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Early Amnesia CBD Single plant Hempy


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Well for fear of it going flat  I wasn’t gonna start the diary so soon, but it’s probs the only way I’ll be able to keep track of days and dates.  This is my 3rd grow, previous 2 were Hempy’s too.  I didn’t go too badly, the last grow ended up with a tent full but, the quality suffered.  This time I’m going to have to learn a bit of patience and settle in for a longish haul

There’s loads of great diaries and grows documented on the site, but I’ve got to say this grow has been inspired by @Green-trialisthis adventures with a single plant scrog in  1m and 0.8m tents 600w & 400w respectively were enlightening to a newbie grower fumbling about. I’m not looking to break any records or re-invent the wheel, I just want to keep it as simple as I can and, hopefully end up with a tin of quality street. So here we go, 


 Dinafem Early Amnesia CBD.  Single plant scrog, 40l Hempy Bucket, 3:1 perlite/vermiculite,  a 7/16th hole drilled so the bottom of the hole is 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket, the bottom of the Hempy filled with perlite to just above the top of the hole.

I’ve got a Lighthouse Max 1 x 1 x2m tent in a detached garage, Lat 52N with enough West in it for a bit of influence from the gulf stream, but it’s still gonna be a bit chilly come January. I’ve got insulation under the tent.  There’s a 125L Ruck extraction fan with the thermostatic control, Rino Pro 5 inch filter, passive intake, got a couple of tube heaters and an oil filled radiator, there’s a selection of fans to go at.  The scrog net has been made, pvc tubing and fittings, 50mm plastic garden mesh.


I popped the seed in a riot cube on Saturday evening 30th Sept.  Steady temp @ 23.5c. Tuesday morning she had popped up albeit firmly hanging on to the casing. I’d managed to dampen it so switched on the lamp (125w CFL). Next day bit of a poke with a jeweller’s screwdriver to release the casing and all was fine.

I don’t mind the riot type cubes but they do tend to dry out fairly rapid, this in mind and from having learned a bit previously, once I saw the tap root at the bottom of the cube I popped it in to the Hempy. I experimented the last grows, it was certainly better for keeping the cube moist getting them into the growing media early. I also tried using smaller Hempy cups before transplanting in to the final bucket. The seedlings that went straight in to the final buckets seemed to not miss a beat.

Anyway it’s going to have a week or so under the cfl, I’ve then got a 400w MH for what’s expected to be 6 weeks or so veg ,before the 600w HPS for flowering, I’ve got a new lamp, 600w Gavita Enhanced for digital ballasts, I’m hoping my Lumatek digi ballast will get some sunshine out of it at 660w.

The same as the last grows it’s going to be Ionic one part nutes, grow and bloom, no boost or anything, Formulex for a week or so until kind of established.   My tap water (from private well via treatment system) has an ec of .2 and Ph of 6.7

The perlite was well washed before mixing it with the vermiculite.  I then made 25 lt of feed up with the formulex and poured it through( ec 0.8 inc background, Ph 5.9) popped the cube in and another small water round.  It takes 1.5l to get 0.5l run off but I’m putting another few litres  through to keep things fresh in the bottom of the Hempy….Roll on February!

Day 5 above ground.




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Hi good to see someone else doing hempy, 40 ltr is a big one, any reason why you not start in a smaller hempy 1st ?  Imo use a smaller pot at 1st and pot up a few times before the 40ltr pot.. I used to use 10ltr buckets , well 12 ltr but when drilled they held 10 ltr coco and never saw a need to go bigger than that even under 1kw of light ..They took a watering every other day in flower and did not suffer..:oldtoker:

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@Notarf  Hello mate, thanks for dropping in.  My first grow I ended up with the one plant (not scrogged) under the 600w, the bucket wasn't the best ,too much of a taper and held about 10l of medium.  I was having to feed every day, the bucket was well light after 24 hours. Last time I was in 4 x 12 or 14l feeding every other day, I think they could have gone 3 days for a spell if needed.  This time I'm wanting to grow one big plant and fill the net out. I'm thinking that one plant will be able to drink a fair bit, I'm also thinking if all goes well I'll be putting in around 15l to get 4-5 out every other day


I tried a couple in hempy cups last time...they didn't do as well as straight into the bucket. Now that could be down to my growing skills mind lol but the vermiculite/perlite doesn't hold  together well, I haven't grown in coco but it may not get so disturbed as the perlite mix? I know the Hempy himself says straight in to the bucket. I've got time on me hands and don't want to stress the plant before I get to topping it.  The depth of the 40l bucket isn't much more than the 12 liter bucket (less than 2 inch's, or a bit less less to the media) so fingers crossed I can keep it sweet until the tap root gets down to the res.



