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H.S.O. Bubba Kush auto & Bubba 2.0

Michael Luchóg

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Sorry to hear you are having these issues mate with the "Russet mites "


This is hard for me to say but you will not have a successful grow until you can eliminate this issue. You will always have sickly plants so I would say get this grow done and move location or clean your present location and clean it again :yep:


Keep us posted mate and I'll check back in on the next update to check progress out  :yep:


Kind regards 



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Thanks Mark . I thought the room was clean of creepy crawlies ,but they're airborne and easily spread . 

I dunked them all in a tub of warm water ,so there's a few specs of compost on the plants from spilling out into the tub . I then sprayed them all with soapy water ,warmed to 50c degrees . large._20171207_113159.JPGlarge._20171207_110604.JPGlarge._20171207_110152.JPG


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Hi mate,


sorry to read of your troubles. Hope you manage to get on top of it all.


not sure if i'm reading this right but..


On 26/11/2017 at 0:59 AM, Michael Luchóg said:

its pretty big so it's doubled ,and feels cosy . 



I think the most dodgy thing you can do with an electric blanket is fold it over. If that's what you meant you've done, i'd change it. Just have it going up the sides of the tent, rather than folding it. Sorry if i've mis-read it though :yep:




I've been fighting spider mites recently too.


With regard to the mites, have you tried harkers? has ivermectin. is that different to avermectine? i dont know, but it seems to have worked for me.


You spray, they die, wait 5 days for eggs to hatch, spray again, they die, having not matured enough to lay eggs, then the 3rd application at 15 days should wipe them all out, without any eggs having been layed. I'm 3 days away from the 3rd application. I'll keep you posted.


Anyway, it was the blanket thing that i wanted to mention really.


good luck mate.


Tigs :guitar:


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Thanks tigs. Ah that's a bitch, sorry you're having similar troubles. The blanket was doubled alright, and I never thought of the danger but fair play for mentioning it. I spread the blanket out though after all the plants were repotted. I think it's a reject blanket . On its lowest setting it's pretty hot. 

The mites I have don't make all that much webbing until they're in huge numbers,just as damaging though. I may get a natural predator and see how it goes. It'd be nice to see them die off or at least kept at bay until I can have a new, fresh space to grow. 

Take it easy. 


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Glad I mentioned it now then. 


To be honest, I wouldn't trust an old one either. Do you know why they were rejected?


They're a lot safer these days. Mine was cheap of Amazon, and on full it's not hot by any means, but keeps temps stable. 


Anyway, bloody electric blankets. Be getting some slippers out next lol


Does sound like spider mite. They do only make visible webs once prolific. 


I've read they build up resistance to treatments, so important to kill them out right. Or keep trying different things. 


Harkers seemed to be the one after reading up. But can't be done in mid/late flower. 


I'm also throwing in some SB plant invigorator and some revive in between the Harkers treatments. 





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@tigseyjnr How's things buddy?

The electric blanket had no instruction leaflet ,and the settings are weird .Some sort of timer ,don't think it works anyway .Still it's a necessity in a cold room . 


The plants have grown since Thursday .They may look a little better in general ,I'm not sure really ,they are a bit shook I guess . In the first picture there's two photo period plants ,in the middle of the room ,and an auto to the right of them .The tips of the closest plant are twisted ,a little necrosis maybe ,could be the chemicals ,and the mites, and today I sprayed them again with the pressure sprayer .This time with some washing up liquid in the mix .The water was a little hotter than 50c so that may also attribute to the twisting .

They all got a good sup of water except for the two smallest ,because they've yet to root out their pots .In the second picture there's an auto on the right and photo on the left . 


I was thinking of putting some ivermectin or abamectin into an old bucket, pour boiling water into the bucket ,sit it into the room and run away .I was just thinking the steam might get around the room and get a better kill . 

Take it easy .




