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THC extraction using butane.

Sun Tzu

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I found pouring into an oven dish, the type for small lasagna's, worke best for evaporation. The oven dish is sitting in an inch of hot water in a washing up bowl. The evaporation takes about 10 minutes for 2 cans of butane.

As far as quantities go, I fill the cafettiere about 2/3rds full, without the trim being packed down. After the butane has gone in I put the plunger back in the lid (the hole in the lid that the plunger goes through is the perfect size to fit one of the nozzles on the butane can) and push it down til the plant material is at the level of the butane. This ensures that all the weed is in contact with butane. This can be left for a few minutes like this, as the filter is still at the top level of the butane, and inhibits evaporation. When I pour into the oven dish you can see oil forming at the edges as soon as it starts bubbling off.

At the end, I use a little herb bottle with a pippette in the lid to collect the oil. I half fill the bottle with isopropanol, then add this drip-wise to the oven dish (out of the hot bath. We don't want to speed up evaporation of the alcohol!) I cover the oil on the edges to get as much oil dissolved in the alcohol as possible. When all the alcohol is in I keep sucking it up and squirting it over the remaining oil, holding one end of the dish up so that the oil/alcohol mixture collects in one end. Eventually, all the oil will be in the alcohol, and can be sucked up with the pippette and transferred to the bottle. It can now be stored almost indefinitely. I usually clean up with a couple of pippettes full of alcohol in the oven dish, and usually get a bit more oil out than I thought.

Med users beware! I have found that whatever it is in oil that keeps my nausea under control (possibly CBD or CBN) doesn't get extracted. The oil gives a nice clean buzz, but very little in the way of pain relief.

For tobacco smokers who want a stealth smoke, use the oil/alcohol mix to treat an ounce or two of baccy. Let it dry out and then keep it in a pouch. Up to a certain strength, you can smoke the treated baccy at work or anywhere, the smell is completely different. Once the strength gets too high you can smell something in the baccy, but you wouldn't necessarily say it was weed. My friend uses baccy like this all day at work. One bottle of oil lasts him about a week. Personally I prefer smoking weed because of the nausea limiting effects, the taste and smell. But for those who only want the buzz, this takes some beating!

For those who don't smoke tobacco, take three pipe screens, offset them by a 1/3 turn each, and keep dripping a couple of drops of oil over them every half an hour. You'll build up a nice load of oil on the screens which can then be used in a pipe. Just hold the lighter near the top one and watch it bubble away.

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I'm sorry to sound stupid, But instead of using butane, I beleive you can use Alcohol, I read about everclear 190 proof grain alcohol.

Is their any other alcohol you can use, and if so - Where can I get it from (If you know of somewhere....)

Thanks and best regards


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You can let the alcohol evaporate, but unless it was 100% alcohol, the water in it will have dissolved unwanted chemicals (such as chlorophyl) and they find their way into the oil too.... unless you plan on just drinking the alcoholic mixture afterwards instead of getting something you can smoke?

I've heard you can use isopropyl alcohol to do the extraction, but it needs heat treatment and it's poisonous. Personally I wouldn't start messing with something like that.

The advantages with butane are that it's pretty straightworward to do the extraction and evaporates easily at room temperature, leaving a relatively pure oil.

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Nice first few posts, sun tzu - not sure about the art of war, but you know the arts of toking!

As for ethanol/isoprop, I've read around and it seems the best solvent to use after butane is acetone, but I wouldn't bother with any solvent that's liquid at room temperature, cos then you've got to go messing around with boiling the solvent off, which leads to house fires...

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Fair enough, Seems like Butane will be the best bet..... Don't wanna blow myself up!! :spliff:

Anyway, I've been reading about the butane method, and I'm pretty sure I've got the jist!

I need a pipe, NOT PLASTIC etc. It needs to be something like copper.

2 End caps, 1 with 1 hole (For butane) other with more holes, for drainage.

A coffee filter

A Beaker (Whats the ideal material beaker??)


I saw a picture on this forum of someones extractor with the insulation round the pipe - I was gunna do this, but If i do this, does this mean I can hold the pipe while I'm running the butane through? (Cause I doubt i'll get a stand, and I'm only doing this as an experiment!)

