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H.S.O. Bubba Kush auto & Bubba 2.0

Michael Luchóg

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Personally I would give them another 10 days veg under the 600w then get the flower show started :)


Not looking to bad my friend and thank you for taking the time to update your HSO diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


I'm off until the new year and I suspect upon my return these ladies will be well into bloom :)


Have a good one mate :bong:


Kind regards 



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Thanks Mark ,hope you've a good Yule & New year. I flipped the lights two days ago .The temperatures were not good as the electric blanket threw in the towel :bag: I put another one in there bit it's small . I added a tube heater ,which is turned on 24/7 ,but that's not enough so I've a convection heater in there too .It has a timer and it's set at fifteen minutes on ,fifteen off ,for the dark period .I have an oil rad too but it hasn't a timer ,not sure which is best or more economical .The convection heater loses heat quickly when it switched off . The oscillating fan was far too strong ,so because the weather's cold I changed it to a little clip on fan .

At present temperatures are OK . There are three autos sharing the space, the other two are in another tent . I gave the photo plants a good spritz of bug spray yesterday. With some luck I'll keep the creepy crawlies out and these girls will grow . 



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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like you are battling the low temps but doing a fine job :yep:


Good call on swapping the big fan out for a smaller clip on. This should help keep temps a little more stable  :yep:


So far so good and apart from the temp issue things are progressing really well :)


Happy New year mate and as usual thank you for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next one :bong:


Kind regards 



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Folks :skin_up:

This strain didn't stretch much after 12/12 . I notice they also like the compost on the dry side ,the more indica looking plant maybe not the same . They just started flowering,no more nodes  .

I didn't manage to take many pictures as the room is an orange glow and its awkward but I am cutting down this auto og kush tonight .It could go another week but it's ahead of the others and I'm not sure I'll leave them much longer either as I can't spray them for mites now ,and I'd rather not have mites breeding .They seem to have recovered and well they're small enough I guess .


Auto at rear left .



I seemed to over water the plant in the orange pot .She wilted for a full day .I certainly gave it a slow soak but only about three litres .The pot was very light ,thirsty plant but hard to gauge . Won't need to do any trimming underneath ,fell off !

Edited by Michael Luchóg
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Good call on cropping the auto my friend  :yep:


Yes she could have gone a little more but due to the pest issues best to get her down, dry and cured :yep:


Now that auto is down it should give some extra room for the other ladies in the grow zone :bong:


Things are coming along well and thank you for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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No worries @HSO-Mark .Thanks again . 

Two more autos down .One I trimmed earlier. 

I started some greencrack seeds but I gifted the seedlings away .To be honest I find the bud pretty weak, from a few seed plants a friend grew .It was tasty though . I was thinking of trying a cut from blue dream but I saw those seed plants too and they were very sativa like .I wouldn't have the patience ,fine bushes though ,stretched a lot in comparison to the Bubba kush 2.0 . 



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Now you have dropped 2 more autos that gives more room and more importantly more light/lumens for the remains plants :bong: whilst giving you some dry bud to see you though until the bug girls are ready :yep:


Sorry to hear that you did not like and were not impressed with our green crack. I find her quite potent :bong:


Did you say the bud was seeded? This could be why the potency was reduced as a lot of energy would have gone into seeds production and not trichomes :bong:


I think if you do try our you will not be disappointed my friend  :)


Kind regards 



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Hi dude, the plants seem to of bounced back somewhat and now look like they may just get nice and fat for you.

Have you positively identified what bugs your fighting with a loop or something.






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Hi fellas ,@golf.007 @HSO-Mark

I wasn't disappointed ,just didn't have great potency ,and there was an odd few seed in the odd few buds .

Russet mites are/were the culprits .They've cost me time and money .The energy bill is cruel ,and no return ! 

I have one auto to chop .I can't really spray ivermectin now the plants are in flower but I'll continue with the neem and rosemary .



Take care folks.

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@Michael Luchóg sorry to hear about the russet mite issue my friend  :(


This has explained a lot and my advice would be


Finish this crop and get everything out of the grow room. Clean it all, clean again and start over with a fresh clean room. New medium and a total clean start :yep:


Keep us posted mate :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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On 16/01/2018 at 8:40 PM, Michael Luchóg said:

.I can't really spray ivermectin now the plants are in flower but I'll continue with the neem and rosemary


You should be fine with rosemary and neem mate :bong:


Would definitely not use and chemicals in the buds :)


Will check back in on the next update mate  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Hi Mark ,thanks buddy .


Just a shot of the mild stuff from now on ,and less feed as they're pretty green . It's day 34/35 of flower and the buds are a bit small .I let two plants get thirsty . The temperatures have been good ,although the weather is due to get real cold .

I'm smoking some of the auto bud .It's very nice ,one plant especially ,the flowers are fairly dank and pungent .They smell and taste similar though .large._20180127_192914.JPG

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  • 2 weeks later...

large._20180211_004212.JPGlarge._20180211_004348.JPGHi folks. 

I think it's day 48 of bloom. One plant hasn't really grown any larger buds, they've coloured a little. One small plant is ahead of the others. 

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For day 48 of bloom some nice size tops and I agree from the pictures the smaller plant does look several days ahead of the other  :bong:


Not looking to bad in here my friend and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!


Until the next one  :bong:


Kind regards 



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