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Ricky Gervais | Challenging Belief


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9 minutes ago, Boojum said:

I used to think I knew it all :doh: now all I really know for certain is that I actually know fuck all lol maybe I'm getting wiser in my middle age - I certainly couldn't get any less wise than I was when I was younger lol )


lol Aye mate, it's quite the learning for sure, more questions always, but sounds like you've travelled quite the path already as it's a lot to understand when the lies reveal themselves, sort of bottoms out your whole understanding of the world and then the real discoveries are made like and it all links up, then you find out it isn't quite that simple though lol  




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There's too much smoke for there to be no fire. Organised religion, as we know it, is a control mechanism. Before it became that it was something else. What keeps getting me is the growing number of people I discover who have some belief in a greater power. God if you wish to call it that. I don't know what it is but I know it's something. Nobody can convince me that there's no intelligence in everything we see around us. That there's no intelligence at work in nature. Some of these people who hold this belief in something higher and something we can't comprehend, are much smarter people than all of us. People like Tesla, Einstein and a list of scientists on that level appear to have reached a conclusion that there is something more that we don't understand. Another thing I've been noticing is bright and successful people on a global level also hold similar opinions. Attributing their own success to some higher power. I'm not talking about religion although many of them will put it in that category. I've experienced some interesting things the last few years. Spiritual powers. Some psychic events too. Things that cannot be explained and have proven to me there's more than meets our eyes. Just look at the number of clear thinking people who have admitted there must be more. I'm absolutely convinced there is something and I'm also sure I'm managing to tap in to it.


This is an interesting quote from an interview with Einstein when asked about whether he believes in god.



“Your question [about God] is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I AM NOT AN ATHEIST. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that SOMEONE MUST HAVE written those books. It does not know WHO OR HOW. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes A DEFINITE PLAN IN THE ARRANGEMENT of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, TOWARD GOD. We see a universe MARVELOUSLY ARRANGED, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the MYSTERIOUS FORCE that sways the constellations.”


There are clues everywhere which point toward certain things not being a load of bollox. When you start getting first hand shit happening to you in your life it becomes impossible to ignore or deny.

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These sort of discussions are not encouraged in our society.


Its either believe or be an atheist or agnostic. Any other ideas are mocked at best. Most discussions seem to be about versus Islam and trying to drag non Christians into their gang. Sort of like a big self fulfilling end times prophecy but self induced.


More discussions and less killing might be a start to the path of enlightenment

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53 minutes ago, Nick Berry said:

These sort of discussions are not encouraged in our society.


Its either believe or be an atheist or agnostic. Any other ideas are mocked at best. Most discussions seem to be about versus Islam and trying to drag non Christians into their gang. Sort of like a big self fulfilling end times prophecy but self induced.


More discussions and less killing might be a start to the path of enlightenment


Let them live in their monochrome existence, it's their realities and not for anyone to choose their paths, they'll just have to go round and around until they finally see and hear what is emcompased around them ;)


Transcendence through the layers and peel one off at a time until the purest of truths is found, the source, the beginning, the end and the everything from where we came and where we go in this hologram of learning.


Yeah the 'daily grind' and machination of life is only ever so slightly shit in comparison really isn't it lol

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  • 1 month later...

To get things back on topic.

RG is a clever comedian, too much "homage" to the bril (imho) Larry Davis, but talented enough when he's doing his comedy.

It's when I see him on shows as "himself" I think he's a greasy slutcunt.

Just seems to try too hard.

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