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Lildaveham's Auto Sweet Seeds 4th Competition Diary


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28 minutes ago, Elvis Reg said:

Nice haul and batman looked on. :yep:


@Elvis Reg


Yes brother reg some of the smells have gotme seriously excited !!


will be back with a smoke report and some hash making!! 


Have a lovely Sunday fella!


im just on a wake and bake with a cuppa and the sun.




lil d.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys!


im not done yet ........ back from me holidays and the tolerance has been reset. 8 days in Spain with 0 smoke and I am smoking maybe 2 single skinners an evening and getting smashed on it!


gonna make some hash tonight using all the sweet Skunk buds and Mohan ram2 a total of 55g of dry buds lol  I am using my brand new 3kg camping washing machine and about 6kg of ice. I am following the Frenchy Canolli method and only using 3bags and no 25micron bag at all.


just gonna have some food and then crack on, pics and results to follow. 


P.S. I soooooooooooooo wish I was still in Spain I love the culture, food, vibe, language and people so much I think I must have been Spanish in another life! lol 


hasta luago amigos!!




lil d. :bong:

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2 hours ago, rabthegrower said:

no too shabby at all ;) tight space, lots of buds, well done mate :) 

Nice one rab,


ened up just doing the sweet skunk buds a total of 37g and ran for 2 hrs. Got just nuder 2g of hash that i cant even touch with my bare hands cos it just sticks like shit lol gonna dry it out for another 24-48 hra and press it into a temple ball style hash. Picking kittens up tonight too!! 2boys!! Oh fuck lol 




Lil d

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So guys I decided to press some hash ball today and here is some pics of the process.


Its with the bubble hash from my first go at washing machine hash and I pressed it and chilled it before folding it in on itself and pressing it again. I did this 4 times and the last time I used the freezer to chill it whilst I had a pipe.:bong:

i have ended up with 1.1g but I know where I could improve yeild by washing longer with more ice, I think I need some new bags too.


anyhoo enjoy the pics.....




So that's the washing and filtering and here's the pressing.....




And the hash ends up back in the pot the seed was germed in lol 


que music.....



Thats the circle of liiiiiiifeeeeee ...... lol 


peace !


lil d.

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Well folks I guess that's the end.


i am suitably stocked with some lovely buds and hash.


I must admit I was sceptical having never done autos before but I am impressed at the speed and end quality of all the sweet seed varieties I have been blessed with by the sweet seeds boys.


Mohan ram :-


Both plants were similar and the resulting bud is (bearing in mind I fucked up at some point) very nice and quite similar to each other. 


Smell / taste 8/10

This Reminds me of the old school wow in smell and taste musky and almost sweaty with a massive grapefruit fuel twang to it she is lovely. Inhale gives you the mustiness and the exhale is almost a papery grapefruit yes papery not peppery as in paper! lol I know but that's what it tastes like to me


Effects 8/10

Stoned! I have been saving this for bedtime as it's a quick hitting sedative smoke. It's had the Mrs asleep in seconds after a few tokes lol  Very nice chill weed.


Cream Caramen up next.......



after breckie.....





Lil d.





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