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The Night Garden welcomes Remo Chemo


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@botanicsThank you for the feedback mate all this info is just what I need :)


So the seeds are coming though the medium the main issue is the seedling shedding the shells to expose the cotlydons (tap leaves)?


Once the seedling sheds the shell they seam to start vegging like you would expect? 


All the best and as much info as possible is what we need :)



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Well yes and no mate really, in my case I'm putting the shell case being stuck because of the depth of plantation however they are tougher than I've usually experienced so there's something in that element if others are getting the same ;)


They are not vegging as fast as I've encountered before either, but of course mate this could be that they are just a variant that likes to get on with rooting before putting out a canopy whereas other types may be more equal etc (remember the PAK and how she likes to slowly get on with it, more of a slower burner so to speak and I'm thinking perhaps this one is a bit like that but we won't know until much more beans are grown out and a pattern is evident as they are so new to market it's a tough one)


I did 'winter' them though and that's very important Mark as they need that in order to improve germination chances so if some haven't and they were very fresh from Dinafem's storage, perhaps it's advisable for others to make sure they've had a session in the fridge...on that front see, not knowing Dinafem's methods after seed harvest and how long they'll store them before being released to market I'm not sure if this is a factor, Dinafem's breeders will know more for sure about this due to dates of harvest etc.



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@botanicsValuable info mate :) thank you. I think you are definitely into something regarding the slow initial growth :)


From what I have seen once these ladies have there roots down the vegative growth explodes so it has got to be genetics based? Also the hard seed shells also look to be an issue but again this could be a genetic trait and one I will be asking the breeding team about :yep:


Thanks for this feedback brother


All the best 





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No bother at all mate tis what I'm about is sharing and we all want good ganja at the end of the day so our desires are entwined :yinyang:


Like I wrote though earlier Mark, I'll do a fair old update in the week and go into a lot more detail with photos etc, still early yet really with these as it was only Thursday they sprouted...will know much more in a few days bud :v: 

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@botanics I've had the seed head issue with 1 of mine out of 4 and 1 didn't/hasn't germ'd at all.


Sorry to post pics  in your diary buddy but after a week of dabbing the seed case with water to soften it this happened to my 3rd Remo -




but then over time and lots of care,and I think this is purely down to strong genetics,it grew new true leaves-




13 Days later - 



It's still slow progress but is starting to fire up now and as @Dinafem-Mark says once up they veg like f**k and are genuinely lovely looking plants that already have a solid aroma.


I think soaking them for longer and then planting just a little deeper in wetter but well warmed compost /coco should help,the extra depth giving more resistance as it pushes up.


I only have 1 bean left and I'm not going any where near it until some consensus has been reached.


I was genuinely gutted and Im embarrassed to say I even shed a tear or two over it as out of all the strains ive done this one has real promise for my shitty illnesses and the meds I have to take,one particular med is the same as Cancer sufferers take but for me it's everyday for the rest of my life not until the cancer goes and trust me when I say it makes you feel rotten 24/7,It drags me down alot on top of everything else I have to deal with health and mobility wise.


Again I'm sorry to post like this in your diary buddy and if you want to come and have a slightly tear stained moan in my diary feel free lol 



Edited by Badbadger
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Perhaps a little scarification is in order much like used to be recommended for auto's that had a harder outer shell due to their ruderalis past.  

Matchbox and sand paper a go go.  Crude but hey ho.....

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Nugs, of the ones that came up (4 out 5) all the shells are off now as of yesterday because it'd been a few days and 2 were struggling still, so I took ithem off via tweezers as they'd have gone to mush if left much longer, under some LED and CFL mix for now with temps at 25 C in my little box, cheers for stopping by mate :v:




No worries about posting pics mate, you did a fine job bringing that one around tbh Badger, such a fresh sprout such as that can even die if you touch the stem due to them being so young and fragile early on...skillz to to achieve that and more importantly patience, something I lack unfortunately lol cheers mate and hope the wife is better now :yep: 




Old school gardening methods there bud and I've done it in the past and it works too for sure, next time I think I'll return to doing it again as standard before a soak to make sure tbh as I've had a couple of beans of late with tougher shells,  thanks mate for stopping by :v:

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Update - Day 5 24/0


Morning all, quick update then on the progress of these here little seedings :yep:


Right then, as written above we're into the fifth day (I'm counting from when all were above surface) and there's not much to write about or show tbh, I did take a shedload of pics earlier on but they were ALL shite and I'm pissed off about wasting my time trying to get a decent shot of them with this pissy little shite camera :wallbash:   I can't afford another one though so it'll have to continue to do for the time being and my apologies folks. Subsequently there's only one photo posted up for today because I'm not wasting server space on blurry crap.


