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Badgers 2Critical Diesel a Dinafem Diary.


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hey 420,

Evolution is a funny thing isn't it,It appears that through accident,injury,pain and tears that I have actually evolved to take full advantage of the wet,dismal and boring days life has rewarded us with of late.

Sitting down in my fave recliner is like entering a mind pilots cockpit from which I can view and control my lazy good for nothing life.Todays lazy day involved some hard-core snoring,cheese crackers,cups of tea followed by a morsel of something sweet such as the emperor amongst chocolaty treats  the Tunnocks Caramel bar,surely the finest of all treats.



Any-hooo its Tuesday and its only Diesel and Critical2 from here on in,well in the main anyway,so "how are they?" you may ask and I would cheerily reply "absolutely fine thanks" and that's that with little else to discuss but I'll try and add some fine detail so I'm not completely wasting your time unless your only here to see me fail,are you?!  in which case put down the free Tunnocks and get the freak outta here!



Here are some of those details I mentioned above.....

It's the 3rd of October and grow day 64,Its flowering day 8 and as of 1.15pm the environmental conditions in my cosy burrow are as follows..

24hr Average Temps Max 26.7c Min 19.5c

Current Temps 24.6c

Humidity 45%


Its still drama free at the moment and as I sit and wait for each plants version of stretch, it appears some Dinafem Diesels love stretch and  the more the better,see what I mean take a look at this "Dina'saur Diesel"...



It's a full 10 inches taller than any other plant at the moment and there are alot of good genetics sharing the tent with them (3 are Dinafems) but the Diesels don't give a shit about anyone they just want to boss the space and fuck the rest off by stealing everyone else's light.



The pretty Critical2's are soaking up some serious tent rays and spreading out those beautiful,slender and ladylike fan leaves.They truly are well structured plants and are enjoyable to watch grow,at every node they turn of and grow another bud site,they sure look like theyre having a good time as they jig in the breeze of a few cheap fans to keep them cool whilst reaching up towards the light for energy.

Other than the once a week feed of Fishmix @2ml per litre and Algamic @3ml per litre I've given nothing else but plain H2O which I'm happy about and am hoping to add nothing else for the whole grow,so the big question is will they make it for another 7 wks or not? tune in again to find out what happens later in the series lol



As the stretch slows and they set themselves both in height and  bud sites I will be trimming away some of the needless vegetation but no supercrop just a respectful trim.

It's the all important photos now,so sit back and enjoy some fine greenery.....




























It won't be long before I can bring you some beautiful shots of crystally buds the size of a Rhinos wedding tackle,probably not in reality but I know it's going to 'stank' the place out like a warm Stilton sauce in summer with over tones of zesty fruit and petroleum.

It's time for me to say my goodbyes now and as I sit in my lazy bloke cockpit Zoe Ball is starting the Monday edition of It Takes Two so with glittery balls I'll say Aurevoir people.

(All of the above was written yesterday evening,however I fell asleep during Eastenders and didn't wake up till 3am,apologies I did say I was lazy lol)

Edited by Badbadger
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Can I ask mate (the answer is probably in the thread) what medium are the plants in? And any added amendments? 


For what 9 days into bloom the plants are already taking shape and looking grand :)


Absolutely zero signs of any deficiency and clearly growing well :)


All grow environment sounds spot on (temps/humidity)


Everything is cooking along great :)


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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Oh I forgot to add thank you for taking the time to edit your pictures and to upload them. We know this takes time so thank you kindly good sir :yep:


Until next time :bong:


All the best 



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Hey 420,

Another Wednesday rolls round again,when your doing a couple of diaries at the same time it really speeds up the week that's for sure!



After having my Daughter home last week with a cough she went back to school only for my eldest Son to come home from 6th Form today arrrggghhhh!!!!!!! kids!!!!

I love them but my Wife and I are experiencing our first bits of free time now and its real nice to have a small taste of It at last.



Let's get into my 3 x Critical2 and my 2 x Diesel now,Today is grow day 72, flower day 16 and my tent stats at 11.23am are as follows...

24hr Max 26.6c Min 20.6c

Current Temp 24.7c

Humidity 49%

Both Diesels have stretched alot but one is still 10 inches taller,not an extra 10 inches I wanted but theyre set in height and bud now.I have moved them out towards the edge of the lights main footprint.

