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Nugs's Deeliteful DINAdventures 2017


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They seem to be drying til stem snap in two weeks for me which is just about right for my liking but the humidity in the attic is holding them off being ready for the jars. They're jarred but with the tops off and humidity is 68% at the minute. Set a mini humidifier up tonight so I'm hoping that will bring it down a bit so I can seal the jars and start burping ;)



Cheers mucker, I smoked a bud of the early one I chopped from plot 2 and there wasn't much smell, tasted sweet though. Effect was heavy body for an early bud but not much psychoactivity. We'll see what it's like after a cure :)

Well the PO looked like she was starting 2 weeks ago so surely I'm gonna see flowers tomorrow, hope so. I will be proper buzzing if that big one finishes, will be the best plant I've ever grown, she's had enough attention for an outdoor plant, more than I've ever given before. So fingers crossed mate.

Yeah, looks like Beez has done some good wizardry here :) He'll be setting his own bean shop up soon. We can test em for him lol

Big respect to you both lads, your comments have been very inspirational throughout this diary :yep:


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I'm no panik, I just like making seeds :)


I have just started another project after seeing results from outdoors, a very late seed run in the gh...I hope it'll come off. 


Nugs, with your growing skills I know you'll pull it off! 

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Haha, buzzing mate, there's no holding you back! Top man :) I think your Essex kush is gonna be a belter! She was well in front of the ACM last visit so can't wait for tomorrow. Good luck with this late seed run ;)

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A little update on the bud situation.

More of a picture update really because most has been said in the comments above about drying, humidity and weights etc.


Plot 1 Blue Critical first, 12g of whispy buds because of early chop but I'm sure she's gonna be tasty




Plot 1 Bubba Kush auto, also chopped early because of mold issues and weighed in at 27g




And finally the Bubba Kush auto from plot 1 chopped 2 weeks ago. She's really surprised me this one. Had to lose another 3 decent sized nugs due to mold while drying but she still weighed in at 72g. Me and autos didn't get along before this grow but we have become good friends now lol




So as far as I'm concerned this diary has been a result because it was all about Bubba Kush and Blue Critical that were kindly gifted by Dinafem, 111g of dry buds in the jars has been worth the effort. The rest will be a bonus :)


As usual, many thanks for looking

Happy growing and keep it green :yep:



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That's really surprising that an auto x photo is slower than a quick photo! 


I bet your well happy with that final weight, 72g off a gg auto is excellent,  you just need to test it now :D

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Sun grown Bubba in the north of the UK that is a great yield especially as it's gg you must be stoked mate! :) Bet she tastes superb and ATB for the rest of the season my friend :) 

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@jadenugs awesome work buddy! That's a fantastic result! Some quality looking weed there! Now comes the hard bit the testing! Excellent job:yep:

Fingers crossed for the PO! 

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Cheers lads and sorry for the late reply, been a bit fucked up this weekend lol


Tried the plot 1 Bubba on Friday night and she's nice. Yes I'm well stoked with the yield.......and the quality :)

A bit sticky and lumpy in the grinder as can be expected so soon after drying and without a proper cure yet. Had issues emptying the herb basket in the vape when done as it's a long narrow basket but I'm sure it'll fluff up nicely after a cure. Still struggling with humidity being 69-70% in the attic, even after putting a mini dehumidifier up there.


Nice thick smooth vape and tastes subtly sweet, not oversweet but nice and I'm sure there's a hint of spice in there.


Nice indica effect off this but no couchlock and a nice stoned feeling with clear enough thoughts, more psychoactive than the early chopped one from plot 2


So I'm very happy with this gear overall and it can only get better when I can get it cured properly. Leaving the lids off the jars is not taking the humidity down so I might have to seal them and get on with the cure by doubling up on the bovedas, see if that works.


Thanks again for the compliments lads. All the best :)




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Hi all
Time for an update on both plots :) Plot 2 first, followed by plot 1
When I got to plot 2 the Dinachem and Critical Jack were over on their sides and probably had been for about a week but no real damage to the plants apart from the roots will have had some breakage. No ill effects though. So first thing to do was right them and steak them back up. I just used the pegs and twine i used to tie them down originally. I finally thinned them out and got rid of the lowers and spindly shoots from the middle. The big P.O. was solid and hadn't budged, so was the EK :) 
On checking the Essex Kush I found a couple of buds in the middle had rot so I cut these out and thinned the plant of large fan leaves.
The trichomes were saying she could be chopped but not the pistils, they were only just starting to wither at their tips and I've decided to push her another fortnight.
Onto the pics
Group shot of the fallen plants and the PO. The CJ at the left looks small as all the top was behind the PO.
Critical Jack uprighted and pruned
Dinachem uprighted and pruned
A group shot after righting the toppled plants
Purple Orange CBD before I pruned her and an after shot of her undercarriage.  
And the Essex Kush
Thanks for looking. Plot 1 coming coming soon :)


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Plot 1 update.
This is the plot I expected more of the plants to be toppled after the heavy winds but there was only the Critical Jack that had gone over. Luckily it was still off the ground because I had to leave it as it was. I'll explain later.
I checked the ACMxEPK for rot and there were 2 colas that had a fair bit on them. I chopped the colas and salvaged what I could from them to dry out for an early taster. Pistils and trichs were much the same as the EK so I started thinning out the fan leaves between the colas and she'll stay out another 2 weeks I reckon, weather permitting.
I was 2/3rds through pruning when I heard both barrels of a shotgun go off and it sounded close. Carried on pruning for a bit then heard both barrels go off again so I had to abort mission and get out of there in case they came my way lol  
So I'm hoping I'd made enough airflow through the plant. Also I hadn't pruned the CJ and 2 POs or righted the CJ as mentioned earlier. Never got a pic of PO#2 either. Shit happens.
Here's some pics anyway.
Group shot first


Critical Jack
Purple Orange CBD  
That's it for this update. Next in 2 weeks with some SOP for the Dinafem photos and to crop the EK and ACM. Of course, that might be sooner if we don't have any dry weather.
Many thanks for looking.
Happy growing and keep it green :yep:


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Your smashing it with them hacks mate. I'd be a bit careful pushing the ACMxEPK, if it's anything like cream mandarin it'll have really dense buds that can rot from the inside. 

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Looking nice, and yes your PO cbd is looking very similarly (un)developed as my Original Amnesia. Here's to a sunny November for you. I know my November will be warm, sunny and dry!

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Thanks mate. Yeah I'm watching the weather closely. Rest of week isn't going to be too bad. See if it lasts out til the weekend. Then I'll look at the long range for the following week and decide from there. I can only really crop on a weekend because of hours I'm working. It's a tough one :)



Cheers dude, thinned her out best I had time for and enough to leave decent branches with some airflow. I'm hoping November will be crisp instead of damp. Slow growth but less rot is a good compromise I reckon. If not it's not the end of the world, the PO, CJ and DC were just a test and I would have put any cuttings I had out to fill spaces. Planted a Ugorg Blues in a shit spot North side of a bush shielding it from the sun last year, bit of fbb and water retaining crystals on plant out. Went back mid November to find a few bits of rot and pulled an oz :) That is a really good set up you have with the burner mate and should serve you well. All the best :yep:

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