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Badgers Remo Grow


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glad you and your wife are ok chap ..that sounds horrific .

as for the wicks ..not my idea ,its an old one but ive used it on and off for years cos it works a treat ..your taking to a much nicer level with posh string ..but beware of having too many wicks to a pot ..if the nighttime temps drop in the medium then your gonna get yellowing and lock out real quick also remember airflow and extraction need to be up to par ..otherwise mouldy buds ..all the best with the remos squire looking nice so far .

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Superb update mate on the wicking, something I've been interested in incorporating into my grow as it might allow me to leave my plants for longer... with any luck! What worries me a bit about it is the added moisture it adds to the grow area, at the end of the grow in particular when buds are at their most sensitive...fat in other words :) When you got hit by rot earlier this year mate it made for really grim reading knowing how important a good supply of decent ganja is to your quality of life, it means the world to me and so I just knew it would be even worse for you mate:( My crappy little effort with CBD oil just couldnt make up for those lost jars of THC rich bud either I'm afraid. These Remo's though dude could really do the business THC wise for ya and from the looks of the plants they are on point for now, great growing and interesting reading as always from you :yep:


ATB my friend I hope you are having a good w/e with the family :oldtoker:



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Hey 420,

Hope your all enjoying the Indian Summer we were promised lol even the ducks round here are pissed of!


It's one saving grace is it's good weather for a Beef and Ale casserole with fresh bread and a cup of tea and biscuit for pudding.




I've been so busy putting this all together and as per usual I can only do it in bits resting in between.Im also reliant on Mrs B to do any heavy work so between me and the kids She's had time pressures!

The Remo's are all super healthy and are sat happily in wick pots now so from this point they're basically growing themselves and as long as I keep putting water in they'll be fine.

Saying that they will be getting top fed with Seaweed and a little Fishmix once a week as a pick me up but other than that I'm not going to add anything unless I really have to.



We're at grow day 52 and my tent stats are as follows -

24hr Temps Min 22.4c Max 26.8c

Current Temps 25.3c

Humidity 57%

As you'll see in the photos below I have also fitted the screen and all 3 Remo's are are just about hitting it now.

I have been careful with setting the height of the screen because once they're all woven in there'll be limited adjustments I can make once flowering.



The Remo are facing off with 3 Dinafem Critical2 and 2 Dinafem Diesel on the other side of the screen so it'll be Dinafem powered Wacky Races.It is basically  a mutated manifold/scrog grow and each plant will be supporting 4 bud branches only.

Using the screen will limit photography but I'll try my best until the focus is on the buds,hopefully the big fat stinking buds!


Today I also fitted bubblers into the sumps,each sump has 2 bubblers in it to share between the 4 pots.

Here are the latest Remo shots from yesterday -




Apologies for the image colours I took some under CMH as you can tell by the natural colours but forgot a couple of angles and had to do them under LED and CMH.


They've now been reduced to 2 pairs of branches,each pair will be tied together like this - 




Theyll grow as pairs and will be intertwined as they grow together across the screen.Once they've reached 3/4 of the way I'll flip to 12/12 and absorb any stretch on the return journey.

At that point it's simply a matter of  pinching out any over crowded bud sites leaving only the good ones to take up the space.

It's not rocket science and it's only a variation on well used techniques mashed up together.


You may have noticed some nylon cord across the pot tops -



They are secondary wicks Ive tested to bring H2O up the outside of the pot and onto the surface as ive had  issues with that area drying out later on in the grow,I think the plants are always driving downwards  for the water source the wicks are pulling up from and stop using the roots in the top third.


Happily the cord works surprisingly well and I will develop it into my next grow in a more organised fashion.


I believe that's the end of this belated update but now everythings fitted and running I'll  have time to sit back and watch it grow!


Take care folks and good growing to you all.



