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@Littlehappyhippy There is a lot of misinformation regarding cannabis, a lot of it was generated as properganda back in the day.

My Mum worried herself silly for years thinking that I was going to become schizophrenic from smoking pot.


Truth is some strong sativas make my anxiety worse, increase my heart rate, and make me feel like I've had a few too many espressos. 

On the other hand I've literally had a panic attack stopped cold with two puffs on a joint. It's just a matter of picking the appropriate medicine!


With the selection you and your Dad have got going on, I don't see choice being a problem. Well, actually maybe it will be, it'll take you ten minutes to choose what flavour you want lol 


You listen to your old man, he's a pro ;) Culling plants is a hard thing to do but after growing long enough it becomes easier! The effort to see a runt through to the end of flower only to be rewarded with a meagre yeild looses attraction after a few times.


Seedlings look very healthy, and about to explode in growth by the looks of em! Good work you too, and good luck with O2.

Take it Easy Hippies!

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Good to meet the "next generation" of happy hippys!

Your dad seems a top fella and glad it seems to run in the family!.

Strains sound interesting too.

Excited to watch these grow for ya.



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Good morning guys..


Just a little update,i had to laugh my daughter had the right asshole with me cos i culled one of her beloved plants and she was not here to see why lol and im not sure she believed me when i said the plants with odd growth will mostly grow out of it but hey shes only learning so she can grow her own when i eventually fkoff and find my happy place in the world...


Anyway enough waffle it is her 1st diary :yinyang:.


1st up the 5 x Purple Trainwreck and yes for the most part they have grown out of the odd growth..large.59ec745408fee_DSCF4166(800x600).jpg



One of them is head and shoulders above the others but i expect with topping and bending of the taller one we will let the littluns catch up no problem..


Now the 4 x Choc Mint OG,these are the stars of the show so far and are all the biggest and healthiest in the Viv.






I have about 3 weeks left till the flower room is empty and i reckon this will be perfect to keep vegging these for about that amount of time..


Take it easy guys.



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welcome little h ..with yer dad behind yer i cant see you not having some nice jars full at the end ..all the best .crack on .

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Hi everyone! Still haven't got to the o2 store, we had a huge event at my work on Friday that had been months in the planning so it was all a bit manic but have a bit more time on my side now so I will get there!!! lollol 


@Green demon totally agree, it drives me nuts (no pun intended) hearing about it giving people schizophrenia, I even know of schizophrenics who use cannabis to medicate, as you say it's all about the right medication :) have had sativa's send me into one myself, my best smoking buddy lives right round the corner but my street lights all turn off at 12 and sometimes the walk home can be quite intense if the smoke's been strong lol 

Very much looking forward to the selection though! They're coming along nicely :) and I think I'm getting over the cull lol 


@botanics they are changing daily and looking lovely, the mutants have quite the character but are definitely growing out of it


Thanks everyone for keeping an eye, will update further once I've made it to o2 




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All 9 ladies look fantastic mate :)


Not a visable sign of deficiency and growing at a steady pace  :)


You gave the right idea with the bigger purple Trainwreck. Some training will certainly help to bring the top canopy down in level with the other 4 to create a nice even canopy across the whole crop :bong:


Looking great this end and thank you kindly good sir for the update  :) looking great :)


Kind regards 



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Good afternoon 420 guys and girls.


Some pics today of the girls all just doing their thing and getting stronger everyday..


1st up the Purple Trainwreck and the differences between the pots and size of plants is varied to say the least lol all being fed plain water with the occasional splash of bio silicon..












From above obviously..



From the side to show height differences lol all treated exactly the same..



Now the Choc Mint OG


These are all as tall as the biggest PTW..










Just a couple to show they were topped and the new growth..





Everything sitting under 24 hr lights on t5s..take it easy guys..



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I must say I'm quite surprised in the variance between the height of your purple trainwreck. Going to be very interesting to see how many select phenos you get from these. By the look of things you have at least 2 and time will tell if you have more :yep:


Our chocolate mint OG is one super tasty strain with a very heavy indica hìgh. Very relaxing but potent :)


Both strains are looking superb. Nice growth, no signs of any deficiency and clearly loving the environment :)


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to update your HSO adventure :)


Will be back in on the next update mate :bong:


Kind regards 



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@HSO-Mark Not trying to be a dick here, you seem like a nice guy but how is having many select phenos a good thing? I thought breeders were meant to breed for stability? Why put a description on the pack if the seeds could grow into any random type. Might as well grow bagseed if that's the case then no? I know there will always be a bit of variation but come on, tell it like it is. There's enough confusion in the seed world already. Just this seed buyers humble opinion but select phenos sound like random stuff to me and should be mentioned on the pack. Along with dates by the way, production dates should be essential but that's a different thing. 




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Doesn't matter how stable any strain is supposed to be as pheno's can be pulled out just by variations within the  enviroment its grown in.

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Agreed Badbadger, but some strains are wildly different even from the same pack in the same environment. How many pheno's are acceptable before it should just be labeled a mix pack? 

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some crosses produce more phenotypes than other's. its just the genetic make up of a strain. 

dont forget that if say your growing a kush hybrid,thats made with say a skunk#1 male. your going to get a fair few pheno's as the skunk#1 alone has how many different strains in it's make up. then crossed to whatever ,its going to produce a fair few pheno's. thats what most people want, so you can pick whats best for you. but i agree that if a strain is unstable, ie some pheno's growing like full on sativas hitting the roof. and other pheno's grow short, plus lots of in between then that's not good selling unstable genetics. 

but no one here is growing out crazy phenos like that are they ? the odd mutant, can be caused by inviroment/ lighting cycles ext.. 

maybe because there on 24 hours light cycle they are growing the odd mutant leafed plant due to no sleep ? 

have you had a problem with any of hso strains ? 

welcome to uk420 by the way gm420. :yinyang:

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