As my HPS is not under a proper reflector its light coverage isn't focused downwards so the monster Diesel is the same distance away from the bulb but to one side so they'll still receive great light levels whilst being able to safely gain bud height without boiling of Terpenes from directly under the bulb.

They do have a real nice aroma that's sweeter than I imagined but it contrasts beautifully with the musky diesel fumes that I love.



Here are a few Diesel baby bud pics for your pleasure,I remembered to switch the filters of this time......















Here are shots of the Diesels roots escaping out the pot hunting for water,these pics were taken on Sunday so have grown alot more that I'll photo this weekend,here you go....roots...








Onto the delicately natured Critical 2 that come over all demure,cute and ladylike and that's been true even after the first week of flower,they were trying hard not to show how virile they are and then over the last few days they've just given in and are not only stretching but the branches are thickening up nicely and have that nice zig-zag budding structure we all want from our budding girls.



They've gained 5-6 inches in the last few days and are balancing out my once very level canopy again.They wont reach the heady heights of the Diesels but am happy they're showing some grunt now.

The Critical2's have started looking a touch hungry the last day or two and its obviously as they've started to stretch and bulk up,finally emptying the nute reserves of the Royalmix.


So my plan of not feeding through the whole grow is breaking down but just means Its top feed nute time.


This morning they had a breakfast feed consisting of (per litre) 1.5ml Fishmix, 1.5ml Plagron Alga Grow, 2ml Plagron Alga Bloom, 2ml Algamic Seaweed and ran 1 litre through each plant in a few doses over an hour two.

My whole grow has changed since breaking my screen and thats highlighted the issues with stretch again not only from the strain and light height but the wick system that loves to pump them full of goodness making them reach for the stars.




I know that to help fight stretch I need a more adjustable light height which is an issue with my agricultural set up that weighs the same as a small tractor.


So after hours of head scratching I'm going to solve it the other way by raising the plant height on top of some stackable plastic tubs and remove them as we go.Thats a simple fix and hopefully itll help but its to late for this grow obviously.

All that's left is a few shots of my fine Dinafem Critical ladies -


















Here are some fine Critical2 roots I discovered...




mmmmm rooty.


That's another week done and as of today I have no smoke through no fault of my own but it does mean I'm going to feel like absolute shit with pain returning everywhere and energy levels falling through the floor as I quickly return to feeling 103yrs old again.


I have a long way to go until I have smoke at the end of this grow and it's going to be like a descent back into hell and I'm genuinely scared.


I know that when It's ready Im going to smash it hard and I for one will be fucking glad of getting completely destroyed.

Take care guys your all my grow hero's and top chaps.

Edited by Badbadger
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You are closing on on day 21 of bloom so the stretch should be slowing down now mate. Focus does look to be moving into flower production as they do look to be getting bigger from the last update  :)


Now that the scrogg net is not as effective this will throw you off your game but you look to be doing well and adapting to the situstion. This is what indoor growing is all about  :yep:


Sorry to read you have ran out of meds. This is never good and I wish we could help each other in situations like this it would make like a whole lot easier but this is not the case :(


I'm sure you will be back in medicine soon and so far the grow is looking fantasitic. That wick system is really growing some beastly plants  :) an old technique that is working just as well if not better than very expensive systems  :)


Thank you for taking the time to edit your pictures and for the thread update very much appreciated!


Will be back in on the next one mate until them keep up the great work and your chin up :yep:


All the best 



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@Dinafem-Mark I've been in a bit of pain with my back for a few days so have had to up my Oxycontin that's wiped me right out so Im sorry things have been delayed.


I have been fighting an issue with 90% of my plants sadly,the grows a mix of RGS/Sweet Seeds and you guys.I thought I caught it last week but it just went nuts so I obviously didn't!


The colours in general are messed up because of my lighting but you'll see the contrast between them anyway.


Every single plant (even my small emergency smoke autos) started yellowing and dying off lower fans so upped N over 4 days to 3ml per litre that didn't hold it at all.


See this Critical2 and,to the left of my water pump,you can see my little autos with exactly the same issues -




At that point I started increasing Bloom and got up to 3.5ml per litre of Plagron Alga Bloom before it started to slow down.


So it's safe to assume it was a severe lack of P and as every plant was in Plagron Royal Mix it must have literally bombed out in that department


HOWEVER!! There is one positive to this story and it'll be obvious in this image - 




Yep! the Remo are happy as a pig in shit! to the right is a Lemonade OG and to the left your Crit2.


