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Badgers Remo Grow


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Hey 420,

The time has finally come for me to start my Remo Chemo grow diary.

It's been a tough few weeks for many reasons with my Wife nearly choking to death probably topping it,I was literally only a few minutes away from losing Mrs B forever.

It took the ambulance nearly 18 minutes to get to us by which time I'd been keeping her going myself for 10 minutes with help over the phone.

Happily she was fine after a couple of days but to go from a normal,happy day enjoying a nice family meal to her nearly dying in front of our childrens eyes really shook us all up and everything else has seemed unimportant since then so my last grow and the starting of this one has been given minimal attention I'm sorry to say so apologies @Dinafem-Mark 


I have to be honest,admit my lack of skills and say that I had a bit of a nightmare germing the Remo.....



Having soaked 4 seeds for 12hrs,saving one for later....





I put them straight into moistened John Innes no1 kept at 24c under 2 x 45w Philips CFL and sat back and waited and waited and waited some more until after 5 days I had 2 come up for light dropping they're cases nicely and 1 that came up with it's shell stuck to it like glue that I initially left just adding drops of water every few hours to keep the shell soft for the Cotyledons to push it apart and escape from its iron grip....




It stayed like that for nearly a week until the seed head including Cotyledons just fell away in the fan breeze and pissed me right off but leaving a plump stem with the tiniest green spot of growth on top so decided to give it attention,some extra time and crossed my fingers hard to see what happened and sure enough it has slowly re-grown its first true leaves..... 



Over the last few weeks it has gradually grown albeit at a slow rate but it's alive and starting to catch up with it's big sisters..... 




Ive held my other seedlings back as much as possible whilst it catches up.

As it stands I have 3 out of 4 planted with number 4 still sitting in a pot just incase she decides to join us at the last minute.

They were put into compost on the 26th July and what did rise were all up within 7 days so from now we are officially on day 29.


I'll be using a wick system and  Plagron Royal Mix as a medium which should provide every bit of nutrition they'll need for the whole grow leaving only bubbled water for them to drink but if I have any  issues they'll receive Plagron Alga Grow/Bloom.


They've been repotted this week into Plagron Light Mix watered with a small dose of trusty Fishmix at 1ml per ltre.

They'll be top fed a dose of Bio Bizz Algamic once a week as a tonic as soon as they hit final wick pots.

It's a little hard to explain how I'm going to grow but it's a twist on a screen grow (not a true scrog) but with sides,of a fashion,I can't fit it until they've vegged enough but will explain it with pics once it's up.


As everyone well knows there is not a single light type that is viewed as THE one to use as they all have strengths and weaknesses so I've ended up using all of them!

I'm using the diy put together light I've used for 3 grows now that consists of 2 x LED Mars Hydro (145w actual each) mixed in with 9 x 35w CMH industrial Digital  Control Gear with Philips  Mastercolour Elite G12 bulbs.

All of them are individually switched so I can add or take away light as needed which makes it great to veg under and the Remo are currently vegging under the 2 x Mars Hydro (actual 290w.) to keep node spacing short.

Once theyre tall enough to feed into the screen and wall I will start adding the CMH into areas that need a pep up to keep things nice across the canopy.

Once I switch to flowering I will introduce a Lumi 450w HPS that will run for 10 hrs of the 12 with an hour either side to smooth out temps.

All in and at full power they will be receiving -

9 x 35w CMH - 315W

2 X 145W(act) LED - 290W

1 x 450w HPS - 450W

So they'll be under 1055w in total which I think is enough in my 1.2m X 1.2m X 2m tent.


Now a quick pic run though from early to now and some shots on the window sill in natural light.....



The Remo ladies are a part of my Christmas grow so there will be other ladies filling my tent and keeping them company but Remo will be at the front with her two Dinafem sisters namely Diesel and Critical+2 alongside her for the run.


There we go then everything right up to date and ready to push on with vegging that I expect to take 4-5 weeks leaving time for to get everything finished and curing by Christmas.

Have a great evening people and hope you and yours are well.

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Glad your wife was ok. :)


Nice diary, I will be watching the Remo grows and this looks like a good one. Good luck. :)

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That was a close call with the missus, well done with the first aid, and also on the headless seedling.


The lighting set up sounds interesting and plants look great.