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I not use hempy bellow 5 ltr, sorry i should have said, i use normal methods up till around 5 ltr.. It is fine to use normal pots and then into a hempy as the roots will still be growing when they get to the bottom the plant grows well..

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Firstly thank you for documenting your Dinafem adventure on UK420  :)


Secondly we don't see hempy buckets being used much these days, I don't know why as they are a tried and tested way to grow :) so we will definitely be watching this one with interest :)


So this is going to be


1 plant 

1 system

1 light


Should equal some epic fun :)


Thank  you from all at Dinafem for documenting your grow on the UK420 platform  :)


Our early amnesia cbd is proving quite popular so will be very cool to see how she does in your hands and in your grow environment  :)


Will be along for the ride and watching with interest :)


Until your next update  :bong:


All the best 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/10/2017 at 2:51 PM, sroporilshoot said:

Lat 52N with enough West in it for a bit of influence from the gulf stream

And also far enough West to have got hammered by the storms last week.  The electric went off Monday afternoon and came back on/off Friday/Saturday.  The domestic water comes from a well via an electric pump. Had the use of a 3.7 KVA portable genny on the Thursday evening which got the heating running, tank of hot water etc. I'm only pleased I was just the 3 weeks in, I couldn't imagine what it would have been like if I had been further down the road.  

I've still got another bean but now I'm a bit behind so's I'm thinking 2-3 of something a bit quicker then go again with the single Amnesia in the spring. It was always gonna be borderline of having enough in the jars to keep me going but now I'd be well short.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Well what I done was ordered another bean. I haven't the time now for a long veg but I really wanted to sample this strain so, I  popped it and me spare one.  Bit of a detour off the original plan but needs must.

Same as the first one these popped up on the 3rd day, kept them in the riots a couple of days, then in to hempy cups.  They are under a 125w 6500k CFL. First couple of feeds was with Formulex at a total EC of 0.8, my water is 0.2.  I'm now using the Ionic one part grow at 0.9 EC pH has been in the 5.8 to 6.0 region.  As said they both popped up at the very same time, one was a little stretchier and that one is doing better. I'm hoping it's just a bit of transplant shock and No1 will perk up a bit.  I was thinking mebs a bit too wet so left them 48 hours and fed again, after another 24 hours the 'strechier' cup was noticable lighter. 

Temps have been about 23-27 humidity is low at about 38-43.  It'll be better when I get them rooted a bit and then in to the buckets under the 400w MH.  




Thanks for dropping by. This is my 3rd grow so any input will be well received.

Forgot to add, I reckon they are now 10 days above ground.



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You will find with growing that you will take a detour from time to time :) and in this case it has brought 2 more babies to the party  :)


For 12 days in the look as expected mate :)


Will be back in when there is a little more action if you need any advice/help just ask and I'll do my best to answer and you have a mass of knowledge from the UK420 community  :bong:


As usual thank you for taking the time to update your diary and for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



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So day 17 above ground. They had the week in the hempy cups and they really came on so this morning I got them in to the hempy buckets.

7/16" hole, 2"  from the bottom of the bucket. Perlite to just above the hole then 3:1 perlite vermiculite, 12l total in each bucket.

Last time I had a bit of a adventure transplanting from the cups so this time was bit better prepared.  Wet the media in the cup which held it together good. Burried a bit of pipe, watered round it, lifted it carefully out then popped the babies in. It went well so's hopefully they'll get over the shock and in 3-4 days they'll be on the move again.





They'd been getting ec 1.050 (inc background 0.2) of the  Ionic Grow @ pH 5.8 - 6.2 so I'll just keep it at that until the roots hit the rez.   

