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I was there all day Sunday with friends and it wasn't busy at all. Dj's were playing to an empty car park and you couldn't really chill because there were only a couple of dozen chairs to sit on in the whole venue


I'd have thought that for the £30 entry fee you would have at least had somewhere to sit. We are stoners after all and plenty of places to chill are a necessity. The vibe was good though and we had a good time but £30 was taking the piss a bit


All the security guys, and the dog were sound. I walked in and they asked me if I would go for a pat down. He asked if I had any weed on me and I said of course. He asked how much and I said enough. He said thats good then and if you have any spare don't forget us stood here. Didn't even check me


A good day was had but it was pretty obvious it was thrown together pretty quick



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I got a bit put off by the location after checking Street View, seems a shame that these thing can be held somewhere a bit better, i would have thought costs could be covered quite easily by the amount of money you get from the traders and ticket sales

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Location was sound imo.  Lots of outdoor area so you could smoke. 


Security were spot on most proper exhibition venues, nec, excel, olympia will not let you carry on like that i bet.  Telford was certainly on top years ago never been ldn event thou. 


Music was bit of waste of time, must have spent fair bit on those acts also.   Perhaps cutting those back could have reduced price and just some background music rather than a proper stage. 


Best seats in dry were HSO stand.  

Sweet seeds were great sorted me out proper.  


Was a rip off really.  



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What I find annoying about the image within the  industry is the gangster crap ! Throwing shapes ,busting rhymes with illiterate junkies like Tupac . There's too much hype already . 

Couldn't a cannabis trade show in the UK throw in a surprise like the Neil Cowley trio .It was in Birmingham ,maybe "UB 40" ,or a classical outfit ,and have black the ripper perform to die a greater death . I was disappointed in Barcelona with the few social clubs I went into . Enjoyed them too ,met some nice people but I felt I'd have to act and look like Ali G if I wanted to fit in .No handshakes ,fist bumps . Strange anyway , not in the Bronx or Detroit but elsewhere its odd.


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