All the best with the grow :)

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Well done on the save mate, fantastic work and not just the seedling either ;)  Hope the wife is back to tip top man, must have frightened the bejeebus out of her, well you all really, good man Badger :v:

Happened to my old man that with my mother see (was after throat op and choking on food, he tipped her upside down and banged her between the shoulder blades but blue she went apparently)


I'm in for this run bud and will budge up here with Nugs and what's this :shock:  A KW grow! Ooh this is gonna be good man, looking forward to it and grow them well mate :yep: 

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@Badbadger first up really sorry to hear of the scare with your missus mate, had a similar issue with my gf/now wife many many moons ago and its certainly a shock, shame the kids had to get freaked out too. Hope the whole badger set it settling back to normality now though mate and you can all relax! :yinyang:


Secondly wtf you doing beheading my beans! lol I'd have binned her so well done for getting a set of leaves out of her, raising plants from the dead appears to be a talent of yours :) 


Best of luck with the rest of the grow dude hope you smash it and I hope the high THC works well for you pain wise, I'll have to buy some if its as good as it sounds :smokin:


ATB my friend :oldtoker:


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Firstly mate no need to every say sorry to myself you had a super close call with your good lady wife I'm just glad she is ok and now doing better :)


Secondly thank you for getting your Remo Chemo grow going :)


This strain really is having issues with the germination process and one I need to look a lot deeper into. Out of the 5 planted did you have 4 out of the 5 that are good and will be grown out or 3/5?


From the ones in the pictures that are through they look to be doing very well, nice dark green and showing steady growth :)


I know you are growing this for pain management and from the feed back from friends in Canada who have had access to this strain for years say she is perfect for moderate to severe pain so fingers crossed she does as intended for your pain issue which may make this germination process worth while :yep:


Thank you again for getting this grow diary going and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


I'm going to look into this germination issue asap and will post my findings in the main Dinafem section :)


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Hey 420,

Well that week flew by in the flap of a Bats wing kids are back to school and I'm almost smiling.

Today,7th September,is day 38 and  my Remo's have established themselves and are getting on with life.Theyre the epitome of health with a solid colour and smooth,Patchouli oil tinted hash aroma already.






Temps - 24hr Max 27.2c Min 21.7c


Current - 23.1c


Humidity - 56%





It felt a little cruel to do it after all the battles but 2 of them were topped today,obviously my 3rd "dwarf" Remo isnt tall enough yet though.I topped at the 4th proper internode,I don't count that little one at the bottom as a real one although halfway through the 5 weeks without smoke I had id have smoked any "bottom bud" maybe even buds from a bottom,it was that bad.

The 4th inter is important for this grow as each pair of branches will be twisted around and woven into my U scrog,1 pair go up the wall and one pair across the screen.I decided to run 2 each way to make sure I have plenty of bud site options to ensure a great canopy.




Ive switched from LED to 315w of CMH (9 x 35w G12) now that they're stable after repot.


The little CMH bulbs I use really encourages the green stuff and they'll go into final pots in a week to ten days when theyll finally be tied into the screen.



I should point out that my Remo's will be a part of my XXL Xmas grow and they'll have plenty of sisters to help fill the screens so it's not going to be a monster veg with the 3 Remo alone,I considered it but its essential for me to have stocks or my health suffers immensely so I can't put my eggs all in one basket.

When it comes to flowering any excess stretch will just get woven around.Once stretch is done I'll pick out any unsuitable flower sites until perfectly spaced and let the rest get on with it.



Once they're well into flowering Im  fitting a light weight DIY cane screen that will act as support for the buds at mid height.


When Mark sent these out he said they're nute light but require ample water which is why I think they'll love the wick system as they can have as much as they want,whenever they want it.

I can also confirm that they definitely do love an extra good drop of the wet stuff as they use it quick then give you the frowny fan face of fan flop!

I'm comparing this against the 7 other strains I'm doing alongside and not one of them dry out as quickly as the Remos.



Fluids at the moment are aired H20 with 1ml Plagron Alga Grow per litre and they're getting through a litre in 2-3 days max.As I'm using wicks it'll be hard to judge they're usage once tied into the scrog but I'll know nute levels.

I hope you've enjoyed some of the shots through the post and there'll be alot more as we go along,they're all done on my Galaxy S5 with a portable tripod and clip on lense for close ups.I struggle walking or standing so it can be a bitch getting shots from my wheelchair so some are taken with a selfie stick across the arms of my wheelchair hehe! but life's little battles can be fun to fight.

