to a flying start with both strains looking super healthy and growing at a steady pace  :yep:


This is going to be a fun one to watch and I'll grab my seat front and centre to watch this grow unfold  :)


Again, Thank you for getting your HSO diary up and running on the UK420 platform and thank you so much for the initial post  :) love the detail :)


Until the next one  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Happy to have it finally underway , apologies for the delayed start but we're off and running now. I'm going to be trying a few things with this grow both feed and training so it'll be somewhat "seat of the pants " at times but as these plants prove time and again they're extremely resilient and in my case that's probably for the best lol


I'll be back with an up to the day update before the weeks out mate and thanks again for the chance to run these 



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Back again with ridiculous sized update Vol.II lol 


So, when last we left our intrepid DOG and her ward EWE2 they had just found their feet in the 2 litre boots and now it was time for some training. As anyone who has seen any of my diaries will know I am partial to manifolds and variations of that theme and so that is the case with these. so without further ado , the update...


A note on training, I have tried all manner of ties to get the desired effect and in truth I have had some real bad splits etc from some methods so on this run I'm trying the lightest LST I could come up with .....




the close up isn't as good as I had hoped but you can see you can easily creat seperation using resistance instead of pulling ...large.5a33addec09a2_training(1).JPGlarge.5a33add3bc28b_BDtraining(3).JPGlarge.5a33add2d4989_BDtraining(2).JPG


This is creating a nice bit of spacing without stressing too much on the joints :cowboy:


Now its time to get these girls into their big girl shoes...



* Soil mix is as follows - 10 litres Plagron Batmix - bone meal - MycorrMax  and as a top dressing because I could not source it in time for the final pot up Dolomite lime thus eliminating any need to supplement my soft water with CalMag (one more bottle in the bin !) 


I like a tidy work area so I pot up inside a rubble bucket



As mentioned in my outline I am trialling tnc Mycorrmax and in truth I love it for reasons that will become obvious




All potted up and training for the final run has begun. Alas the resistance training is only good for the young stages, as they develop pulling gently is the only way to get the spacing I desire.




Fast forward 1 week as the take to their new homes and final training is underway...




Ewe 2 is the larger of the 2 girls currently and although those pics dont show it, here is the latest images bringing this mahoooosive update near to its conclusion




Ewe 2 is above 


Black DOG is below 



Given their regular pot up routine they have had a splash of Fish mix occasionally and otherwise plain water and combination foliar feeds. Its all now a matter of them filling out, racking up the N in readiness for the big bloom later. I'll be back with another huge update after New Year which should see these beauties getting their Blossom on so until then I hope everybody has an awesome holiday and see you back here after 2017 has finished. 



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Nice epic update once again mate and I like your method of pushing the stems apart, I saw something similar in one of jadenug's diaries recently. Hopefully you can get them to the shape you desire without any issues:yep: They are all looking nice and healthy with richly coloured leaves and good to see a spliff in the ashtray whilst you deal with them ...I'm the same :D Glad you, and the plants, are liking the MycorrMax I've used it for a couple of years now and its good stuff :smoke:


Have a great Christmas with the family mate :oldtoker:

Edited by Fragg
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Many thanks for the positive feedback my friend, they've taken to the shaping really well, strong stems too . That TNC is top stuff I must agree, as for a working spliff well it'd be rude not to lol


My best to you and your family for the holidays mate , I hope all is as you'd wish 



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What a fantastic,  detailed update  :) filled with info and a great looking grow :yep:


The ladies are most definitely going to appreciate the extra medium to spread those roots out and nice to see your train has started and a fine job so far :)


As expected looking great and thank you for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time. Keep it up  my friend :bong:


Kind regards 



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  • 1 month later...


I hope you and yours had a great holiday and are enjoying 2018 , thanks for the kind words mate :yep: Although after this past few weeks the story unfolds with a tinge of cliff hanger stylee imminent tragedy ...


When last we left our intrepid DOG and the sheep (EWE2) all was good in the green and pleasant land. Alas, in the garden of confusion and risk things rarely stay as they appeared originally. and so it is with these. Black DOG has suffered a severe issue as a result of me trying to be clever and failing. I tried a new trace minerals additive ( won't mention it) that caused a serious problem. She is still alive but barely, I will only be updating EWE2 from here on in unless she recovers enough to join her in the Flower room. As of today she is in quarantine and getting all i can do, fingers crossed.


Right, thats the sad bit out of the way (kind of) so on with the show.


Ewe2 got flipped just before Xmas, here she is going in for the big push...




As we can see all is still green and good .... fast forward to week 3 ....




Now, being an astute audience, you won't have failed to notice the changing colour of the leaves at week 3. There are 2 reasons for this;

Reason 1 insufficient trace elements (soft water) for nutrient uptake so I increased my Activera to 5ml/L to compensate


Reason 2 MG deficiency , nothing major and with Biobizz in soft water and unamended soil ( I top dressede with dolomite lime as I didn't have it when potting up so not as effective) not unexpected. I added 1/4 tsp per Litre of Epsom Salts on her next feed and added a splash of seaweed because plants love shit from the ocean lol  otherwise I kept the feeding regime 2ml/L fishmix and 1ml/L bloom for an extra week to hopefully bring her colour back.


Now we roll on a week to yesterday (well last night) and ......




So, our beautiful "Dolly" (you have to be old to for that one) is back looking like she ought and I have finally got some bud porn for all  dirty Horticulturilists out there lol 


I'll be back weekly and fingers for crossed the DOG doesn't get put down 




Edited by Breezus
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nice turn around on the ewe2 mate :yep:

7 minutes ago, Breezus said:

I tried a new trace minerals additive ( won't mention it) that caused a serious problem

I wish you would......for educational purposes?

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Hey mate, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate what you're saying but, since I cannot say 100% that it was the sole cause and am still in communication with the manufacturer regarding its contents I'll just go with what I do know for sure and I hope you understand. What I can say is by sticking with Biobizz only with EWE2 and upping the ActiVera (their trace elements) and adding the epsom all is good. 



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