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Badgers 2Critical Diesel a Dinafem Diary.


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@Dinafem-Mark I've had this update typed since bloody Monday but what started out with Mrs B asking  "shall we paper one 'feature' wall in our room Mr Badger?" turned into "hmmm we may as well do the woodwork and the other walls to" followed by "now I've started may as well do the landing woodwork as I didn't do it last time" and it has been a pig of a job,She does most of it obv but being stupidly stubborn I do what I can up to about chest height but only  so I can get in her way more and make her moan at me in my (now paint covered and she can bloody clean it) wheelchair even more.


I'll get it up with the Remo one tomorrow,made a decision mid week to take down the Critical2's but will explain in the update,one quick thing is that Crit2 is an absolutely delicious smoke just flash dried in solid little nugs and is proper pungent.

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hey 420,

I actually started typing this on Monday but as I mentioned above Ive had a long few days so apologies for the delay,I've redated it to today so here you go folks .....

Despite the continuing rain,today feels like a nice day to live out in the backwoods, you find me sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea as I browse,occasionally stopping to  watch our crazy garden Squirrels chasing each other up and down the row of trees behind our place staying just high enough to frustrate my terrier luckily for him as our Squirrels are vicious little b*****ds,I know that as I saw the two of them take on a Cat last year who'd decided they were going to be lunch for it.

About 20 seconds later the Cat bugged out howling away with it's ear bleeding profusely, I enjoyed it even more as I dislike cats with a passion.They murder millions of wild animals every year and have no use other than being stroked and to leave shit everywhere which I really hate.




We have found an answer though and it's as much cheap Superhot Chill powder as we can get our hands on spread every where you want them to leave alone,the background smell gets them for weeks,fekkin' cats!

Today is Friday 9th of November, were on flower day 45 and at 4.34pm the stats from my tent are as follows.....

24hr Temps Max 27.2c Min 22.9c

Current Temp 25.5c

Humidity 45%

I have to start by saying that sadly I decided to take down the 3 x Critical2's as they seriously plateaud since the nute issue and  havnt gained anything at all size wise since.I cannot deny I need smoke for sure but that wasn't why I chopped.

To help I went back through my photos to compare and they're just static,however, there is a massive bonus as they have visibly added alot more Trichomes and it was wafting some  absolutely beautiful aromas with Cloved Spiced Orange and Vanilla Custard notes fading out to soft Heather,what more do you need?!


After mulling it over and knowing that Dinafem say they can finish in 45 to 50 days I decided I didn't want to risk what I had and it going downhill,losing what may well be a relatively small but for me important amount of smoke would be a disaster.I tested it after a flash dry and it holds the Orange,Clove taste when smoked,yes!

It had become obvious quite early on in flower that the Crit2's were not happy with my set up,they developed trunks not much thicker than a drinking straw which is unusual with wicks.

I think it needs a more conventional set up rather than my usual hotch potch chuck it in style so this diary should not put you of growing it at all!

I it expect it to dry down to around 60grms from the three and that should give me a week or twos smoke,not a total disaster and man it really is delicious in the mouth.

In fact if you grow some yourself can I suggest you buy a pack of Custard Creams,eat 1 biscuit give it a minute and then tuck into your Orange twang Critical2.........what a flavour sensation in the mouth....... (Badbadger dribbles like Homer in a donut shop)



Let's step along to the Dinosaur sized Dinafem Diesels in they're drive to reach the stars.

The Diesels grow extremely well with no fuss.Even right after the compost disaster they kicked on and have progressed well.

Feed wise per litre they've been enjoying and are stable on...

1ml Fishmix

1ml Plagron Alga Grow

3ml Plagron Alga Bloom

4ml Organic Seaweed feed

They've been having 700ml each every two days but that's subsidised by the wicks obviously.In the sumps I've been adding a further dose of fermented Seaweed to keep those roots chirpy.


According to Dinafem the Diesel can go up to 60-70 days so at 44 days I still have a couple of weeks to go at least and that's confirmed by the fact there's barely a brown pistil on them anywhere with trichs looking v'slightly clouded.