That's that for now but I know these pretty little ladies are going to build nicely and reward my efforts and Dinafems generosity with great buds and smoke.


Take it easy people you all rock.

Edited by Badbadger
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Lovely pics as always from you mate :yep: the plants are looking on point too, nice thick indica leaning leaves by the looks of yours and the other the Remo grows I'm following :)


Also wanted to say I had my first go on the Cream Mandarin XL I planted, on your recommendation, just before I set off for the dam trip and was above the ground on my return. She had a 2 week dry and I was trimming her up last night and couldnt resist a taster grinder full, especially after Jaypp told me how much he liked it too when we met up ;) You were bang on mate lovely relaxing body effect that has a nice pain relief side to it, got a decent haul too so thought I'd say thanks for the headsup all those weeks back :)


ATB to you and the family dude :oldtoker:

Edited by Fragg
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I must say you are doing a fantastic job representing this strain and with this diary. The attention to detail and picture quality is second to none, beautiful work and we at Dinafem would like to say a big "thank you" as you are doing a fine job sir :)


Now onto the plants which all look super healthy. I read that you have topped 2 Remo at node 4 which is perfect and maybe let the smaller plant go au natural or give her more veg time and then top? 


This is turning into a beautiful thread so please keep up the great work as we love to watch :)


The wick system will work extremely well as you said they have the option to drink or not :yep:  would love your thought on if you think she is a light feeding strain :)


Thank you for the added pictures they have turned a good diary into a fantastic read :)


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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@Fragg thanks for popping in buddy hope your cool.


I'm glad you liked that Mandarine it's defo a nice one,I picked up third place in the SS photo comp and requested the FV Mandarine so will let you know how that goes! It's been a mad few weeks so havnt been on alot and sad to say I havnt caught up with your fine efforts of late but I'll get in there.


@Dinafem-Mark thanks for popping in and taking a look around,I like the photo side of it alot and do the best I can with my budget junk.


I edit shots,put videos together and type everything out on my phone so really this is Remo Chemo by Android!


You guys have some proper tech and no doubt actual Photographers lol but I do keep unedited UHD copys of all the photos if one or two might be of use.


I've always tried to pack info into my diaries the trick has been trying to keep it mainly growing info not endless paragraphs of random day to day life here in my madness lol 


With regards nutes you'll know it's to early anyway but I'm taking particular care to what they have and will keep it precise.


Enjoy your weekends guys.


Respect 420.



Edited by Badbadger
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@BadbadgerYour doing a great job with the diary mate :) smart phones these days play huge parts in our lives mostly for the better :)


As said love thr attention to detail it makes for a great read :)


Have a great weekend also :yep:


All the best 



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hey 420,

Another week is nearly done and I'm back with an update on my 3 lovely Remo.

The last week or so has been mainly spent getting all the equipment together to set everything up for the grow but it has kept this update waiting so I apologise for the delay chaps.



As I mentioned above I was hoping to have everything built and set up about now but I'm absolutely shattered after the Summer holidays and my healths on a low.


My physical state has a cycle of about 8-10 wks,thats about as long as my body can stand the intense physical stresses of 24/7 day on day pain at all levels before I bomb out mentally,my body gives up and I end up a recluse for a few weeks rebuilding my sanity.



Growing delivers my meds but it also gives me a reason to get up for even if it's just to check everything's well in the tent,it's very far from easy and is tough going but I always enjoy doing it even if it's done in a fog of pain.

Anyhow enough of the drama,I've collected everything I need and I started putting the pots together today,Ive done a short run through of how it all fits together,here we go,step one,looks technical doesn't it! you need these things -



I use this cheap ass rope from a place where everything is made by Indian children for 3p a week,I'm not condoning but Its probably true.Its good for me as it has a core made up of rolled fine nylon mesh that wicks like a bitch,here it is -




You cut a length that is twice as long as the pot with a bit over - 





Then singe one end to seal it but also to toughen it a little to hold the wire through it (happens bit further down) -




Feed the sealed wick up through the pot -




Tape the wick in place -




Repeat until you have enough wicks,I find 6 is enough in these pots especially with thick wicks -