Some data then :-


Light - Combined Standard B22 fit CFL (2700K) and LED (6500K) lamps of total power 23W CFL and 24W LED.

Duration - 24/0

Temperatures - 25 C (median)

Feed -  None yet

Hydration -  Regular top ups via atomiser spray on surface of pots and also sprayed sides of the the 'air pots'...hydration levels moist for the compost and slightly more of course for the coco.


Ok so in the main all of these have been extremely slow to get moving but little by little over this last 24 hours I'm starting to notice that the most advanced of the four that have germinated are finally beginning to move (abeit very slowly lol), two of course as previously explained (see above responses) struggled and I manually removed the seed casings, they are ok I'm pleased to say, well ok to the point that they haven't flopped over yet and give up, but I think as with @Badbadger 's awesome save on his seedling, these will come around eventually after being stuck in the shell...if I had left it any longer I may well have lost these two tbh.


The temps I'm struggling with at the moment too, don't know wtf is going on in my man cave but this fucking muggy shite arse weather is doing my nut in tbh and no doubt down to that (got no heating on at this time of year and for the last two years I've not had trouble with temps like this at this time, my bloom cab is running at 29 C under the 400 and pissing me off too because I don't like it running that hot which means switching down to 250 which I've had to do for practically the entire bloom, which of course means less weed at the end of it all :wallbash: )


Anyways, enough of the negative shite (I'll be on the 'things that get on my nerves' thread soon moaning about myself if I carry on lol ).

Not much else to say though anyhow and I'll leave off with the one pic that Is slightly half decent :rolleyes:  and be back in few days with another progress report as I want to make sure @Dinafem-Mark is updated regularly with this phase of the grow.




Thanks for watching :v:






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Great diary dude, very interesting stuff about the shells not coming off. Its great being able to share realtime info about this new strain on this forum.


It's a pity they are going so slowly though, I will be watching with interest, I reckon they will be ok once they get veging properly.

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Thanks mate, all are welcome so stick your feet up and enjoy :yep: 


With them being slow, indeed they are and hoping you're right on this, my gut feeling is more the same though and providing I can keep them happy enough until they finally decide it's time to do some growing it's a nervy affair as time is not really what I've got much of being in a smaller cabinet...either that or I'll have to cut down my weed intake seriously (which is completely impossible since the missus started having it for her pains - which works far better for her than anything the quacks come up with :rolleyes: )


I'm still thinking of popping some 'back ups' just in case tbh ;) I'll see how things are after a couple of weeks above ground first though and not be hasty as I don't like throwing plants in general and wouldn't want to waste other beans if these finally take off...a right old conundrum is growing in a little box :headpain:


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Hey buddy they defo seem to be tough shells to crack and imo i think they need warm and fairly moist medium to germ and also a good few days longer than we have come to expect,and here in lies the problem were so used to seeing them up in 24/48 hrs any longer and we think its out fault and were doing something wrong even though the same way has worked for many years..i think its a genetic hard shell and there slow to pick up but once they do i see no problem. 


I really hope this is the case and everyones Remos kick off soon.


Id have em under the 250 btw if your struggling it wont be long till its cold and the 400 will be perfect again,its cos its on 18 not 12 i reckon i just looked at mine on 24 hrs and it nice and toasty lol


take it easy dude



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@Happy Hippy


These Remo Chemo are not under HID mate, that lamp is in the bloom cab with the other lot I started for the other diary I started (but they are sub par due to me having issues and just put them into bloom to give me what I can squeeze out of them) of those the Amnesia CBD is the best of the bunch whereas the Moby Dick and White Widow are poor due to not having the greatest of root systems by the time of flip to 12's...that's why I ceased running the diary and will be picking that one back up after these Remo's with another round of bean popping etc as I'd promised to do it :yep:


(I totally fucked that grow up mate, just eye off the ball, too hot with the FBB on the mix, under then overwatered etc and gave me nightmares :doh: happens like now and again as you know) :v:



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