Next up for me is my grow for Marks twin brother over at Humboldt so I'll leave it 2 weeks and then consider cropping again.



The only caveat is that I also have three Remo on the same flower timing and I'm 100% not going to crop that a day early as my spider senses are jangling each time I breathe in those rich,creamy Remo aromas.

I have photos of the Crit2's but will add them in when I do an early smoke report so for today it's all about the Diesel,enjoy....























I have nothing left to say other than I hope you and yours are well and your grows are rocking with trichs galore.

Take care guys have a great weekend.

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The diesel are most definitely stacking on some serious weight mate :) getting very large colas and the trichome production is in full swing  :bong:


With our critical+ 45-55 days is standard so I think you've done the right thing and she will definitely give you a nice smoke to tide you over until more plants are ready for the chop :)


Going off the pictures the diesel still look to have a good 14-21 days left, would you agree? 


They have started to fade slightly but they still have a lot more to give in my opinion  :bong:


Sounds like you've had a busy week with the decorating so thank you for taking a break to do your thread update  :)


Will be checking in on the Remo soon :)


Until next time mate. Looking great :bong:


All the best



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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Glad you've got something to toke on mate it makes the waiting for the main crop more bearable I'm sure, did you do a trich check when you chopped em? I'm guessing they were all clears given all the activity going on the in the badgers set of late lol


As Mark says the fade has started so not long with these Diesels too and full jars for the festive period:guitar:


ATB man :oldtoker:



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hey 420,


As appears to be normal of late I havnt had time to kick the kids this week until today,I always feel better once I've kicked the little blighter's lol

It's definitely Winter now though, as I'm sure you've all realised, but does anyone else seek refuge in their tent room to soak up some of that lovely escaping heat? for what I call a "council sauna", its a genuine highlight of growing indoors on a cold,dreary and really quite awful day.



To use my micro sauna I roll a nice smoke and take the stairlift to my steamy hot heaven (ooer) whilst my Wife follows on with fresh cups of Tea,Biscuits a couple of chunks of fresh Pineapple with Oranges then firmly shut the door,switch the radio on and enter a Critical2 powered Zen state for a couple of hours by which time the ever building heat beats you down so I open the door trundle along to grab a refreshing shower and Badgers council spa day is done,does wonders for the complexion you know fellas lol (helps the Arthritiis to)

Here we are then guys,what may very well be my penultimate update on my two mighty Dinafem Diesels as I'm pretty sure theyre going to be done soon.




Today's Diesel photos and arty bits will be a fly through the diary from start to finish as a bit of a change being so close to the end.

I have also decided that trying to grow a bit of nice weed is really not easy if you also smoke alot of the aforementioned nice weed to,surely one of life's cruelest jokes.




It's Friday 24th November and flowering day 60, as at 2.06pm my tents stats are as follows.....

24hr Max 28.8c Min 20.9c

Current Temp 25.5c

Humidity 47%

As described above Im currently enjoying a little growtent sunbathing,well Im sat in my chair with my LED glasses on and the front of the tent open a jar,it's glorious on a cold day.

The giant Diesels have bimbled through the grow really,they just keep looking at me with a "what's the problem boss?" every time I'm tempted to tinker,so In the main I havnt touched them other than gradual fan/popcorn removal along the way.I do pinch all the bud stems a couple of times through flowering to help strengthen the flowering branches as they gain mass.



As with every strain in this grow I trimmed down to 4 branches to fit my screen before I promptly broke it and couldn't replace it and that's hurt the Diesel yield as it did with every strain sadly, it's cool though as Ive got some really great smoke but have missed out on a few more filled jars because of it,meh,its to late now.

The Diesels are now on bubbled water with 3ml of Organic pressed Seaweed per litre as they run in to the finish.Obviously each bit of top feeding helps the dressed Bat Guano wash down into the composf as a tasty treat for my plants fungi friends.



I'm pretty happy with the strains I've done this time round and have learnt alot along the way. I'm extremely thankful to Mark and Dinafem for the opportunity to grow them and am really hoping to do more in time.

As we all know crop time can come any time but If i decide to crop between updates I'll do a short mid week one.

