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Cheers @@Key4, might be worth noting bro, that I'm not sure if these regular Tophat grommets used would be adequate for bigger reservoir's. (I'm only running 6ltr's in the 10ltr res tub).

I saw somewhere their is a type of grommet (can't think what called) that is a bit more up to the job than the reg's.

Then again this could all be a load of tosh and after medicating last night, could of all been just a dream lol

While here...

So I've pulled the Jack47 that was struggling a wee bit and replaced it with the IceCool Bean,


Peace :hippy:

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spidermite bastards and thrips bastards double hit last grow :badass: , If slugs turned up now it would just break me mate,

On the floor sobbing you'd find me, as the spray bottles roll away from my hands.

Aye, first glance at the pic and i can see why lol

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Day25 veg

Turns out some plank got his wish and a few gals look a little yellow on the tips lol

No worries, Had a dooby cuppa and changed out nutes yesterday for a 1.1EC :blushing: You gotta test things though eh :D

Root check today, all's good there.

I need to go see how things went in previous noodles now and figure when to switch 12/12.

Easier said than done 'cuz those runs were straight 12/12 off the bat and all the way to finish.

Don't think i can leave these to much longer before i do though so a bit of guesswork coming up lol

Oh yeah! My Ph pen gave up the ghost so i am using the 'drop here and there method' until i think the nutes are at a Ph of 6.0. :cowboy:


Peace :hippy:

Edited by mygreenmojo
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@@mygreenmojo Roots = buds.. And those roots look spectacular mate.. If I didn't know any better I'd swear you've done this before.. lol

Loving the Pot Noodle pots.. Couldn't go fishing in my younger days without a Bad Boy, warm you through to the bone.

Best of luck on your grow mate, though you seem to have it all under control.. :oldtoker:

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Cheers for poppin' in guys, If you want biscuits i still have some.

After hearing how ravenous Art can be lol the cookie jar is hidden now, So you will have to say the magic words.

Which are, "Pass one I got the munchies".

Roots, bloody roots :g:

I've been having a look over the gals legs today trying to figure if theirs any contenders to beat the 73g's.

One or Two are looking on course but I'm pretty much all out of time now and need to switch to 12/12 today or tomorrow.

(Due to room left in pots).

They'll not start flowering for a few weeks yet as pre-flowers haven't shown up but they'll have a bit of time to reach up a little and,

Get used to the pot tweaking just done.


Drilled 4 x 5/6mm holes in the bottom of the pots.

Hopefully allowing the nutes to work down through the roots instead of sitting, as the root mass thickens.

Roots blocking the holes isn't much of a worry here as the plants are lifted and rotated every few days.

What is and will be a pain in the butt though, is trying to find a happy flow to the rootzone.

In past venture's the plants have looked a wee bit droopy (well lots droopy to be honest :D ).

This is something I'm still trying to get right and it just takes a bit of time.

They should battle through though so live in hope.

I'm off now, to start this battle with a bit of timer fiddling :pirate:

Fresh Feed

Rhizo @2ml/ltr

A+B veg @ 1ml/ltr, which gives an EC of 1.1

Ph @ A rather good guess or, Oh shit.

Temp given @ 20.4c



Peace :hippy:

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Cheers my friend :D

What an amazing work and way to share it with all of us here at UK420 :yep:

And the best of all is that the plants are enjoying it even more than us :lucky:

All the best and sweet diary!


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