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Newbie advice needed

Grower not a shower

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Aye mate, ordered direct from the website last Tuesday. Was kinda hoping they’d be here by now. According to the tracker they’ve been sitting in Belgium since Friday :wallbash: at least it gave me a chance to sort my grow room out I suppose 

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So I’ve checked the tracker again this morning and finally they’re in the uk and in a van ready to be delivered today. I’m so excited, feels like being a kid at Christmas again. With any luck they’ll be sat there waiting for me when I get in from work tonight so I can get them started in their temporary new homes straight away.


My plan is to just pop them into little biodegradable seed pots filled with coco which has been dampened with plain water and put them into a propagator in my tent with the lights off untill I see they’ve broke the surface. Then I’ll turn my 250w mh and extraction on and pot up about a week later once they’ve rooted out the paper pots. I won’t be giving any nutes until I see the first set of serrated leaves then start off with some formulex. I’m using coco professional + so between that and the plants own built in goodies I think I’m right in saying that should be enough?


Does this sound about right? Don’t wanna kill them before they’ve even been born. I’ve read about the other methods like paper towels, root riot cubes (which I’ve got) glass of water etc but I’d rather not handle them after the taproot has shown 

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Hi mate, should be fine by your method. I do mine in paper towels in a plastic tub in my veg cab and try and keep it between 75 and 80- 85f.

I don't grow in coco but a good tip is to watch the cotyledon leaves, the little ones with no serration. When they start yellowing the seedling is ready for some feed. You might need feed before in coco but go steady. Good luck :)


If you do decide to use the root riots watch them as they dry out quickly.

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5 minutes ago, jadenugs said:



If you do decide to use the root riots watch them as they dry out quickly.

This is exactly why I don’t really wanna use them.

Im reading about so many days different  ways people germ seeds so I’m gonna hazard a guess at there’s no “right” way to do it, just ways that people prefer to use. 

Roll on 6pm so I can get home to meet them for the first time. 


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@Grower not a shower I've been working on a standardised germination technique that is reliable,effective,cheap,works and is simple.


Ive done nearly 40 seeds with it since and only 1 fail that did germinate but died of.


I'm going to do a full tutorial on 10 Chemo Remo that are a pain to pop as they have tough shell cases so going in big!!


Keep an eye out mate and good luck with your grow.

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They’re here!!! :toldya:


So so as soon as I got through the door I seen the Jiffy bag sat on the stairs waiting for me. I ran upstairs, grabbed my biodegradable pots, filled them 3/4 full with coco and pre soaked them while I carefully opened the envelope. I looked inside and found 2 little tins with my white widow and blue cheese babies in them, my free Critical + in a separate phial and a bonus phial with 2 mystery seeds (wonder what these could be?)

Once the standing water had drained from my pots I planted 2 x WW AND 2 x BC, covered loosely with 1/2” of coco, popped them into my propagator then into my grow tent with lights off untill they crack the surface. 


I honestly can’t remember the last time I was so happy. Let the growing commence!



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On 22/11/2017 at 7:22 PM, Grower not a shower said:

They’re here!!! :toldya:


So so as soon as I got through the door I seen the Jiffy bag sat on the stairs waiting for me. I ran upstairs, grabbed my biodegradable pots, filled them 3/4 full with coco and pre soaked them while I carefully opened the envelope


That's what we like to see mate and soon as they drop the customer pops :yep:


Here's to a successful germination and end even better grow :)


I'm sure we will have 4 babies joining the fun soon then the show can begin  :bong:


Will you be doing a full documented grow mate? If so might be best in the 2017-17 section as we will be selecting the top 3 mid next year as best diaries  :) if not here is fine and will check back in on the next update  :bong:


Glad they landed safe and sound. Bring in the seedlings :)


All the best 



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Hi @Dinafem-MarkI was hoping you'd pop by 

26 minutes ago, Dinafem-Mark said:




Will you be doing a full documented grow mate? If so might be best in the 2017-17 section as we will be selecting the top 3 mid next year as best diaries  :) if not here is fine and will check back in on the next update


Fully documented with photos as I go. I'll be hoping to pick the brains of people like yourself and others who are Jedis at this compared to me, especially anyone who has experience of manifolding/mainlining. I've been reading up on the method for years, since I first started thinking about growing, and I've got my heart set on it. So as long as they show promise early on (which I'm sure they will considering where I got them) I'll top for the first time after growing to 6 nodes. 


If ive put this diary in the wrong place feel free to move it to the correct section. Still trying to get to grips with forums. I've as much experience with them as I have with growing!

Edited by Grower not a shower
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Sorry @Dinafem-Mark I've just realised which thread (think that's what this is called?) you replied to. I've actually started a diary in the 2017-2018 grow section called "My First Grow" 


didnt realise i coulda just continued this one and moved it. Oh well.


Hopefully see see you over there

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On 24/11/2017 at 11:53 PM, Grower not a shower said:

Sorry @Dinafem-Mark I've just realised which thread (think that's what this is called?) you replied to. I've actually started a diary in the 2017-2018 grow section called "My First Grow" 


didnt realise i coulda just continued this one and moved it. Oh well.


Hopefully see see you over there



I will most definitely be checking it out mate :yep:


All the best 



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