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Chocolate Mint OG Scrog under 2 x 600 DWC


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Theyre growing nicely mate really starting to fly!  I love the looks of those aero cloners, I've always used peat pellets for cloning but when cash allows I think I'm going to treat myself.  Do you dip the stems in clones or just mix it in with the solution? Roots that quick is really impressive, good work brother! Would love to see your experiment with two cloners!

i got a bit of ChocMint Og off my mate. Like your mate his drying practices ain't the best, but starting to smell a treat now it's been jarred for a few days!


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@Green demon They really are starting to pick up pace now, the growth rate in DWC is phenomenal.

The aero-cloners are great once they are dialled in, but they are more work than normal propagators with my personal experience with them, it may be just me though. It has took me many attempts to get them producing the way they are now. In hot weather they can be a nuisance and more trouble than they are worth with constantly having to put ice water bottles in twice a day to keep the temps in the aero tank under 25c, on top of that constantly PH'ing every day to keep them in range between 6.0 and 6.3, I read that somewhere about the PH range and that with constant temp monitoring has produced roots very quickly indeed this time around. I also have some lemon hazes in there and they usually take ages to root but they are also starting to produce white bumps on the stems which is a record for me with that strain. They are excellent if you have the time for them but probably normal propagators are just as good for less hastle. 

This time I dipped them into clonex, the last time I never along with not doing everything else and they took over a week and a half to root, so from now on its dip in clonex, 0.05ml pl excelurator, 0.4 sensi grow, ph 6.0-6-3 and temps between 22-23 if possible at all times and 18 hours light 6 Dark , I have two lighthouse clone tents for the mothers and cuts, the mother one is upright and the clone one on its side next to it. I have a 6 inch inline bathroom fan running on the same controller in each tent.

Yum Yum! You are going to love them nugs! I hope they are the same pheno as my one, you wont be disappointed!

Edited by ditchthedealer
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I think it all boils down to the grass is greener on the otherside. I've always used peat pellets for rooting out cuttings. Drop em in a bowl of luke warm ph'd water and let them hydrate. Squeeze out most of the water, make a hole, push cutting in, put cutting in propergator, leave alone for one week. As long as the temp is around 25 degrees, depending on how easy the strain is to clone, roots usually appear within four days to two weeks. 


As a cloning method its super easy, and its success rate is pretty high. The only thing I don't like about it, is success is really determined by how much water you squeeze out of the pellet. Leave too much moisture the cuts never take ages to root or potentially rot. 

Squeeze out too much moisture then at some point you have to water them, I find using a plant mister/sprayer aimed point blank at the pellet works well, but if you have to open the prop lid to hydrate them before the first week then this slows down rooting.


Its this lack of environmental control within the pellet that can slow rooting down. In your aeroponic cloner I think the environment is perfect for developing roots as long as you can tweak the correct ph and water temp like you have done. I think seeing your set up has convinced me, cheers brother my shopping list just got longer!

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Thank you for sharing the cutting shots and technique mate also nice to see our chocolate mint OG in the great outdoors :yep:


Now you have started more seeds things are going to get crazy just how we like it :)


Keep up the great work mate :yep:


Thank you for taking the time to update your HSO adventure and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time matey :bong:


Kind regards 



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@Green demon Ive found when using the normal propagators I seem to always have to much humidity, so that was what made me venture to the aero prop and its only up until the last run I realized not to use the lid at all on it as it makes it to hot and the fine spray keeps the un-rooted cuts humid, a friend of mine recently has been using peat pellets and using the normal prop without a lid and having great results.

Tomorrow I will be taking dozens of Choc mint cuts so may try out my normal prop with root riot cubes and see how it goes. But regarding my routine with the aero prop as long as I follow strict temp monitoring and PHing etc, the aero prop is running very well. Here's the cuttings now, the oldest are 14 days today, they could have been taken out some time ago now, some in here are younger, the first two rows have 2 cuts in each collar, you could probably get up to 4 in each one as long as they are not huge cuts, I've done up to 3 in one. Thanks for contributing to my diary!

@HSO-Mark Its a pleasure to keep updating, I just wish I had the time to update more often, but as things progress and there is more to update the updates will come in more and more.

Tomorrow they will get a good under trim which will be used for cuts, the under growth has been left unchecked so growth under the net isnt as fast as it could be even though it is rapid, but tomorrow that will get sorted and full growth rate will be forced into the canopy. They are drinking faster and faster and are on 0.6ec at the moment, any day now they will ask for 0.7, In roughly 2 weeks id say these will be thrown into flower to make sure I have something come down just before Christmas even though I should not be in lack of any herbs. 


As soon as the couple of grams of oil I have is gone I will be making some out of my choc mint trim that I have, I have to purge it with water and dont have a stage 2 vacuum etc, but soon I will have some shots of the oil she produces also.... I recently got a dab rig and as good as the hits are it triggers my asthma off big time so Ive had to put it down , but the oil vapes very well in my Extreme q so I will be looking forward to see how effective the choc mint oil is, Im pretty certain it will be a very nice vape indeed.

Thanks for popping in!

