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Jim's Dinafem No Till Adventure


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Great diary you got going:yep:  you using Ro Water?   i dropped Jack's magic & started using Ro water and the bud taste overall ramped up a level:badass:

was told J's Magic had more than just kelp:puke:


What you using foe enzymes popcorn or coconut water.   You got biochar in ur mix:spliff:


isn't it best to back off on the blutmats untill ur auto has establised a little:B):Don't want to drown her out


Edited by Percygrower_420
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@Percygrower_420 Thanks for stopping by :) I have some popcorn seeds that I'll put in to germinate later, I did a test run with them a while back and they are a right bugger to germinate ! I think I'll order some alfalfa seeds as well, for teas and grow a patch in a pot to use as mulch.


Water wise, it's rain water for the moment. I use it for watering the garden until it runs out so they get refreshed quite quickly (have about 440l of storage which is no where near enough, need to get a 1000l IBU thing).  I did knock the Blumats down a couple of notches last night in anticipation of giving it a little aloe watering, will keep fiddling with them until I get it right.


Biochar I haven't really looked into tbh, need to do a bit more reading about it as we have a little woodstove. I usually just chuck the ash onto the veg patch.


I still have about 8 bags of Jacks' in the garden, got a load of it last year on offer at the garden centre down the road as it was our first growing season after moving into our house. To be fair I got on really well with it for growing veg/flowers etc in the garden so until it is run out I'll keep using it. My birthday is coming up though so a big compost tumbler might be appearing :thumsup: I've also got a home cobbled worm bin that has been running for about a month so with a bit of luck I'll have fresh worm poops to use too !


This is very much an experimental run, it might all go tits up and I'll have to start from scratch ! lol



@MMG Thanks for having a look and for the kind words :)



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Sweet your using rain water:yep: few bg420 vids back he talks about his latest soil:D biochar great for reruns of the soil hardly decompose like rock dust long lasting:oldtoker:

u should be all good with the amount of j's magic when i was using it. It was the main base mix ur just partially putting it in the mix from what i can gather. J's for garden is great and does grow great looking weed but for the bud it create i would differ thats just my opinon from smoke i've tryed.


It's all about experimenting & improving ur skills for the next run just gets better as you progess and learn more.


Glad to hear your addicted to brownguy420 i check that everyday:fear:it's one of my good addiction feeking love it.....Have to watch the daily grind,  first beds just gone down:notworthy:Sick.


Happy growing No-till Bud....doing it the right way:badass:



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Just a quick update, one of my poor aloe plants 'leaves' where chopped off, whipped up in the blender with a splash of water and given to the plant. 


I completely forgot to add the microdoobries yesterday when I transplanted it so I sprinkled a scoopful around the plant beforehand, hopefully some get washed down ! I'm pretty sure I chucked a load in when I mixed the soil up as well but it was a while back now :D





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19 hours ago, Jimmyarm said:

Day 11


She had plenty of roots at the little holes in the bottom of the pot so, I gingerly teased her out of it and she was ready to move.


I'll give her a little aloe watering in the morning, GF was asleep so didn't want to put the blender on lol


Fingers crossed this soil works !







Oh yes she is going to love the extra medium to spread out those roots and now you have the bluemat system set up this should make watering a lot easier :)


I must say she a healthy young lady and now potted up she with start to thrive :yep:


Really nice work mate and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!


Until the next one :bong:


All the best 



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8 hours ago, Jimmyarm said:



Thanks for dropping in :) I heard BG420 say on one of his videos they make custom sizes so had a look on their website and the FAQ's say they don't ship overseas atm :(


I might drop them an email when I start to think properly about doing it and see if they would just send the fabric part over minus the poles as that should make the parcel a bit more mail friendly but the little research I have done seems to suggest I am going to have to make my own somehow !


Yeah I'll drop them an email and if we all do it then they might get their shit together and start shipping here. lol 


I like BG420, don't always agree with what he's doing, but that's life lol I'd love to have one of those light deprivation greenhouses. 



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I thought you'd be applying some lst when the time comes, it really is the way to get the best out of these autos.  I've recently started tying mine down at around day 20. They are now at day 25 and I'm already counting 20 plus bud sites. With a pot your size the amount of bud sites should be incredible once you've finished. 

Cheers TD

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Day 13


Thought a little update was in order as transplanting time is always a bit of a concern.


BOOOM ! #NotTill #Aloe4life




Also put some popcorn seeds in to sprout, trying to get relearn photography so expect a few wierd shots lol






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Day 18


All going well, she is a little droopy but it's been fecking hot and sticky round here today. I've knocked the blumats down another notch just in case it is a bit wet but the soil feels about right using the 'stick finger in' test.


I whizzed up the sprouted popcorn seeds and some water and fed her that on Wednesday. They sprouted much easier this time wierdly.


Dinafem genetics shining through here, that is 18 days from getting the seed wet, will have to start thinking about bondage soon :thumsup:


Starting to wish I didn't use the mixed green manure cover crop, it is bad enough having to mow the grass in the garden ! lol 






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Argghhhh !


Mini update - we have been invaded by what looks like greenfly ! I didn't even notice them when I looked yesterday but there were literally hundreds of the feckers in there all over the grass leaves when I just checked.


50 Ladybug Larvae have been ordered, hope they arrive soon !


I've cut down the grass with loads of them on and removed it, wierdly there are hardly any on the plant I can see but they have been on the lower leaves. They leave a wierd sticky residue behind.


@ska @Percygrower_420 Any tips on a quick solution to slow them down until the ladybugs arrive ?


ETA; Now I know they are there, I can see them in the upper right of the last picture ! Such a noob :(

Edited by Jimmyarm
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Look into Nemsay BUD:D they should help your situation i've just applied to everything to get rid of thrips. i might end up using ladybugs too but i want somthing to eat there eggs in the soil.

bet they hate clove oil in a spray if you have any lying about.

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Day 23


Still good growth, aphids still there :(


Hopefully the ladybug larvae turn up tomorrow. I've ordered some Neem Oil as well which will definately be here tomorrow. I've been holding off starting LST until I can get the bugs under control.


Better news is that I spotted a 14 Spot Ladybird (google them, they look cool!) on the floor of the cabinet, so I scooped it up and put it in with all the aphids lol


Good news that the Dinafem indoor comp is going ahead, another 2 strains will be going into the cupboard over the coming months :thumsup:


A little helper has also appeared to keep an eye on things in exchange for a pipe or two !







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She's looking healthy mate, shame about the aphids. Neem oil worked great on my tomatoes so I'm sure between the ladybirds and that you will get the buggers under control. :yinyang:

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