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The benefits of liquid seaweed fertilizer

Guest StonerCol

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Guest StonerCol

@@sy100276 what I have started doing is making up my soil - decent quality compost + fish, bone and blood mix - then spraying each layer with the seaweed as I put it into my tubs. I then leave the soil for a couple of days in my grow room - whilst my seeds are germing - then it is all warm and nutritious for the plants to go crazy in :)

Fuck paying £20 for a bag of "super" soil from Bio Bizz!

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Hi guys

Yes seaweed in all the forms liquid or calcified etc is fantastic stuff that i think of as general tonic/pick me up..i dip cuttings in a cap of sm3 etc etc...but im sure i read from ot1 many years ago that using it too much can have a detrimental effect too..im sure a small yield loss was his conclusion...if anyone here can find the post from way back im sure its something along those lines..

Anyway my point is dont go overboard with it...living soil with rockdust and minerals is a different beast...but my advice would be for growers in average 6.5s take it easy..


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I enjoy spraying with seaweed but also alternate between that and spraying with orthosilicic acid. Try it guys, much healthier plants. Make sure you put a heathy dose of yukka extract in your sprays too.

Edited by skunked-up
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Hi guys

Yes seaweed in all the forms liquid or calcified etc is fantastic stuff that i think of as general tonic/pick me up..i dip cuttings in a cap of sm3 etc etc...but im sure i read from ot1 many years ago that using it too much can have a detrimental effect too..im sure a small yield loss was his conclusion...if anyone here can find the post from way back im sure its something along those lines..

Anyway my point is dont go overboard with it...living soil with rockdust and minerals is a different beast...but my advice would be for growers in average 6.5s take it easy..


If you use a concentrated chelated liquid you can over do it.

If you use Kelp Meal then you cannot.


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  • 2 months later...

Even just Fishmix in most cases tbh.

Seaweed in any of its forms meal,calcified,extract whatever is certainly a beneficial but just that. Not absolutely necessary but so cheap n easy. The benefits kinda justify the use.

But yeh, them+decent soil+mycos.

The golden 3. FOr cheap. Straight forward. Hassle free growing.

Cal' s.w is to be sprinkled only on top or ok in full mix ?

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I have a bottle of Tomorite and also a bottle of Westlands nutri tomato plant food .Both contain seaweed,would either of these be a good source?.I do use 3mil per 3litres fishmix in veg then drop it down till 2mil per 3litres in bloom ..I guess I don't need a seaweed additive?


I could use a few mil of the nutri food for a few feeds to replace the fishmix and pm bloom I use..i do give pk 13/14 for a few weeks also at beginning of flower

Edited by NuVista
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Guest StonerCol

@@NuVista I wouldn't use those products personally mate. Whatever else is in them might not be great for canna plants. You can get from Wilkinsons (Wilkos?) a bottle of seaweed concentrate that will last you months. It's about £2! GREAT stuff.

P.S. The same shop also sells fish, blood and bone mix for about the same price. Soil for a quid and fortify it yourself. Jobs a good 'un :)


Col :oldtoker:

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Better to have a dedicated one mate like Maxicrop or Shropshire but it won't do any harm if there's a supplement with those foods and will be added in low quantity :yep: (my bloom food is fortified with seaweed extract and is a tomato fertiliser)

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  • 4 years later...

Great topic. 

What I gathered from it is, a good brand of organic liquid seaweed feed, and good quilaty fish, blood and bone meal, should be enough to have healthy plants.

There is no shortage of raw seaweed, or seaweed meal beside me. We use it here in the veg plots and flower beds.


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