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Dinafem 50/50 **Better Late Than Never**


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Thanks so much for getting this grow diary going mate just reading it sounds like has been very hectic :)

We did used to label the vials also but we stopped doing this several years back so here's hoping you got the right strain :)

Our industrial plant was one of the first strains specially designed for the indoor grow environment, she's a very fast flowering lady 45-50 days with a decent yield. The last quadrant I ran 4 plants per light was around 16oz per light :) so not a bad yield :)

I'll be along for the ride mate. I think you'll be quite impressed with the end product and again thank you for following through with the grow diary and thank you for the picture update mate much appreciated.

Until the next update :oldtoker:

All the best


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Did i mention id do something later on in the week there ?! Ha ha ha

You know im wrecked if i start repeating myself like a pub talker ha ha ha

@@botanics cheers for popping through. It was your ip cbd diary that made me think of the orginal mate. Again, the fact there werent much on it out there reeled me in. If what was out there had of been negative experiences then i may not of gone for it. that werent the case though and infact everyone that spoke of growing it had said how nice it was.


Everyones welcome my friend so pull up a chair, kick up a foot, light up a fatty and buckle up for the journey mate. Glad to have you along.


I will be popping those to do on here aswell shortly ... well thats if i aint already got them on the go that is

Edited by Sinbud
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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for coming by. You must forgive me for not starting this diary sooner but at one point i wasnt sure if i could continue growing fullstop. Everything mostly i could deal with but i ended up with the old bill out here twice due to my neighbours being complete cnuts and as im legal custodian to my daughter i just could not risk having them on my door step at the wrong time. Anyway things have settled down now and alls been quiet for a few months and im going with the attitude that all its done is put me behind a little, so onwards i go ! I will of course be honouring the 2 grow diaries with the strains you guys so kindly gifted ,but will end up running into the new year so my apologies again.

Forward we go

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So As we Move onwards and upwards .............

To say i'm impressed is an understatement ! only 12 hours in and i have a full House !!

20160905 070424

I popped them back in their kelpy Blanket for a few more hours and went off to work. Once the Day was done, i arranged the polystyrene cups with just enough coco so that the heads would be just under the medium surface. I pre-soaked each of these with a solution of maxicrop and magne cal @ 0.25ml per litre, left for an hour and then came back to dig them a hole each before burying them into their new temporary places of residence.

I spray 1 squirt of the solution over the top of each cup once a day and once established I saturate daily with the same solution to draw that fresh air into the rootzone and they doooo love that seaweed :yes: i will carry on like this until the cotlyedons wither away and then start with my feed regime.

Main reason for the magne cal was to buffer up the coco a bit. I used to get deficiencies every time with seedlings and establishing clones that were a few weeks in. Since doing this it's completely eliminated the problem for me so its standard practice in my garden.

20160905 070203

I then got the zip locks out and wedged them in over 2 bags and locked them in tight.
Off to their new home for a bit now !

20160905 071134

For the next few weeks they will be switched between the 2 x 15w fluoros more in the red and 1 x 15w T5 type lamp that is on the blue side. I like to give them a bit of both spectrum's and i do find they root pretty quickly since doing this.
I double up the cups and the bottom one acts as a spill off to the top which have holes crudely ripped out around the base. I've had the same cups since September last year and only ever loose the odd one to excessive roots growth mangled outside the holes ! Bummer eh ?
Il be back up in the next few days with a Real Time update and were currently a couple of days into week 3
im of to :skin_up: and slap my go to station - Kool London - on the wyliss !! Hip Hip
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That's what we like to see 12 hours and a 100% germination rate :) this is always a great way to start a grow.

Nice job on potting up into there new homes and these should at 3 weeks be well on there way :)

Thank you again for starting this grow diary and thank you for the picture update mate much appreciated.

Until the next update :oldtoker:

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

Girls are coming along nicely ! I thought i may of had a bunch of genetic freaks as they have been pushing out 3 fingered leaves up until last night when i realised the new top growth was coming through with 5 fingers.

Do you know if this trait is common in the IP mark ?

I will be back on this eve with an update and some pics

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@@Dinafem-Mark thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

Girls are coming along nicely ! I thought i may of had a bunch of genetic freaks as they have been pushing out 3 fingered leaves up until last night when i realised the new top growth was coming through with 5 fingers.

Do you know if this trait is common in the IP mark ?

I will be back on this eve with an update and some pics

The 3 finger leaf trait, yes I've seen this with out industrial plant but not the auto cbd version. The ip photoperiod can start of with the 2 tap leaves then the next set will be 1 finger education then 3 finger education up until node 4-6 :) not very often does this occur but yes it is a ip trait :)

Nothing to worry about mate :)

All the best


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the Lack of updates but not a great deal of action been going on over here .. well not on the garden front anyway. I had an unexpected knock at the door from the plod last week about my neighbour. They didnt get through the front door and my house allways smells nice from the air freshners scattered thoughout so not overly concerned. My dear old mum's got a nose like a blod hound when it comes to weed odours and if she cant smell it on her visits then i should be all good. new filters a few months ago so what i would expect.