So its clear the compost theyre all in has burnt out but as the Remo are perfectly fine it's safe to say they don't use anywhere near as much feed as the others,even plants a 1/4 of the size of the Remo have heavy yellowing so the Remo must be amazingly light feeders in all departments.


I'll be doing a smallish Remo update a bit later as I have a few shots and its really important info for them but please don't worry if I'm not about for a few days I just need to lick my wounds and crash out for a bit my friend.


I chopped an auto yesterday and flashed it so I have some smoke to help but extra Oxy just flattens me a bit.


"I'll be back"



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Sorry to hear of your back issues mate and even worse you have had to resort to pharmaceutical pain meds :( hope the back gets better soon my friend :yep:


You are getting quite a lot of yellowing which yes is most likely deficiency :yep: just strange that the Remo is unaffected  :bong:


Considering your pain thank you for the thread update good sir :)


Looking fine to me mate :)


All the best 



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Oh nice to read that you do have some smoke in the form of the recently decapitated auto hopefully this will provide some relief  :)


Be careful in those pain meds mate :yep:


All the best 



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Hey 420,

Im back! lol I've had a few days of lying in bed trying not to move much which isnt hard for me really! but the meds and smoke are starting to catch up with the pain levels a bit more and I'm more with it,so grabbed my phone,took a few snaps and got typing again yesterday for my Remo,I've managed to get this done today thankfully.

Here we are then it's Tuesday 24th October,grow day 85 and flowering day 29 and as of 2.34pm my tent stats are as follows....

24hr Temps Max 27.3c Min 20.5c

Current Temp 25.8c

Humidity 42%



As mentioned in earlier posts I suffered a sudden drop in power from the Plagron Royalmix,initially it was a few small fans on one or two plants but then everything dived of a nute cliff head first and started shedding fans like Autumn.


It took me a while to get on top of it all apart from my Remo which are practically perfect with barely a spot of yellow for the obviously not very hungry Mo's.Both the Critical2 and Diesel bombed hard though.

They've all ended up being top fed 4ml Plagron Alga Grow 5ml Plagron Alga Bloom and 3ml Fishmix per litre and take a litre a time hey're steady now,no more yellowing and have started to build up more aromas that confirms to me they were very low in bloom nutes and not just grow.

In the grows I did with Biobizz Bat/Allmix I never had an issue like this and was far more gradual in using it's nutes up.



However,using Plagron was all new to me and I may well have missed pointers by treating it the way I would BBZ,I think that's especially so with regards the Plagron Nutes as it's clear to me now the plants will stomach a far larger dose of them than they would have of BBZ.

Getting experience was the reason I tried a different brand in the first place to take me out of my comfort BBZ zone.

Both the Diesel and Crit2 were affected by the nute crash but as I said theyve settled well and are growing again.The 2 Diesels are about a foot taller then the Crit2's with a sturdier look and will hopefully give me some sturdy old buds!

There is only one slight negative and that's with the Critical2's,nothing major just with my set up as I dont think they are as fond of the wicks as the Diesels,Remos or the other strains in the grow.

They just seem a little lethargic in it,theyre definitely progressing but it comes over grudgingly. Its probably my fault regards the compost etc and change of plans early on so I'm in no way blaming the plants or beans,my set up is non-standard after all!



There is the usual "they'll gain over the last few weeks" of course and im praying for them because they smell devine.

The Diesels are just giants with attitude,standing around like Amazonian Warriors guarding against "lesser strains" as they stockpile Trichomes for future battles in fucking up my Brain once done.

All that's left are the photos,I was hoping to get a bit more in depth but couldnt set up the tripod today so it's hands only today,here they are then,enjoy....






























Another week closer to the finish and it won't be long before I get to tuck into the quality smoke I see growing before my very eyes.

Oh.....hold on.....gotta run the Simpsons are on and I've watched pretty much every episode about 15 times since it came out here so I may as well watch it again,it's the one where homer has to collect Mr Burns Lambogrotti from Italy,hmm maybe 20 times for this ep lol.

Take care chaps.

Edited by Badbadger
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Hey dude sorry I missed the post about the yellowing its an elongated half term up here in the Lakes with the Scots starting before the English so been busy with work for a bit.....Strange that the Critical 2.0 is having more probs than the other strains as I thought one of its attractions was its ease of growing? Or maybe I'm thinking of another strain :smokin:Perhaps it is the wicks and they prefer more of a wet/dry cycle to a permanently moist environment. I'm tempted to try this wicking idea of yours on  no til pots I'm going to try over the winter as it takes the worry out of letting the pots dry out and losing my micro herd.