Edited by Badbadger
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"An obese but still devilishly handsome man from Wiltshire suffered a catastrophic scrog failure this morning"


"he had stupidly not listened to his far less stubborn wife and decided not to wait for help as he could safely (kind of) reach the far corner of the screen he was growing on by leaning on a walking stick,however, that stick slid away sending him onto the screen that gave way even though he had 'skilfully' strengthened (bodged) the screen together with zipties and 1 x 2 timber. Sadly this proved not to be as weight bearing as hed thought and definitely  not strong enough to hold his impressive physique as you can see in the image below,his poor wife was reportedly busy doing 'urgent' housework for ten minutes"




"according to Badbadger he suffered extensive and traumatic injuries to his Arm and his delicate pride "




"Mr badger was happy to report the only plant he damaged was an RGS Lemonade OG that has been taped and repaired so has a good chance but happily all Dinafem Plants survived unscathed"


"He was last seen smashing stuff with his walking stick and swearing profusely about having to fix what was already a bodge fix really but will endeavour to sort it or it will become a more standard grow further denting his manly ego"


"Mrs Badger described him as 'a stupid impatient twat who should have known better' but we believe that is a little extreme and that Mr Badger was simply being 'a man' therefore taking the moral high ground like a hero"


(oh man what a day but all plants are happy,I seriously would have topped myself if it was the Remo phew)


Enjoy your Sundays and remember the Woman's usually right if you need her to get by!


Love to Mrs B.

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All dramas then this weekend Badger ;)  Glad it's just a couple of scrape and not a worse day bud, not forgeting the plants too of course, got away with that I'd say :yes:



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The temps are doing well mate :) love the addition of the trippy pictures and sometimes it is good to listen to the wife lol


Being men we rarely comply :)


Your Remo Chemo are looking some of the better ones we have seen so far, nice work and great detailed update :bong:


Until the next one :)


All the best 



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Hey 420,

It's 11.43am and I hope this grey Monday finds you relaxed,rested and maybe high already,I admit it I am high and will probably stay this way for the rest of today,tomorrow,this week,the last bit of this month and the remainder of 2017 and let's be honest all of 2018 to,are you with with me people?!



As you can probably see from my last post I'm now running a screen less grow and yesterday I was seriously pissed at myself for being impatient and again making things worse by doing to much.


I do it alot and it annoys the shit out of my Wife as it's happened in a wide range of shops and situations,Ive ended up in a few Ambulances but the Tesco one probably rates as my Wife's lowest point, I tried to reach a jar of Onion Relish and stepped of my scooter but my leg gave out and about 10 jars came down making a relish'y mess,I then slipped and fell onto them damaging tendons in both hands (read unable to bath/poop/brush teeth etc etc).

I would be in a far worse condition if I'd given up trying 15 yrs ago after my accident and the fact I can stand at all has impressed and frustrated my Gp and Surgeon who always bollock me when I turn up a worn out and depressed dribbling wreck as they think if I didn't try to do so much I could find a more balanced life with less pain and stress,but being extremely stubborn I always decide to carry on and enjoy life's dramas and challenges.

I have now slept on yesterdays dramas and I've come up with an ad hoc plan that I can retrofit to what I have set up and that's to fit each sump,I have 4 sumps with 4 plants in each,with a bud support system so each sump is independent of each other.

Setting it up like that means my Wife can move each group as a single unit for me to do training or take photo's whith and that would genuinely be extremely helpful as the grow progresses and I won't be limited to plants I can reach from my chair with a selfie stick anymore.Infact I think it's actually a vast improvement on anything ive done with regards to photography,management and grow stats etc so far so every cloud and all that.



Right then enough with the gumpf, the splendid Remo are calling me so let's get on with it,today is grow day 55 and my tent stats at 10.13am are as follows....

24hr Temp Max 26.7c Min 20.6c

Current Temp 24.2c

Humidity  45%

Despite dramas of theyre own the Remo are quite simply awesome,look awesome,smell awesome and if they'd been smoking Remo in the US Army they would have found Bin Laden within 6 mths and shut those ISIS twats down in a week,they kick ass!! check em' out guys....










a few more ...








yet more.....










had enough yet...









That's it and I admit I may have gone over the top but I love the Remo and the monster fans,amazing.