All that's left are the small matter of a few Diesel pictures showing the Diesels life here with me,here you go......





























Apologies again to @Dinafem-Mark who throughout this grow has been his usual patient,helpful,knowledgeable,supportive self and is surely one of the nicest people to cross posts with here,so big thanks mate,oh and don't worry about "Operation Germination" it's ready to roll just didn't have any space in my germ tent until the seedlings for my next grow  (HSO) were able to go in the main tent which they should be in a few days.


Today's,Friday so I'll wish you all a great weekend with your families and hope everyone's grows are bursting with crystals and aromas of heaven.

Respect to you all.

Edited by Badbadger
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Nice grow mate and cool to see the progress at the end there rather than scrolling back to look it up...as for remembering.... well at my age? lol


I think its obligatory to be stoned when dealing with plants personally, it would be rude not to, this works fine most of the time for me tbh but can get confusing occasionally :smokin:


Glad you are getting some rays in wintery Wiltshire, think of all the CO2 you will be giving the girls as you sunbathe ;)


Hope you're having a good weekend my friend :oldtoker:

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The finish line is most definitely approaching mate and as expected your plants look lush, healthy and more so happy :yep:


The diesel was a nice recap so thank you for taking the time to do this and on the topic of pictures love yiur edition method. Very trippy but relevant lol


As usual mate thank you for the thread and picture updates very much appreciated!


Will be back in one :bong:


All the best 



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  • 2 weeks later...






Hey UK420,

Hope this update finds you and yours well and your grows are trich'd up to eleven.

I'll be using a few pictures that were taken along the way this time but will do the crop pics etc with the smoke report once I get there.



After I decided to chop the Critical2  it left the Diesel on it's lonesome in this diary to do its thing.


Even after they'd had a bad time in the Plagron compost the Critical2 rewarded me with some top notch smoke.Its a most enjoyable smoke and has a real citrus zing, one giving of a pungent Orange that hung around after drying.











Being left on theyre own wasn't a problem for both Diesels as they've pretty much done what they wanted the whole way,in general they grew up tall as if they were searching for a new Planet to habitate in some far of galaxy.













As with all plants in this grow the Diesels were cut back to two internodes to feed into my screen just before I broke it,that limited the yield immensely and has annoyed me all the way through.

Both the Diesels were very virile and grew like nuts with one finishing at just under 5ft,thank God I have a 2m tent but I never had to bend or tie them down so it wasn't to intense.



They didn't burn out the food supply in the Plagron Royalmix as much as the Critical2 did, they did hit the buffers about 5-6 weeks into flower but responded well to increased Grow and Bloom which helped them push on to finish pretty well.



When it came to crop time, dead on 9 weeks, I did my normal process that will make most of you scream "nooooooo" but it works for me,it consists of -

1- Cut trunk keep plant whole.

2 - Hang upside down in my tent that's on 12/12 with the next grow,I leave it like that until its 99% crisp but the branches have a small amount of moisture still,usually done under 5 days dependant on bud size.

3 - Full trim and Jar.

4 - Done! quick dried so I can smoke it if needed (always do) but leaving a little moisture in the trunk to help them cure and burp as per usual long term. If I feel they've gone to dry as they jar up I simply introduce one or two small fan leafs to the jar to provide the moisture needed to cure.



I do it like that as I simply dont have space or time for a slow dry and it lessons the risk of mould during a normal slow dry.


I try and leave it curing as long as I can but once needed it gets hammered cured or not.I love the taste of fresh bud,it has great flavours and always has a fresh,solid hit.


In a perfect world id have enough crop to store and cure, Its nice to smoke it as it cures though as you learn to pick up the changes within its flavours and effects.






All that's left is a smoke report alongside the Critical2, Crit2 is an amazing flavoured smoke with a hit like a cannonball stuffed with marshmallow,hard hitting but floaty lol

So until then that's the end of this diary and out of them both I will have another go at Critical2 hoping to find that strong Orange pheno again (should have tried it before cropping as I would have saved it in a second) as its a lovely,lovely smoke.

Take care all.