Take it easy man and try and look after yaself :oldtoker:



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Nice to see you back mate :yep:


It is strange that both critical and diesel have been effected by the "lack of nutrients" but Remo looks to be unaffected. 


Funnily enough I was watching the "weednerd" last evening and a lot of the guys on there use only super soil type mixes (nutruents/amendments) pre mixed into medium and they have been finding that the super soil is running out of steam for certain strains and have started to used "teas" as a supplemental feed to add more energy back into the medium :)


Critical is a super easy to grow strain but she is a "greedy lady" where feed is concerned. 


You look to be back ontop of things and all is starting to come together great :bong:


Every update is one update closer to harvest :bong:


Looking great mate and thanks for the update  :bong:


Until next time :)


All the best 



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Hey 420,

It feels like a long time since I updated these plants and it may well have been so apologies folks and of course @Dinafem-Mark but life's life and sometimes time just runs away from us.

After the dramas of my compost nute collapse I've got them settled and growing again.I had images of  losing another grow right before my eyes but I needn't of worried as the girls knew what they wanted they just couldn't tell me.



Today is the 30th October and were at flower day 35 and at 1.13pm my tent stats were....

24hr Temp Max 26.3c Min20.1c

Current Temp 24.9c

Humidity 46%

As you may have been aware I had a major crash in food supply to both the Critical2 and Diesel and it took a couple of weeks to catch them and give them the nutrition they craved.

As I piled in the nutes I had to take them a bit to far before turning it back a touch so alot of leaves have nute burn now and the 3  Critical2's especially have taken it hard.

As I mentioned last time I'm unconvinced that the Crit2's actually enjoy my set up as theyre not as vigorous as I hoped and all the drama hasn't helped. However,all of the Crit buds are chucking out Trichomes by the ton,I did a few flash pictures to show the level of production,take a peek.....









Look sticky don't they but that burns not pretty.

The 2 Diesels have suffered less burn from the emergency nute supply and have shrugged it of pretty well by growing and fattening.The one thing they don't seem to have is an abundance of Trichomes but it's still a fair time until they finish so I'll have my fingers crossed for some crystal delivery in time for Christmas.

Currently the Diesels and Crit2's are both having 2ml Fishmix/1ml Plagron Alga Grow and 4ml Plagron Alga Bloom and about 1ltr every two days.This seems to have grabbed them by the roots and got them smiling again pretty much.

I will be dropping the Fishmix and Grow amounts in a week or two as they come to an end.

For the Diesel Dinafem give a 60-70 day finish that either way is at least 3 weeks more so by then the buds will be bruisers! They also do not have a single brown Pistle as yet.



Dinafem quote 45-50 days for the Crit2's so for them there's at least another 2 weeks but I think they ll probably go to 3/4 weeks at least as they to have barely a brown tinge to any Pistles and are now hanging on to Fan colour well so I'll keep them rolling on.

As usual I have a richness of photographic goodies for you so here you go guys......

















































There you go then a trip round old  Badgers burrow. This year we've kicked Halloween to the curb for the kids as it's bloody annoying buying all that plastic shit.We picked up a couple of pumpkins though so it's not totally banished but there comes a  time in any Parents life that they decide to sign out of these things and eat the all the Wham Bars, tubes of Fizzers and Double lollies ourselves fek the kids !!



Take care people,stay safe and keep warm my friends.

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No no dont say fek the kids mate, I've literally just gobbled some strong BHO space cake from dam :smokin:, that my 2 youngest kids returned with this afternoon...one day you will realise why you had them lol


Joking aside the plants are looking lovely and frosty, the Criticals trichome coverage is superb, bet its a relief to have everything back on point again:yep:


Had my missus on that Sensi Seeds CBD oil the last couple of days as she tried going down the stairs head first and damaged her elbow trying to prevent her head impacting first.

Like you she reports it as an aid to sleep when in a lot of pain :mellow:


Epic update once again mate :oldtoker:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@BadbadgerNo need to say sorry mate life gets crazy at times I know this all to well :yep:


All the ladies look to be stacking on some serious weight and trichome production is in full swing  :)


They are looking spot on mate :)


Great update as usual and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Will be back in on the next one mate until then keep up the great work  :bong:


All the best 



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