One negative to my weekends accident is that sadly id already removed all but 2 pairs of branches from each plant to feed into the screen I broke.


It does however mean I can try and focus on quality and let the other strains In my grow take up the quantity and nothing would make me happier than presenting Mark/Dinafem with 12-15 buds of genuine stature showing the Remo's true face.

As far as growing goes they've had more water in the sumps and that's literally it.They won't be top fed anything until Friday for they're regular dose of Seaweed and a little Fishmix to keep those friendly fungi happy in the pot.

I'm tempted to flip them now and may well do so but I want to make sure I havnt missed any other options before I do.


As Ive mentioned earlier they really do smell delicious and give of a waft of deep,rich scent each time I brush by them that's very complex and hard to describe but if Parma Violets with a hint of Birdseye Chilli thats soothed with White Musk and griddled Chorizo takes your fancy then early Remo is the one for you,God knows what they'll smell like at the end but I cannot freekin' wait.



I do apologise for my early waffle but I have to fill the time somehow seeing as the plants are behaving impeccably,hmm famous last words comes to mind.

As the genius that is Forrest Gump says "Thats all I can say about that" and it really is.

Take care all,stay dry and if your doing it outdoor stay fierce  Guerillas!

Edited by Badbadger
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Hey 420,

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm sat watching Vettel retiring from F1 qualifying,oh dear,such a shame Seb.Im not even a massive F1 fan but for whatever reason I dislike Vettel with vengence,weird ain't it.


purple Remo...


I've been reading quite a bit about the Cannabis sales in America and it is staggering,for instance in Nevada,whose local Government gambled on recreational Cannabis,they sold $27,000,000 worth in July alone,of that $6,500,000 came in from licensing and $3,500,000 in tax streams.

There's no way our Government with it's never ending financial pressures can deny the world of Cannabis even exists when there is a massive,untapped and extremely taxable revenue stream just waiting to be devoured.Its just not that simple I know but the pressures will build on the relevant Departments and if in the end we can grow a little then that's a good thing but I'm not wasting any sleep on it that's for sure.




This week has flown by and for the first time since I started the Remo they're just getting on with it,no dramas or stresses so Let's dive in head first and give those Remo ladies a good motorboating.... (Google "motorboating ladies" if your unsure gentlemen)

It's Saturday 30th September,its 14.55 and my tent stats are as follows....

Grow Day 61

Flowering Day 5

24 hr Max 26.3c Min 20.7c

Current Temp 23.9c

Humidity 48%

The stunning Remo are on Flowering Day 5 and they've enjoyed it so far,especially since the HPS got switched on!


ahhh.....that trusty old HPS really adds that whack of light and extra heat to keep stretch at a minimum during flower.



Many of us need a little extra controlled heat at this time of year in our tents and spaces,even in a centrally heated modern house,so to have as many variables is a luxury to play with even on an hour by hour basis if needed.


With all the endles arguments put to one side I really do think using a wide variety of lighting types can maximise progress at each important stage.Im far from pinning down which and when but I'm figuring it out.

Keeping stable temperatures is a focus for me on this grow and something I've worked on in my usual very non expensive way.


The bottles of water youve seen around my grow have helped alot holding on to quite a bit of the heat the HPS/CMH put out and are only slightly annoying on strip down,clean,train and photograph day,but once a week is not a mountain just a molehill to kick over.



The advice Mark gave me before he sent out the Remo seeds was that they're water heavy and nute light.

As such it was an area I was keeping a good eye on and after 60 days I can happily confirm Marks prediction is correct and they are taking up over 2 litres every 36hrs.That doesn't sound excessive yet but they're only on day 5 of flowering omfg!



That could be a bit of a pain later on as they may be taking twice that a day or more but it's to late to change anything now and will just have to nurse them through as usual.


I am working on a new version of the wick system that addresses a few of the quirks wicks present to us growers.Im not going to prattle on now and don't want to spill the beans but it will be usable in my next grow and I genuinely think it could work really well,simplifying this set up further and saving on alot of the work involved,at least in the way I do it.

