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Kiminals Sweet Seeds Competition Diary Part 2

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Nice start Kiminal, thanks for participating in the contest ;)

all the best and sweet smokes!


Edited by Sweet Seeds -Jaypp
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It's always nice to see every seed pop and getting off to a good start, I'm loving the germination rates im seeing in these diaries. Best of luck with the grow :lucky:

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@@Arthur Mix

No, it's marketed as dual spectrum, I believe other units in its range do (or did - this is 5 yrs old now - I think it's all moved on a bit) I can see the imprinted section on the casing where the "other" switch would be.

I've got such limited experience with LED and I'm not very techy sadly.

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A quick update, the girls are a week old today, the sad little seedling that didnt really develop eventually turned black and fell over, I haven't dwelled on it so much, c'est la vie and all that.

They are settling in to their pots well, I've moved them all up by standing them on top off empty pots so they are much nearer the lamp and all basking in the pink loveliness.

The three Dark Devils are slightly bigger than the Blow minds.

Dark Devil


Sweet seeds Dark Devil auto

Blow Mind

Blow mind

Sweet Seeds Blow mind auto

and all 5 (3 Dark Devils, 2 Blow Mind) back in bed



The weather has been very stable, I've given up on raising the humidity other than the odd misting of water and occasional misting of nitrozyme


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Well a few more days have passed and I wasn't going to post any pics today but looking at the last ones I posted I think the girls have come along great under the LED so here they are

Blow MInd Auto x 2

Sweet seeds mind blown auto

Dark Devil x 3

sweet seeds dark devil auto

Please excuse the wonky picture, i can just fit the three pots around the leg of the bed to get them in one shot!
All back in the pink nursery, Im playing around with heights and spacing at the moment as a couple of them looked a little curlled at the edges so will move this down a touch away from the light to see if they improve.


I'm really impressed so far, they're all nice chunky and squat, just what i hoped for so far.
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Day 14 from breaking ground (I've found colours!) 


first we have the three Dark Devils, filling out the pot i hope, they seem happier now I've moved them away from the light 






Now for the 2 Blow minds 




I'm waiting for my chance to bend the tops over and have a proper go at some lST, they aren't quite all tall enough but any day now... 

Tallest Dark Devil 



And the tallest Blow mind




Tomorrow they'll receive their first full watering with 1ml nitrozyme.  


Until next time....  :) 

Edited by Kiminal
Pics in wrong places!
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Today I've tried a bit of LST on the dark Devils, I braced the bottom of the main stem with twine attached to a corner of the pot, then used another loop of twine to bend the top of the plant towards the opposite corner. 



I'll be watching them closely and fiddling with the string at various points. 


The two blow mind I've decided to leave as they are for a day or two as they didn't feel very bendy just yet. 


Not a very exciting update I know but there's always next time :) 

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Nice @Kiminal, all looking healthy. Couldn't see but is this your first time with led? I find it can keep plants very short esp in veg. But some autos can also be short and stocky so double wammy. I grew a blown mind out last year and she was pretty much one solid 20cm cola! Strong smoke, and the name is quite apt...leaves me stumbling round like a bit of an idiot!


good luck!


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Thank you for dropping by! 

This isn't my first time with LED, my first two ever grows, were under this LED Unit about 4 or 5 years ago, I grew wonder woman (I forget who) and smellyberry bx (my first ever subbie seeds). Looking back, I did well considering I was just starting out but there were very few LED growers on here and I wanted to learn by immitation so I jumped ship to HPS. 

I've decided to go back to LED to see if these last few years have taught me anything and to see what the light can do, it's a bit outdated now with the current amazing LED's on the market but I think it's still got a lot of life left in it so it would be a shame to leave it sat in the box.


I'm hoping the LED keeps them short and stocky as I don't have a lot of head height, I may leave the blowmind as they are as looking around at other grows, they seem to stay a manageable height for my needs. 


I'm really excited about the blowmind, everything I've read from the smoke reports makes me think this will be a girl who will make a regular appearance in my grow room :)


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The Dark Devil will thank you for that. Can add so much yield to the plant.


Looking good in here though mate, just keep the Dyson on the down low and they will be budding in no time.

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thank you, so far so good, early days though. one of the dark Devils has really taken to being tied up, she's going great guns, I added a couple more strings to her today, but the other two are a bit harder, to be honest it's like trying to LST a pair of Savoy cabbages.  I've been leaf tucking them obsessively though and hope they catch up a bit. I think this grow is going to be much harder for me with the LED but I'm up for the challenge, it's all good learning. 

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