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Nugs's Remo Chemo


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@jadenugs lol at the markers good thinking mate :) Always great to see new life and they look healthy too :yep:


Hope the outdoor season finishes ok for you and beezee I've had a look at the long range forecast through to end of Oct for my area tonight and its 3 months of rain here :wallbash:....par for the course here mind :)

Edited by Fragg
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The markers are still the same Fragg lol will have to sort soon.

Hopefully I won't be getting 3 months of rain. I'd at least want to bring one of the BK autos in, the fast versions, a PO and a CJ.

We'll see :)

Thanks for popping in dude, I know you've got your work cut out. Take it easy :yep:

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Firstly thank you so much for getting your grow diary up and running :)


Secondly great germination rates 




Thirdly great thinking to run the 2 strains together. As said this will allow you to add more CBD or THC as needed :yep: this will allow you to do some experiments to find the right ratio for your needs :)


You are off to a great start and I'm happy to be along for the ride :yep:


Again thank you so much for documenting your grow on UK420 and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


Until your next update :bong:


All the best 



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  • 2 weeks later...

An update from last night on day 11.
They've been under a Vipar spectra 300 since day 1. This draws about 130w or thereabouts. Temps have been on the high end between 25 and 30c  
RH 45 to 55 but I've not checked this daily.
Not quite found the sweet spot for the lamp yet but it's at 20" for now and the plants seem perky :) 
They were getting 30ml per day of velo kelp at 1/2ml per litre for most of the first week, then up to 1ml/L.
I introduced Nature's candy after the first week at 1/2 ml  along with the Velo kelp dropped back to 1/2ml. Couple of plain waterings with a foliar of the above.


Last night I checked on them and the bottom single blade leaves looked to be slightly yellowing. When I took them out from under the LED they looked slightly more yellow so I'll have to bear this in mind when using leds disguising the colour a bit (my eyes ain't too clever though) lol They look greener under them than in the light of my attic.
Anyway, I've caught them in time I think and fed them 1ml/L grow last night, no additives. Soon I will introduce Micro and MagnifiCal after they've been potted up for a week.


I was going to pot up from these 2 and 1/2" starters (sorry, I said 3 and 1/2 earlier) at 10 days but the roots aren't quite holding the compost firm yet so I'll repot at 14 days into 11cm square.
Couple of pics to show their progress last night at 11 days. I don't know what's going down with the Dinamed, the leaves have been that colour since early days, but she's nice and healthy and growing well.  




That's all for now. I'll update after the pot up in a few days.

Thanks for looking in.

Happy growing and keep it green ;)


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Cheers dude, so far so good :)

I was wanting to pot them up the earliest possible so as not to slow them down. I suppose I could have yesterday but don't want to risk the rootball falling apart so having to be patient here lol

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Looking lush those Remo's mate and the Dinamed will be fine I'm sure. I've used Method 7 LED glasses for a couple of years to try and see colours better under blurple LEDs and they work great for that. Useless for my QB though, I keep blinding myself lol 


Good shout on waiting til day 14 for the repot I reckon, the roots will be too fragile otherwise:yep:


ATB mate :oldtoker:

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Cheers man, just reminded me of the free gigs I received with the Remo nutes. I'll have to leave them in front of the cab door to remember to put them on. I'll either remember or I'll stand on the fuckers lol


Yeah, repotted at 10 days a few times and it's a very careful job without messing it up if the roots haven't at least started to circle the pot. Not worth it really unless you've plenty time for them to recover.


Thanks for the tip with the glasses mate ;)

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Cheers dude, yeah they're quite homogeneous, just no 3 was a little slower off the mark than the others.

Early days yet though. Smoked a couple of buds from my outdoor Bubba auto last night and I was quite impressed with the buzz from an early taster.

This Remo is gonna be knockout I reckon

Thanks for looking in mate :)

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 Ill tag along for the rest of the grow if you dont mind :yep: . I have some Remo's that I need to squeeze in myself soon, just need to finish some plants first.

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Feel free mate, and thanks :yep:

I've bitten off more than I can chew here with my outdoor going on but I'll persevere ;)

I'll look forward to your Remo grow

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Looking good so far mate apart from the yellowing on the lower leaves which I suspect is down to a new nutrient line which will take some tinkering to get to grips with :)


From the pictures you do look to have 2 maybe 3 phenos so this is going to be very interesting to see how they turn out :yep: I will have to chat with the team and Remo nutrients to see how many select phenos there are for the Remo Chemo. 


With so much going on with your indoor and outdoor grows thank you for taking the time to update this thread and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated! 


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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Yeah it's not a problem having the first lower leaves yellowing in starter pots.  I don't like to give them grow too soon. Thing is, it gives me an idea roughly of how long it will be before they need feed when in finals. Then I'll give them a weak feed a couple of days sooner in finals because the plants are growing quicker. Eg, if they yellowed after 10 days in starters I'll probably feed after 7 or 8 days in finals. That's if I remember lol


It would be good to know how many select pheno's there are with the Remo, thanks in advance if you can find that out mate ;)


As far as the nutes go the nute schedule is based on water with an ec of 0 and mine is about 0.7 so I'll have to go steady with them. I would never follow a schedule proper anyway. That's asking for trouble with any light feeders or strong compost. We'll just have to wait and see, I'm winging it anyway lol

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