I'd like to have kept them another 4 or 5 days under the 125w CFL but because of the diameter of the buckets the lamp would be to far away, its been about 3" away up until now. Anyway now they're under the 400w mh @ 20".  I was gonna leave them on 24/0 for a couple of days  mebs  going straight to 18/6 straight away after repotting might be too much stress?


Last week day 10



This week day 17





Cheers for dropping by ATB 

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Now that they have been potted up into the hempy buckets with all that extra medium we are going to see much more vigorous growth from these ladies :yep: Give them a week to 10 days to get established in there new homes and we will see them take off :)


Just a small tip. Instead of using the pipe. Next time get the same pop you are using, fill with medium to strengthen and use that to great the hole  :) perfect fit every time :)


Potting up looks to have gone well and both plants look nice and healthy so all good :)


Thank you for taking the time to update your diary and for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



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Well here we are at day 24 above ground. It all seems to be going nicely, I can't say I noticed them miss a beat after the pot up in to the final buckets.  I topped em 3 days ago @21 days above ground, again they haven't missed a beat.


Before topping



After topping



I'd dampened the media in the buckets before the transplant and then a bit of a water in...mebs a liter and just gave them 0.75l a day @ ec 1.050 Ionic grow pH 5.8 - 6.1. On the 4th day I put approx 3l in each to get about 1l runoff so that's it continue the feeding every other day and increase the ec a little as I go. Cheers for tip re potting up @Dinafem-Mark, nice one.  

My 2 previous grows have been with Hempy's and what I have found is, don't be tight with the runoff. To avoid any salt build up I found that 20% runoff wasn't too bad but 30% was better. My max ec on the 2 previous go's was 1.4 ish


Anyway they're under the 400w mh, started off with it @ 20" and lowered an inch a day and now it's @ 17".  Growing in a detached garage this cold snap has had the temps down. My thinking is at this stage, the plants aren't sucking too much Co2 out of the air so's, I have the extraction running 15 mins on/off during lights on.  During lights off the extraction comes on 15 mins per hour, I have a good circulation in the tent with a tower fan.   I'm running an oil filled radiator and large tube heater in the tent. I have a passive intake and using a tip from on here I have a tube heater in the intake ducting.

I'm really happy with the temps...got a few sensors here and there and it looks like lights off 21 - 25, lights on 23-28 humidity around 50%. The forecast has gave it getting a touch milder this week  happy days.


I'm going to have to ask for some advice re this oil filled radiator.  I was/am planning to do a scrog, got everything made but I'm unsure of a couple of things.  

If the oil filled radiator is below the frame...How much clearance will I have to give the frame? and,

with the heater being in that position, under the frame/below the canopy will it unduly affect the grow i.e a hot patch etc?


Would I be best chopping the frame/net down so it butts up to the radiator ?  I'd be losing about 20% of the canopy potential but I could have it any height I wanted.... Or, wait until warmer weather for me scrog?  2 plants in the 1m tent is fine by me , as long as they are big uns lol 





This is the bit I like,


Last week day 17large.7.JPG


This morning day 24



Thanks for looking in and I hope all is green in everyone's garden









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Over the 7 day period some really nice growth mate :) vigorous little ladies for sure :)


They have taken the potting up and topping very well and all I can say is well done and you have 2 healthy ladies on your hands :yep:


Things are looking great and thanks for the update  :)


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Cheers Mark...looking forward to these ladies really getting in to gear lol

 I've only ever topped once so in to the unknown this time and topped a second time at 28 days above ground, my knackered eyes and shaky hands made it a bit dodgy but this is the result.



I'm thinking another few days then mebs a bit of lst ...I really want to get these ladies going though. To be honest I haven't a clue how long it will take to get them to fill out enough, I must be looking at another 4 weeks? 


I managed to find one of the meat thermometers (another on the way)  root temps have been between 21.5 & 22.6. I've also got the buckets on heat mats (20w) they aren't switched on yet but this next few days as it gets colder they may get a first try out.  They have thermostats but I wasn't too keen in burying them in the bucket so's it's gonna be a bit of trial and error.  I've been using the thermostats just too measure the temps in the tent, I've had the ambient temps near enough 22c which correlates with the meat thermometer in the bucket.


I'm hoping now after a few days to settle they'll be going for it ....patience isn't coming easy lol





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