It's safe to assume the repot into the final wick pots was successful and the Mychorizal Fungi has done it's job for the Remos as I found this during the photography......






What a pretty little root structure thats clean as a whistle and is hopefully enjoying the well oxygenated water from the bubblers.

As it stands stretch hasn't been an issue for any of the Remo as they've  hardly shown any ,maybe an inch or two but I'm not counting my Chickens just yet.


Stretch is one area the addition of HPS at flowering was meant to help,and it has in the main,just don't mention the MASSIVE Dina Diesel I have that thinks it's auditioning for Gary Barlows version of Jack and the Beanstalk lol.

As usual they have received a Friday night take away meal of Fishmix with a dash of Algamic for pudding and for a plant thats filling out its roots it must feel goooooood.

Other than a selection of photographs I have nothing else to discuss which is good really. I was a bit miffed taking them because they were meant to be done in daylight for a better colour but kids being kids I wasn't able to get going with it until dark so they're not great but will have to do for now,hopefully youve enjoyed the more colourful canna art through my update and are now ready for the real thing......


Firstly with sister Diesel who shares the sump...























It's now 5.25pm and I'm on my third cup of Tea doing this which is actually quite short for my creaking hands and fingers to type so for now I'll save my efforts for the Dina Diesel and Critical2 update I'll be working on later.

Take it easy chaps and remember to take time to smell life's Roses this weekend.

Edited by Badbadger
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What an excellent, detailed update which must have taken some time :) thank you for showing your dedication to this grow mate :) also your pictures you are submitting are great :) some very nice detail and showing the plants in a great light (pardon the pun)


Glad my advice was right about the feeding of the Remo Chemo. I was told she likes her water but keep the nutes dialed back and this looks to be working very well indeed :)


Really well documented grow and a great read to boot :)


You are doing an excellent job showcasing this strain. Thank you from all at Dinafem and the "Remo" brand!


Until the next one :bong:


Beautiful work! 


All the best 



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Cracking update dude. The Girls look really nice and lush. Top work :yep:


About the wicking system when you've got big fat buds on those girls and you need low humidity, have you got some sort of lid for the sumps that would fit snuggly around the pots? maybe some plastic sheeting or corex? Apologies if you have already thought about this or are implementing it. I couldn't see from your pics.

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I'm shattered just scrolling down that little lot mate lol what a massive effort once more from you dude and good to see they are doing well still!


Liking nugs idea of trying to lower the humidity as you get to later on in flower ;) 

Keep up the good work man :) 

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@jadenugs thanks chap,I'm on my 4th wick grow now and lost the 1st to rot but I was switching the extraction of after an hour of lights off, a fatal mistake! plus in that grow each plant had individual 12 litre sumps,of course having 8 plants meant alot of sitting water and lots of surface area for evaporation to occur and was begging for trouble really.


3 grows on and I have 4 plants per 6 ltr sump and because the sumps are narrow it reduces surface area vastly but once we're a week or so out from finish I drain the sumps and top feed/flush until they're finished.


I've also added 4 more air movement fans and extraction is on 24/7 but rate adjusted obvs.


I'm currently working on a powered wick grow set up needing 7 litres sitting water only for 8 plants reducing evaporation again whilst maximising how the wicks work themselves but thats all above top secret and if i told you I'd have to kill you lollol,cheers bud.


@Fragg real nice to see you popping in and out mate, I know sometimes  I havnt been getting back to you/people who leave posts in my diaries but life's been kicking my ass again.


I have Arthritiis in  2 places on my Spine but a few weeks ago I was shifting between wheelchair to shower chair,I slipped,felt a sudden strong pain,got checked out next day and it turns out Ive fractured two vertebrae in my lower back just through the physical stress of my daily routine,all I know is I can barely move without even more pain although theyre pretty sure it'll heal in time thankfully but it's been so shit I've smoked pretty much all I have with 4-5 weeks at least before I have anything useful I can pinch from this grow.


As I mentioned to jade above I'm working on a powered,wick based grow system that will bring the best parts of a few techniques and mashes them into one lol should be running by next grow.


take care chaps.


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