Lets have a lil catch up shall we ?!

Im a typical bloke and like looking at things rather than reading loads of guff so here we go ....

20161004 234019

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So my feeding schedule is well on the way.
They have been getting an ec of 1.2 for the first 3 weeks after the cotyledons wither away . Before that they had feedings of calmag and seaweed and just water every other day.
Last week i started feeding between 1.2 and 1.6 every other day as they were looking as if they needed the extra feed. I can see them being hungry little buggers !!
My feeding regime is a little obscure to say the least ...
I orginally started off with canna coco as i was using that before i last gave up growing probably back in 2005 or 6 ?!@$ anyway.. i thought id go back to what i know only to realise that they must of changed the design of the nutes as every plant i chucked them at picked up a deficiency .. either cal mag or p to be precise. Anyway i had a load of bottles kicking about still since that 2006 grow (stored unopen in a ambient storage unit as i once owned a hydro store) so i decided to analyze the coco a and b and run tem through a nifty little spreadsheet i have.
Anyway i basicaly made up my own feed program with what bottles i had which should see the plant through its entire life cycle. I can drop the n down and increase the p for the whole of week 5 flower if i wanted but have nt seen a significant difference.
So heres my coco regime
Per litre
0.5ml coco a and b
1.5ml pk 13/14
3ml cal mag
1ml trace
So the bulk of N actually comes from the calmag while providing enough levels of calmag to fend off any crippling defficiencies. The a and b is there puely to just take the N to optimum levels and at a little of the trace and humic/fulvic acids.The pk is just right for the entire life cycle and the trace keeps evetything rounded off.
So in 10 litres of water i add 5litres worth of nutes (half dose) and this gives me an ec of 1.4 . 3ml worth in 10litres gives me 1.2 ec and 7litres worth in 10litres gives me 1.6 where as the full 10ml worth in 10 litres gives me between 1.8 and 1.9 ec. Although never really got past 7ml per 10litre. Less s always more in my book anyway.
Anyone interested in seeing the results of this regime should pass thrugh my signature diary . Il be uploading some resulting nugg pix over there later on.
Any way i will be back with a current day update over the weekend and hopefully will be getting ready for flowering at end of next week.
Im off for a fatty so until next time, take care out there people
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Some nice growth showing mate and they are definitely going to live the extant medium that is there due to the potting up :).

Your feeding regime and ec sound bang on mate :)

Now they have been potted up and have some extra room these should now hit the rapid veg stage :)

Thank you for the picture update mate much appreciated and keep up the great work!

Until the next update :oldtoker:

All the best


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  • 1 month later...

My apologies to mark and dinafem crew. Unfortunately my problems with my neighbours escalated to the point where i spent a night at her majs pleasure after splatting the dads next doors nose accross his face. Luckily i pre empted it and cleared my yard of all evidence of plant life just to find they didnt even search the place. Any way, charges dropped after the cnut see sense as he threw first punch. Im now looking to move next year but intend on doing a run in the first few months of 2017 and thankfully 3 out of the 5 IP's survived the shitty conditions they were left in for 2 or so weeks. The next few weeks will be spent getting them back to health ready for a new year flower party.

Apologies once again but we will get to run these even if it breaks me

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@@Sinbud sorry to hear about your issues mate :( never nice having to spend any time at HMP. Glad it was only a short stay and things are semi looking better.

Nice to hear several ip have endured and good to know you will be putting these to bloom in the new year :)

Thanks for the update mate much appreciated :oldtoker:

All the best


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  • 2 months later...

Hey all... 

Hope you lot are all good !!?

I finally have the 3 remaining phenos in a small flowering tent. 


The survivors were pheno 2, 4 and 5 and

They are currently 2 weeks in since the flip.


I have given them a good veg so they could fully recover from their abuse and neglect towards the end of last year and they have bounced right back. They are now in 8 litre fabric pots and doing fantastic. 


I dont hold out for much on this run as far as yield but i should have a new keeper out of this lot.


I really wanted something that would grow well in veg and flower really quickly. I had always had my eye on pheno 4 as it kept quite short and squat and was the first to throw pistils up signalling its maturity.


This little beauty has met my earlier expectations so far and was the first to show pre bud formation at just 4 days in. Fingers crossed that this will be my early finisher !  Just got to hope that the smoke wil be up to parr if it is .


I have managed to take cuttings of the remaining phenos so will be ready to go in on a mono straight after this lota has finished. 


I will throw some piccys up in the next day or two but for now i just wanna say im so glad to be back and look forward to what the ip's bring to my garden.

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Great to hear that you managed to salvage 3 mate and yes you should easily find a keeper out of these 3 for your next run ;)


Will look out for a picture update until then thank you for letting us know what's going on :yep:


All the best 



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  • 1 month later...

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