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Green Crack and Purple Trainwreck


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Hi there @artyb :yep: 

Just read the whole lot. Great to see how they have progressed with your photos, from start to almost the finish.

Just wondered what your running light wise mate? And also was wondering was she a hungry girl as mark said, as you were slightly vague on the feeding.Sorry for the questions, take care Jj:yinyang:

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I've been recieving notifications intermittently so i could tell you were making your way through the diary haha.

I made myself a COB grow light using citizen leds. It runs at 535 watts from the wall according to my smart meter, I've also got 80 watts of uvb bulbs, intrigued to see if there's a difference in potency. I don't think the plants were necessarily wanting for food but I'm sure they could have eaten more, but I feed for the whole tent so its a kinda median feed. I've been feeding them with biobizz grow bloom algamic and heaven throughout flower. Grow at 1ml per lire throughout, and bloom increasing from 1-3ml by 1ml every couple of weeks. I water them 3 times a week, 2 with feed, 1 plain water.

ask me any questions you want mate. i didnt intend on being too detailed in this diary i only made it as the section was empty. happy to answer any questions though although i am still a novice.

Edited by artyb
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Cheers for that bud, I thought they looked like led bud. I am still novice ish, but got a few years under my belt, just settling into a coco routine now,may your buds continue to fatten:hippy: Jj.

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On 30/11/2017 at 2:04 PM, artyb said:

The 3 plants that were closest to the hermie plant all seem to have slowed growth after pollination but as of yet I've not seen any signs of seeds at all. Is it possible that the plants would still have brown pistils after coming into contact with sterile pollen?


I'll be 100% honest mate I'm not the best to answer this due to my lack of breeding knowledge but I will ask our head breeder and get back to you. 


I'll get back to you with my findings mate :yep:


Kind regards 



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The end of week 8 and the finish line is approaching fast :yep:


They look Devine and the time is near to get those fingers sticky and jars refiled  :bong:


Lovely looking buds and if possible would you get s few shots pre harvest? 


As usual thank you for taking the time to update your diary and for the continued support and added pictures very much appreciated!


Kind regards 



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Thank you for the pre harvest shots mate :)


Not a small bud in sight just what we like to see :yep: and great to hear she was the best producer in the tent :yep:


Will check back in once fully dry and cured to see your thoughts and for the final weigh in  :)


Until then enjoy that beautiful bounty  :bong:


Kind regards 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is dryed, jarred and sampled. The plant that threw pollen is definitely a green crack if the high is anything to go by. It's actually the most energising smoke out of all of them total yield 68g.

The plant that foxtailed could have been picked earlier but it wasn't convenient at the time. Still nice smoke though. 86g. 

The final plant is the most potent of them all, has the densest buds and best flavour. 81g total from this.

Surprsingly they weren't my best yielders in the tent, unexpectedly a triangle kush cookies seed was my best producer at 100g. Its worth noting that the two best yielding green cracks were a bit slower in veg and seemed to be about a week behind the rest in the tent at the time of flower. They were also the only two in a different soil mix which had more perlite in so in better circumstances they could have produced much more. 

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Thank you so much for ending your HSO adventure in this style :yep:


A final weigh in and initial thoughts on the end product is imo the best way to end a diary as it gives a great end to the diary whilst letting new growers of this strain an estimation of what to expect under simular conditions :bong:


Thank you for a great read and for ending the diary this way. Enjoy that HSO goodness mate :bong:


Kind regards 



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