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Nice one @Badbadger :yep:

I couldn't agree more with the fresh tasting bud, I dry mine pretty much the same, instead of hanging I chuck it all in a large box with a few small holes in it, dry in a week, then like you say jarred up while it lasts,look forward to your next one, take care. Jj:yinyang:

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Fantasitic read and showcased our genetics really well :)


The diesel most definitely benefited from the extra room once the critical was down and by the sound of things the end product is very pleasing  :bong:


Thank you for putting up your drying method this varies from grower to grower to nice to read how you do yours  :)


A super read and nice conclusion to the diary :)


Did you post dry yield mate? I may have missed this :)


Will see you in the Remo Chemo thread mate and again superb job with this diary  :yep:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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just a quick pics to show where  we are at the no.....







I love these smaller buds on plants they always have good flavour.


Back with a full smoke report in good time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2017/11/25 at 0:24 AM, Badbadger said:

hey 420,


As appears to be normal of late I havnt had time to kick the kids this week until today,I always feel better once I've kicked the little blighter's lol

It's definitely Winter now though, as I'm sure you've all realised, but does anyone else seek refuge in their tent room to soak up some of that lovely escaping heat? for what I call a "council sauna", its a genuine highlight of growing indoors on a cold,dreary and really quite awful day.



To use my micro sauna I roll a nice smoke and take the stairlift to my steamy hot heaven (ooer) whilst my Wife follows on with fresh cups of Tea,Biscuits a couple of chunks of fresh Pineapple with Oranges then firmly shut the door,switch the radio on and enter a Critical2 powered Zen state for a couple of hours by which time the ever building heat beats you down so I open the door trundle along to grab a refreshing shower and Badgers council spa day is done,does wonders for the complexion you know fellas lol (helps the Arthritiis to)

Here we are then guys,what may very well be my penultimate update on my two mighty Dinafem Diesels as I'm pretty sure theyre going to be done soon.




Today's Diesel photos and arty bits will be a fly through the diary from start to finish as a bit of a change being so close to the end.

I have also decided that trying to grow a bit of nice weed is really not easy if you also smoke alot of the aforementioned nice weed to,surely one of life's cruelest jokes.




It's Friday 24th November and flowering day 60, as at 2.06pm my tents stats are as follows.....

24hr Max 28.8c Min 20.9c

Current Temp 25.5c

Humidity 47%

As described above Im currently enjoying a little growtent sunbathing,well Im sat in my chair with my LED glasses on and the front of the tent open a jar,it's glorious on a cold day.

The giant Diesels have bimbled through the grow really,they just keep looking at me with a "what's the problem boss?" every time I'm tempted to tinker,so In the main I havnt touched them other than gradual fan/popcorn removal along the way.I do pinch all the bud stems a couple of times through flowering to help strengthen the flowering branches as they gain mass.



As with every strain in this grow I trimmed down to 4 branches to fit my screen before I promptly broke it and couldn't replace it and that's hurt the Diesel yield as it did with every strain sadly, it's cool though as Ive got some really great smoke but have missed out on a few more filled jars because of it,meh,its to late now.

The Diesels are now on bubbled water with 3ml of Organic pressed Seaweed per litre as they run in to the finish.Obviously each bit of top feeding helps the dressed Bat Guano wash down into the composf as a tasty treat for my plants fungi friends.



I'm pretty happy with the strains I've done this time round and have learnt alot along the way. I'm extremely thankful to Mark and Dinafem for the opportunity to grow them and am really hoping to do more in time.

As we all know crop time can come any time but If i decide to crop between updates I'll do a short mid week one.

All that's left are the small matter of a few Diesel pictures showing the Diesels life here with me,here you go......





























Apologies again to @Dinafem-Mark who throughout this grow has been his usual patient,helpful,knowledgeable,supportive self and is surely one of the nicest people to cross posts with here,so big thanks mate,oh and don't worry about "Operation Germination" it's ready to roll just didn't have any space in my germ tent until the seedlings for my next grow  (HSO) were able to go in the main tent which they should be in a few days.


Today's,Friday so I'll wish you all a great weekend with your families and hope everyone's grows are bursting with crystals and aromas of heaven.

Respect to you all.

looks great!

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