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Not much change in two days . The new shoots are fairly twisted ,but I hope that's just a reaction to the chemicals .large._20171211_145316.JPG


The leaves are a bit turgid and leathery ! 

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Might be a bit cold with all this weather we been having, i got a 2kw heater on but its drinking the electric and its still on the cool side. Think its gna warm up briefly on weds but i think the cold temps are here till new year from what ive been hearing. 

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I do think partial cold and the bugs or should I say bug removal is causing the slow growth  :yep:


You are doing all you can to get on top of the issue  :) you have some hardy plants which all look to be handling the stress well :)


Keep up the battle and as said any way to get any extra heat in the room/environment? 


As usual thank you for the continued support and updates mate very much appreciated and I'll be back in on the next update to check progress out  :)


Kind regards 



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Hi fellas. Hope you're well . 

Temps have been OK ,fluctuating but rarely under 22 degrees . The lights are only off for four hours and tonight its 30 degrees so I've left the door ajar .


I hoovered the plants a few days ago ,then gave the photo plants a spray of ivermectin with soap ,mixed pretty heavily. I did it twice that day ,just after and before lights out . Yesterday I saw two move ,reaffirming their presence .I'm assuming they're in the room and more will hatch from the heavily treated plants ,and they'll be pretty sparse ,and non existent eventually ,hopefully. I've sprayed with neem ,warm water and soap every day for a week . Today I noticed the three photo period plants in the larger pots were a little thirsty .I watered each with a half gallon ,and a weak dose of seaweed extract . I also bent a shoot over and twisted it around ,partially snapping the stem .I topped another .Probably better to leave them alone now .Still the plant with the snapped stem turned upward to the light after a few hours . They got another shot of Neem with rosemary and ivermectin at lights out and I couldn't see any mites move this evening . 


If ivermectin is systemic then I guess the mites can't really survive if the treatments are regular. Apparently it doesn't last for very long though ,a few weeks . 


In a few weeks I'll use another room ,and clean all the equipment. 


The autos are slowly starting to flower again ,except for the badly infested sativa looking auto ! The Neem is keeping them back .Admittedly I've been using the same sprayer for all mixes so there will have been a small bit of ivermectin in the mix for the autos but just a fee drops from the previous mix . 


I'll let you folks judge ,because I can't tell if the cure is worse than the cause ! large._20171212_220031.JPGlarge._20171212_220418.JPG

Edited by Michael Luchóg
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Folks :cowboy:


Yesterday I just used a little Neem and water in the sprayer .I'm going to use ivermectin on the photoperiod plants at lights out today. There is some fresh growth but most of the leaf tips are scorched and the older leaves are rough as you can see !



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Hi folks .

Plants got a little thirsty today .I gave them a good soaking ,no feed this time ,they're green enough . 

I'm thinking about moving the autos into a tent with some clones 5 weeks in flower,under a 600w ,and not doing too well . I could finish the autos off in there and swap lights ,perhaps use the 600w for the OG kush photo period plants ? 

They look a little healthier thankfully .I'll take them all out tomorrow and spray the walls with bleach and another shot of pesticide on the plants .large._20171217_210428.JPGlarge._20171217_210705.JPGlarge._20171217_210954.JPGlarge._20171217_210913.JPG

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You are doing everything you can mate so hard if to you for that :)


I would say you are getting ontop of this issue and all being well you will still get a decent harvest  :yep:


After this grow. I would take everything down and clean that room and all equipment to avoid or try to avoid these issues in the future :yep:


Keep doing what you are doing and as usual thank you for taking the time to update your HSO diary and thank you for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



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No hassle , and thanks @HSO-Mark.


I'm trying to resize pictures but I can't fit them in ! No matter . 


I'm tempted to flip the lights .It'd be nice if the stems got a bit of girth on them . All five og kush photo plants are under a new dual spectrum 600w . They got another shot of ivermectin last night .large._20171221_093106.JPG

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