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HSO Blueberry Headband


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Time for a little update. Some good and some bad... Firstly a group shot shortly after flipping to 12/12 on Monday.




Light has both switches on for flowering and they are getting the full LED spectrum, from the Viparspactra.




Now for the not so great news. On inspection today, I noticed the Strawberry Amnesia had some definite male flowers on it. *See picture below.

Rather than risk it with the fact it is supposed to be female, I have gone with my judgement and binned the Strawberry. For the purposes of this diary

it does not really matter anyway, as it is not an HSO strain anyway. Not sure what happened with that one, can't see any light leaks etc. 




Okay so now the HSO Blueberry Headband remains solo now. Although I plan on taking a clone or two off her today and will fill in the spaces round her,

with her offspring. Also did a little LST on her, to get her filled out a little. More soon..

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Strange that this occurred with the strawberry amnesia mate. If you drop me a pm I'll see if we can sort something out to say sorry :)


Now into the blueberry headband :yep: as you are now in bloom and she is getting the full advantages of the LED she will really take off :)


Personally I would do clones now or this coming week :) will make rooting easier imo :)


Until then next time :bong:


Kind regards 



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@HSO-Mark Yeah it was a little strange. I'm not too worried by it though and thanks for the offer, but I will be fine. I got so much stuff to get through as it is. Have to keeps things small at the moment anyway. Kids are at middle teen age now and just trying to keep it all hidden is a pain. To be honest my space works better with one, at the moment. Less chaos.  I was wondering if the LED might of had something to do with the Strawberry turning male/hermie, all that blue light in veg. Who knows...



Okay so time for an update. The only thing I really noticed so far with the LED, is that the onset of flowering after switching to 12/12 seems to be very fast. This Blueberry Headband has some serious smell to it already. Couple of pictures taken, yesterday...




And a little closeup, some what out of focus...




So pics were taken day 8 of 12/12. Not really being fed anything yet. I did give her a very very light feed on Monday. More next week. Take it easy all...


Just a quick edit to say. I never bothered taking any clones from her. Once I saw she was already flowering this much,  I didn't have the heart to take one of her limbs away. Still got another 2 of these in cold storage, plus all my other HSO goodies to try..


Edited by Halfatree
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Coming along nicely for 8 days, a shame about the strawberry amnesia. Ive had my eye on the strawberry am for sometime, I tried her before and I liked it.

If the Blueberry headband grows anything like the Lemon Kush Headband she will be a very productive plant.

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These are coming along very well mate :)


They look to be well into the flower phase with around 10 more days of stretch then all focus will shift into bud and trichome production :yep:


Great to know about the faster onset of bloom with the LED addition I'm sure many growers will find this valuable info :)


Looking splendid so far. Thank you for taking the time to update your thread and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next one :bong:


Kind regards 



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Hey halfatree.....

Looking good mate ill be keeping an eye on this diary as been looking into leds recently and the brand you have seems good place to start.... thumbs up for documenting your grow, i think all who do diarys on here are doing our community a real service....so bravo :pugwash:

shame about your strawberry am. but on the plus it give that bushy looking blueberry headband more room,more bud lol are you just letting her grow natural or are you gonna tie her down lst etc.... i was choosing some beans this week an nearly swayed for head band, but went for blue dream as this was always my first choice.. i will be starting them off as soon as i can.....all being well i may start a diary (never done one before)seeing others in the new hso sub forum do so has inspired me a little as ive been wanting to do Blue dream a while and have seen some amazing diarys of this plant ..however im new to all this posting ya grows n that online i aint even on facebook :ninja: so we will see.


:offtopic:can i just say i LOVE hso packaging .... so creative... first thing i did was sniff the wood lol .....or is that just me? :hippy:Hahaha

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@admanbadmanTake the plunge mate and get a diary going :) if you had a few more posts or a documented grow we would gladly sponsor your grow :)


Maybe after s few more posts we can chat or if you have your own seeds please do think about documenting your HSO endeavour we would be very grateful :yep:


Kind regards 



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10 hours ago, admanbadman said:

Hey halfatree.....

Looking good mate ill be keeping an eye on this diary as been looking into leds recently and the brand you have seems good place to start.... thumbs up for documenting your grow, i think all who do diarys on here are doing our community a real service....so bravo :pugwash:

shame about your strawberry am. but on the plus it give that bushy looking blueberry headband more room,more bud lol are you just letting her grow natural or are you gonna tie her down lst etc.... i was choosing some beans this week an nearly swayed for head band, but went for blue dream as this was always my first choice.. i will be starting them off as soon as i can.....all being well i may start a diary (never done one before)seeing others in the new hso sub forum do so has inspired me a little as ive been wanting to do Blue dream a while and have seen some amazing diarys of this plant ..however im new to all this posting ya grows n that online i aint even on facebook :ninja: so we will see.


:offtopic:can i just say i LOVE hso packaging .... so creative... first thing i did was sniff the wood lol .....or is that just me? :hippy:Hahaha


Thanks for dropping In. @admanbadman I did a little LST training on the branches and removed all the bottom fluff. Other than that, just letting her do her thing. Seems to not be stretching too much now anyway. I have the Blue Dream also which Mark kindly gifted me, along with the Amherst Sour Diesel. I Hope to do them, in the New Year at some point. I'm a sucker for anything, with Blueberry in it. Anyway, hope you give the diary a go and good growing!


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Hey @HSO-Mark Thankyou for your kind words...im trying alot recently to delve more into posting and chatting to everyone on here so my post number should be on the up....so little time in a day an so much to do haha

All being well I will start a diary wen i eventually get the blue dream going. hoping to start in next couple months. What would sponsoring my grow mean?> sorry if thats a silly question

9 hours ago, Halfatree said:

I'm a sucker for anything, with Blueberry in it. Anyway, hope you give the diary a go and good growing!


Yeah i hear that @Halfatreesame here :skin_up:....bluecheese my mate does is always my go back to strain, he had it for like four years now its just gorgeous and a classic altho i do build up a tolerance to this strain a week or two of summat else n i miss it haha ...currently smoking that now.....Ye hopefully she'll only stretch a little more to fill the space before she starts making them buds, if ya letting her do her thing maybe get some canes in later for support...amazed how she looks after 8 days of 12/12  ......headband does LOOK lovely, the quick finish nearly swayed me when i was at seedshop. Keep up the goodness pal

Edited by admanbadman
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Thanks all for the comments.

Okay time for a little update. 2 Weeks flower complete today on the BH, start of week 3! Couldn't quite believe it, so had to go back to the diary to make sure.. I was seriously thinking this was 3 weeks done..


Couple of pictures taken a short while ago...




And a closer shot!




Looks to be a really nice plant. Loving the resin already. Kicking myself a little, I never cloned it. Oh well... And boy does it stink... :)

Take it easy all....

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They are looking LUSH mate ........Day 15 of flower :shock: WOW ..... stems looking THICK and buds taking shape

I see those canes out already :yahoo:

Think you can take cuttings off them couple weeks into flower...

Sure ive read on here they can flip bk to veg but just take a while to root (and wierd leaf growing that stops after couple weeks)

Im sure someone with better credentials will confirm/ dismiss that as im not 100% sure


all best :hippy:



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