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HSO Blueberry Headband


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HSO Blueberry Headband Diary :-


Just a small diary documenting my HSO Blueberry Headband plant. 


Details :-  


Grown from seed planted on 9th August


Medium - Biobizz Allmix, with some added wormcasts and a little Bat Guano 


Light - Is a Viparspectra 450 LED  (Using this for the first time, so kinda of a light experiment also. Usually using a  250 Hps)


Feed - Will be Atami Bcuzz, once needed. Should be good for a while though in the Allmix, Wormcast, Bat shit mix.


Seems pretty vigorous plant so far. Maybe a little sensitive to either the light or the soil, as it got a tiny bit of tip burn on 2 of the leaves. Other than that looking pretty good!




Edited by Halfatree
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Firstly thank you so much for getting this grow diary going on uk420 and even better you have the honour of running the first HSO grow diary in the newly formed subforum :)


Secondly nice sounding set up and I'll be watching this with interest :) have seen a few good grows with the Viparspectra LED how are you finding them? 


I have been asked by several members how they perform but as I've not ran this panel I can only say what I've seen on the forums so a grower who uses this light will give great feedback  @arthur leeThis might be worth a look mate  as I know you were enquiring about this brand :yep:


Needless to say I'll be along for the ride :)


Again thank you for getting this grow diary going and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Looking good so far and will be back in on the next update :)


Kind regards 



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3 hours ago, HSO-Mark said:

Firstly thank you so much for getting this grow diary going on uk420 and even better you have the honour of running the first HSO grow diary in the newly formed subforum :)


Secondly nice sounding set up and I'll be watching this with interest :) have seen a few good grows with the Viparspectra LED how are you finding them? 


I have been asked by several members how they perform but as I've not ran this panel I can only say what I've seen on the forums so a grower who uses this light will give great feedback  @arthur leeThis might be worth a look mate  as I know you were enquiring about this brand :yep:


Needless to say I'll be along for the ride :)


Again thank you for getting this grow diary going and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Looking good so far and will be back in on the next update :)


Kind regards 




As far as heat goes, it is somewhat cooler than my old 250. I do only have the veg button on at the moment though. You can use Veg/bloom or both on the 450 model. Once I go to 12/12 I imagine I will just put both on and give it the full spectrum.


Seems great so far. The only real problem I can see with these lights in a small setup like mine, is the hangers you get with it. Makes the light hang down about 1 1/2 feet. A friend helped me adapt it a little and the hangers went back in the box, so it should be fine now.


Other than that, I really can't say much on results etc., as this will be the very first grow using it. I was always curious about the LEDs and only now are they sort of around a price a hobby grower like myself can afford. So thought I'd give it a bash. From my time researching LEDs on Youtube, they seem to be all the rage in the states. Lots of growers are making the switch. The Viparspectra 450 was rated well in the mid level, sort of entry lights. Perfect for a small setup.



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@HalfatreeThank you for the input on the led mate will be really interesting to see how our strains do in this set-up :yep:


So your 400w LED is pulling about 230-260w from the wall and giving equivalent to say 400w/hid lighting (hps/mh)?


Thanks mate really going love watching this unfold :yep:


Kind regards 



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Yeah, something like that. On the one video I watched, it said the 450, was equivalent to a 400 HPS and pulls 200W from  the wall.


They also said it was pretty easy to achieve a gram per watt, of power drawn. So in theory 200 grams should be possible with this light. I would say this is in perfect conditions. Which my cupboard is far from. 


It is near impossible to do SCROGs etc, in the tight little space I have. Maybe one day, when we sell up and move. Living the dream, as the wife always jokes with me!

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Just a little update, as got of early today :) 


Pic side by side of HSO Blueberry Headband (Right), with Dinafem Strawberry Amnesia (Left), about 2 minutes before they got topped...




And another view upwards of the Viparspectra 450, with Veg button active...


Will update again next week...



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Thank you for taking the time considering you had an early finish to update your thread :yep:


So far the blueberry headband is looking great, she looks to be staying quite squat and developing well :)


Also thank you for the LED shots and info. Many members including myself will find this valuable info :)


Looking excellent so far and again thank you for taking the time out of your day to do your update and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Keep up the stellar work mate :yep:


Until next time :bong:


Kind regards 



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Little weekly update... Blueberry Headband and its companion plant Strawberry Amnesia, were topped last week. All going well so far. The LED light seems to be doing the job. Another week or so and going to flip. 

Need to try and keep them smallish for my space.


large.HSOBH_003.jpg HSO Blueberry Headband is the bushy one on the right. From today.


Just for fun some, dry Purple Afghan kush also: -



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@HalfatreeThank you for the weekly update mate :) both plants are looking great :yep:


The blueberry headband is showing a much more bushy structure compared to the strawberry amnesia which tells me she is way more indica dominant :yep:


Also nice to see some dry bud shots of Dinafem's pak  (Purple afghan kush ) by far one of my favourite indicas :)


Thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated and and I'll be back in in the next update :)


Until then thanks mate :bong:


Kind regards 



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I'm running the Viparspectra 450 as well, but I'm running  it in conjunction with an Advanced Platinum 450 as well in a 4 x 4 tent. I only added the viparspectra to supplement the other as I foolishly underestimated the coverage of the Platinum 450. In full bloom, even these are not enough and I manually move the lights on a daily basis to try and keep an even coverage. The light spectra of the two lights is definitely markedly different, with the light of the viparspectra being too blue with the bloom setting for my liking. I can't really comment on how effective the viparspectra is on its own, but if I had to choose only one for flowering, I would definitely go with platinum 450.

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 Looking forward to following along... I have a single seed of the blueberry headband I will run when the times right. Good luck


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