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Donkey Kong Jnr -TigseyJnr tries to finish a diary


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1 hour ago, The Villan said:

I just think some bulbs don't last as long.


Think you're right. Annoyed at myself for not having a spare to hand. Would have saved a bit of panicky faffing. 



1 hour ago, The Villan said:


Lovely looking plants



Thanks dude, pretty pleased so far. 


Nice one, 


Tigs :guitar:

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All seem's ok with the light etc, been through a 24 hour cycle of on/off with no more problems. Will have to just wait and see if they come on again at 8pm :moptop:


My phone internet seems to be working a bit quicker than dial up speeds from yesteryear, so thought i'd get these up. Taken late saturday night, so day one of 12/12.


Whitey Freeze's - (RGS )


The one i mainlined and snapped.. should still get a bit off of her.























Group shot, hopefully all gonna be females.




Really happy with these.



Here's that male WF again. He's out of the main tent and just sitting by a window doing his thing.









All doing well and responding nicely to a bit of LST. Had just water up till now. Will keep tying them up for another week, and spreading them out, befor letting them grow up.


Fed lightly with 1ml of fishmix per ltr befor putting them back under the light.


Will give them a proper trim soon, but want the leaves on at the moment to tell me whats going on as they move into flower.


Never used Clover compost befor (thanks to @blackpoolbouncer's recomendation). Everything seems very happy in it so far, except for one Pinapple express, but cant put that down to the compo.


Going to run a seperate diary in the main indoor diary section for the whole grow, to include the Pinaaple Express.




Thanks for looking in.


Nice one,


Tigs :guitar:





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things are hotting up out there!!! Everyone's plants are lookin amazing. Time for some sun now please :george:


Quite a lot to update so here goes..


















































They were in no particular order, but all DFG's. All smelling devine, and well on thier way to being bloody lovely.


Mighty Gold's next..

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Mighty Gold's..






























Again, in no particular order, as in plant above, might not match close up below etc, but you get the idea :yep:


all looking lush, and well into flower. Had to cut a bit of mold off of two plants, but nothing to worry about.


Top notch plants these, and gonna be finished EARLY!!

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Guest mrtibbs

Loving the lifestyle, and i look forward to seeing how this turns out :)

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Looking superb mate and all well in flower just what the doctor ordered, shame about the weather at the mo but , hopefully your enjoying the earliness as we have over the last few years :yep: 

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On the indoor front, the saying "carefull what you wish for" keeps ringin through my head..


Sat smoking a spliff the other night, looking at my butchered male Whitey Freeze thinking "maybe i cut him up a bit soon.. what if he doesnt produce much pollen.. there's still 4 WF in the tent, one could still be a boy?" I instantly regret the thought, knowing i want all the remaining plants to be females.


5 minutes later, i'm in the tent looking at two more fecking boys. In a way, it is a good thing, as i now have a good mix of pollen, but the tent is looking empty with just the remaining 2 Whitey Freeze, and 3 Pinapple Express' but i'm hoping there's enough time for them to stretch and make the most of the extra space. We'll see.


Whitey Freeze boyz.

















Bit gutted to only have two Whitey Freeze's left in the tent flowering, but there you go.





Final bonus..


I forgot about the very early autoing Whitey Freeze Females.


There were two, and i left them outside in thier pots, at one of my plots. Both had been munched to fuck, but they survived. Even brought them home in thier pot.








Gotta be a couple of ounces there @RandyBoBandy mate














Might get a decent size spliff out of it, and it does smell lush!


Nice one,


Tigs :guitar:













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hope all is good, and the sun is shining on all your outdoor adventures.


Alittle update on the RGSC - Whitey Freeze's.



Although there's only two females left (alongside the three Pinapple Express'), they are doing good. A few gaps in the canopy, but they're trying their best to fill them. Pic's taken last night. I think i flipped to 12/12 two weeks on Monday, so day 12 since i flipped them.


WF front right, and back left..





Whitey Freeze 1




Whitey Freeze 2




Both looking hungry.


Over the last few feeds I've upped the fishmix to 3/4ml per ltr, given them a drop of Cal/Mag and added a drop of bloom in the last feed.


Tried to leave them to it this week, but going to give them one more tie down and a bit of supercropping to get the canopy nicely spread and even to give every budsite a good chance. Then i'll leave them be. Gotta get the most from these five plants. I was hoping to have 8/9 plants in there as they're in fairly small pots. But all good.


Thanks for looking in,


Nice one,


Tigs :guitar:

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Quick update on the indoor Whitey Freeze's..


Day 19 since flipping to 12/12




Front and back left





All going well. Just wish i had more than two of them in there!!










Fattening and frosting up lovely. I'm crap at describing smells, but thy smell lush :moptop:


Hoping to get to my RGSC plot later. Will try and get some pic's and update.


Nice one,


Tigs :guitar:

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looking real nice mate , they will start packing on size soon and look like will be a nice amount off them :yep:  they smelly real skunky yet,..

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Thanks dude @panik


looking forward to the next few weeks mate. Gonna be a RGSC party round mine :band:


8 hours ago, panik said:

they smelly real skunky yet,..


Funny, I actually wrote 'they smell realy skunky' but deleted it as it seemed a silly thing to say. 


Yes mate, smelling well skunky :naughty:


Nice one, 


Tigs :guitar:

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