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No @ditchthedealer thank you mate for the awesome diary and sharing the knowledge! It's real interesting to hear your experiences.

Im actually shocked to hear your mate use a prop without a lid for unrooted cuts, and likewise yourself.


I always thought my high success rate with clones was precisely because I kept them at such high humidity. 

Without roots plants can't transpire thus high humidity helps keep the cuts hydrated. I've always left the lid on a week without touching it similar to the stickie. 

Mist the prop lid not the cuts and snip the leaves.


Im going to get me an aero cloner and try your method, your results speak for themselves! One question. How do you adjust temp in the cloner?


Okay two questions, how do you vape oil? I had a quick look and I assume the Extreme Q is an alternative to the Cloud Evo, but which accessory is for oil? Sorry dude so much to learn! 


Loving youre scrog too, yet another thing on my list of to try's lol Looking forward to seeing you fill it up!

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I love this thread and the energy in here :)


I have a few friend who do a lot with cuttings and they have very good results with the same type of system you are using  :bong: I think something like 98% success rate so will be interesting to see how cuts do in root it cubes and traditionally methods (prop and heat) :yep:


With regards to "dab rigs" this can take some getting used to and will depend on what you are using.


When I started it was


Dab rig and glass nail with some. This soon got swapped out for titanium  nail and carb cap :bong:


I did use and still do use a blow torch to heat my nail but have found that an e-nail is letting me pick the optimal temperature for my oil/extract :bong:


With the good old torch the temps can be hard control with e-nail much easier :yep:


Good call on trimming the undergrowth this will make perfect cutting material and will give the remaining plants, more light = more energy :bong:


Another 2 weeks should be perfect then you should be done just in time for Santa  :)


Great work so far, great diary and splendid read :)


Thank you for taking the time to update your HSO diary and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Will be back in on the next one mate :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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@Green demon  I use a small water heater and heat mat for heat, but to be honest they never ever come on so I have taken them off, they are just in case, I find the pump inside the tank keeps the water getting to cold, I just keep my eye on it and if I see it go over 24c I get two small lucozade bottles filled with water that have been frozen and drop them in there, if I am going to be out for a while I will use Robinsons squash bottles. Its pretty much just a question of keeping an eye on it, ive sort of got the feel to it now, its like a jungle in my prop now, my crop at my neighbours is at its final 10 days and the cuts will go straight there as the entire room gets converted :ninja: cant wait to get them out the way and start some new ones off for my next venture.

The Extreme q is a forced air and Bag vape, there isnt any real part for vaping any kind of concentrate in the extreme, but I find mixing the oil in with all ready vaped bud, fresh bud or even smeared on some cotton wool will do a very nice job in deed, I was very impressed when I tried it. I need to make a fresh batch of oil as I just ran out. Luckily I have dozens of extra screens for the extreme q and plenty of ISA as they get pretty gunked up like this.

I always scrog every time now, it really helps get me a nice yield I find and more uniform dense buds. Thanks for popping in, its always nice to see you in here!

@HSO-Mark  After all that I never got around to trimming as I said I would, I had unforeseen things to do, but over the next few days I will get things sorted as flower time is fast approaching and we want the extra abundance for Christmas and some great Nug shots for all to gaze upon in awe lol

Im thinking of getting another one of these props Im that impressed with it now Ive got it dialled in, mine is full at the moment so another one now would be ideal.

I was disappointed with the dabbing, being asthmatic my chest is very sensitive to the slightest smoke particles, dabbing 100% is producing some sort of combustion at some level, my chest went so bad I was forced to use up my inhalers as they barely worked after a day or two of dabbing, If I crank the temp up on my extreme and have the oil in my DDave connector Elbow packed she produces some very tasty hard hitting hits that are not far off from dabbing to be honest and give me no problems what so ever on my chest, Ive only just recovered lol

Thanks for stopping by!

I haven't been counting the time but they are getting big now, I may put them in their own separate tubs now they are drinking very fast and are not spaced equally. I think teh next few days will be flower time, this way they will be dried in time for Christmas.


Thank you UK420 for automatically saving the text I typed..... thought I lost it after clicking a link by accident, phew!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/10/2017 at 1:52 PM, ditchthedealer said:

I was disappointed with the dabbing, being asthmatic my chest is very sensitive to the slightest smoke particles, dabbing 100% is producing some sort of combustion at some level, my chest went so bad I was forced to use up my inhalers as they barely worked after a day or two of dabbing, If I crank the temp up on my extreme and have the oil in my DDave connector Elbow packed she produces some very tasty hard hitting hits that are not far off from dabbing to be honest and give me no problems what so ever on my chest, Ive only just recovered



This is where I think an e-Nail would come in handy it will let you crank that temperature just a little higher than your vape but not to the point where it is causing your lungs harm :)


Saying this you need to do what's best for you and your circumstances  :) You sound to be on the right track :yep:


They have really started to fill in that screen and once flipped to 12/12 (bloom) this will also help fill in those spaces during the first 3 weeks of the flower stage  (stretch period) :)


Looking good so far brother  :yep:


Thanks for the update mate :)


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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