I test the length by sitting the pot on its rest that will be in the sump holding it above the fluid level - 




I don't use anything at the pot bottom as I want the pot to hold as much moisture as it can,extra drainage fights that so I place enough compost in to hold the plant at the right height as per normal with repotting,the plant is a Dinafem Diesel m doing btw,im so over protective with the Remo I decided not to use it in the first few pots until I remember how to build them again but it's still a Dinafem at least lol -






Rough up the roots a little and drop the plant in with a dose of fungi -




Carefully fill in around it making sure the wicks don't get to far out of line - 




Remove the tape from the wicks -




Then feed a length of galvanised wire through the wicks -




Carefully pull the ends of the wire until everything's sitting nicely,then pull each wick firmly from underneath,you'll notice the wick will then move away from the edges and will surround the root ball,In the next picture you see a small gap behind each wick - 




The gap shows they've moved in and away from the pot wall,you then add more compost to carefully fill any gaps,tidy any wires and there you have it a rootball wrapped in wicks and ready to drink away.



Back on to the plants that have been recovering from being topped,the smaller of them has been on a raised platform about a foot higher than the rest to give it a boost and as of Monday has also been topped.



Today is grow day 45 and my tent stats are as follows -

24hr Max 27.4c Min 22.1c

Current Temp 25.9c

Humidity 58%

I'm really happy with the temp balance now and am keeping it within a 5c - 6c range as much as I can.

This has been helped by adding as many sealed bottles of water as I can into any spaces that will absorb heat all day when the lights are on and slowly release it when it's lights off helping to maintain a more stable temp range over all.

I have the luxury of having my tent upstairs in a heated room so the trick has been finding an equality between the room/tent over the seasons which was always going to take time after my growdrobe as it's obviously affected more by ambient temps but I know wether it's good or not just by coming into the room now so I adjust a window or open the room door a little and job done.


I've done a few shots of the pretty Remo's,take a peek -













They've only had aired H2O this week and they sure are thirsty girls always drooping first out of the strains in with them but perk up quicker to I feel.

Nute wise its only been whatever is in the Light Mix to keep them going but over the weekend the Remo's will be repotted into final pots with wicks and filled with Plagron Royalmix that I'm hoping will run the whole way for me.




I think that's that for now and I'm moving onto my other Dina diary tomorrow lol was that a good idea?!


I've had to throw it together in a mad rush so apologies for any typos.


Have the best weekend possible folks and take it easy.

Edited by Badbadger
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Firstly mate sorry to hear you are in pain. You sound to be pushing though it and getting on with life but it can not be easy :)


Secondly I've not seen a wick system grow for many years as this and hempy buckets were my dad's chosen methods especially if he was not as the grow site on a daily basis :)


You are putting so much dedication to detail into you threads it's admirable and we at Dinafem are super appreciative. 


Plant is looking great, potting up into the wick system looks to have gone well and now we are going to see some real explosive growth :)


Absolutely great work, fine attention to detail and fantastic pictures who could ask for more :)


Your doing a great job showcasing our genetics, keep it up mate :bong:


Until the next one :)


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Thanks for calling in Mark I have alot of faffing to do but once set up it'll take of I'm sure.



It's plainly obvious that your going to be working very hard with the dozens of diaries kicking of in here and HSO you could try get a "Dinafem Mark jr" apprentice in to do a bit of your low key daily rounds

for you,gotta take time to smell the roses (or Remo) sometimes.



I've done 3 wick grows so far after blatantly stealing the idea from @vince noir rock n roll star who has been "wikkin" with attitude successfully for years as im sure you'll know,he's my Mr Miagi just with a goat fetish.


I've lived with my physical situation for many years and in time tried to focus on Family, so rather than the "normal" work yourself to death some of us are forced into I simply make children work until they leave or earn they're own money lollollol


I'd like to say thanks to you and Dinafem for allowing me to be involved in project Remo in a small way,its been a grow almost as challenging as my life haha!! man those beans nearly f*****g killed me but they're so virile now and I'm looking forward to tucking in,I may not remember Christmas until next Easter at this rate Its going to be a well baked new year for sure.


Have a good weekend with the family chap.

Edited by Badbadger
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Fantastic update :notworthy: Badger, really detailed tutorial, pics (and colours too!) plants are in top condition and it's a pleasure to read your work bud:v:

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