Any help would be appreciated, I wanna make sure I know 100% whats happening cause like I said.... I don't wanna blow myself up!!!!

Thanks and best regards


Also, I just read about the coffee maker, I could give that a try!!

Also I'm wanting to use the actual buds that I buy about 1/8th How much oil would that bring? and is it worth it??

Edited by LiquidGold
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I've read of folks using copper pipe instead of plastic, because of the butane leeching nasties out, but personally I wouldn't use a metal pipe, a bit of toxic residue in your smoke is far preferable to blowing yourself up - a pipe full of butane is basically a pipebomb, and if there's a static spark off the copper... unlikely, I know, but not beyond the realms of possiblilty, better safe & all that :spliff:

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A Beaker (Whats the ideal material beaker??)

Whatever's to hand. Glass, plastic, porcelain - I don't think it matters much.

I saw a picture on this forum of someones extractor with the insulation round the pipe - I was gunna do this, but If i do this, does this mean I can hold the pipe while I'm running the butane through?

Insulation is a must if you hold the pipe. You can hold it with a bare hand, but you only do that once! :bush:

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Well, I'm going to give it a go, I think to start with I'll try the caffitiere method, If it doesn't work (I'm sure it will....) I'll risk killing myself with a few toxic nasties, Or blowing myself up!! HA! :war:

I'm off - Need a spliff!

Thanks and best regards


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all!

Pyrex, Pyrex and more Pyrex! Only ever use Pyrex!

My patch of frost-bite is still numb that I froze with butane 3 years ago, so careful, all!

Last word, I met someone who was doing this iN HIS KITCHEN! I cannot stress enough OUTSIDE ONLY! I don't want to feel responsible for someone's attempt at a Darwin award.


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Got a few questions.

1. What size of coffee maker are you using? I have just blagged one of the little ones (about the size of a can of beer)

2. Roughly how much bud/leaf should you use for 2 cans of butane?

3. My coffee maker doesnt say "PYREX" on it. Should i be worried, or is it safe to use (seeing that it is made for coffee and shouldnt really blow up!)

4. Where the hell can i get purified butane lighter gas from on the net in the U.K? I have spent absolutely ages trying to find it!

Thanks in advance for any help :guitar:

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I can help you with a couple of your questions.

2. Roughly how much bud/leaf should you use for 2 cans of butane?

I use a 22mm copper pipe about 12" long. I fill that and use about 1 1/2 cans of butane.

4. Where the hell can i get purified butane lighter gas from on the net in the U.K? I have spent absolutely ages trying to find it!

This is from a post by Hydronaut: http://www.keen-newport.com/ourBenchmark.htm

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Do NOT use PVC or Plastic pipe. I would rather not be walking around 2 years from now thinking I'm a grapefruit. Copper Pipes are safe and are just as unlikely to explode if you aren't an idiot and use the right precautions! Use a push-on cap, NOT a screw on cap. Do it OUTDOORS only, and make sure there's good ventilation. I can't believe that Boojum would say he would actually risk smoking the nasties. Maybe he is the source of all the dangerous soap that makes the cannabis community look bad :guitar:

Just kiddin Booj, but maybe you should actually think of what you are risking, when if you go the VERY SMALL extra step, and use a copper pipe in a safe environment, you'll be fine. Besides... a pipe bomb can be made out of a plastic pipe too mate :smoke:

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Fair points, skinny D, but you can't get a static discharge off plastic. There is a risk, admittedly very small, of static when using a metal gas can & a metal pipe together. One spark & it won't be the pot that's smoking. Though you're right, the risk off plastic is a real risk and not down to extremely bad luck, the nasty shit gets in there every time.

Don't use plastic :guitar:

(But only use copper pipe if there's no alternative)

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I can help you with a couple of your questions.

I use a 22mm copper pipe about 12" long. I fill that and use about 1 1/2 cans of butane.

This is from a post by Hydronaut: http://www.keen-newport.com/ourBenchmark.htm

I tried that link. It looks impossible to actually purchase the gas from that site and its all bulk prices in a confusing table.

Any other sources dude?


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